The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1562, Chapter 1562, Chapter 1562, Chapter 1562

"Oh, he came to the guests, saying that it is time to leave today ..." Ishi Siki remembered the phone that received a large air wing in the morning.

"Okay, don't take him, you will run warm up, let's train together!" Night wind, the people, the people, started to run around the court.

The lens is transferred to the backyard of Ruolinyuan.

boom! boom! If Lin is in the backyard and meets the coach practice to play the ball, it seems to be much better than when the old wounded before the final, the action is agile, and the judgment is very accurate.

"Source 3, how is your feet? How do you feel?" Seeing the coach stopped.

"Don't worry, it is completely not hurting!" If Lin Yuan has a busy repayment.

"You can't get it again, your injury is recovering, I will practice here today." I saw the slow essay.

"Yes, the coach!" John nodded.

"Hey!" I saw the towel picked up and throwing the Journey of Sweating.

bass! If Lin Yi grabs the towel and wipes the sweat of the forehead, "Thank you"! "

"Ruolin, you will graduate soon. After the holiday, you will be able to upgrade to middle school?" Seeing the coach pulling Ruolin sitting down.

"Yeah. I am preparing to repair the building, and the Changfeng Jun is a teammate. Although it is beautiful. Wonderful, but I want to do an opponent with him, I haven't reported me that I was put into five balls!" Toward, "I am looking forward to fighting with him!"

"Well! That kid is indeed a general guy, you compete with him will grow up quickly!" See you nodded, "But, the source is three, I have something to say to you."


"When you go to middle school, I can't do your private trainer." See you slowly.

"Ah ... why?" Ju Lin was shocked.

"This, the top of the Japanese Football Association is intended to let me go to German training as a coach. In order to have more advanced football concepts in the future, I plan to accept the invitation of the Football Association." See the reason.

"How long is it going?" If Lin hurriedly asked.

"After at least two years, after the completion of the training, I will have the opportunity to see all the European countries, see the most professional football in Europe." See the golden light of the eyes, "Do not find the most advanced football concept in Europe, I Will it return to Japan! "

"But see the coach ... If you are gone, then I will ..." Ju Lin is a little worried about the professional guidance that cannot be seen more quickly.

"I have long thought about it, the source is three." See the turning head, watching the burning, "Are you willing to go to Germany with me?"

"Ah, what?" Ju Lin was prompted to be a big jump, Germany was too far away from Jere, he learned that German football in the world through football magazine, but he didn't think I will have the opportunity to go directly to the culture of European football.

The lens returns to the football field of South Ge Primary School.

After Nange Zhong warm up, began to practice as usual.

The night long is a half-footed half, and then put the ball on the grass outside the goal away.

In the place in front of yourself, the night-catching obstacles are placed nearly ten plastic humanoid obstacles, which are a human obstacle that is particularly customized by night. One has nearly two meters high.

Ten of a row of rinsing in front of the night length, almost all of the night long winds, at least from the front night, no space, shouting the ball into the ball door.

"Wow, what do you think of the captain?" South Geardi-eyed brotherology pointed to the noction of the night, and Nan Ge people were attracted to the movement of the night, and the training in their hands. Run over the onlookers.

"If this distance is, the captain should be a free kick who practiced his night arc!" Ishizaki's intelligent analysis.

"But the long wind is not all practiced with tires, how can this time you don't have a tire, use the wall?" Pastelang has some doubts.

"The words come back, this people are too exaggerated! This distance, is such a high wall really shoot the ball into the door?" Ishiki shook his head.

The night-long wind is that the whole person has entered the state of forgetting me. He walked a few steps behind, then he stepped on, and his breath was touched. After the breathing was adjusted to the best, the night is suddenly started.

He stepped on the small break of Robert Carlos, rapidly rushed to the front of the ball, and then a scratch angry.

It is the shot of the left foot, which is a strong arc ball that is known as the left foot!

"Wow! It is not a night arc, the captain is used for the left foot!" Ishiki scared.

boom! The night-catching distance from 50 meters away from the ball door, it is to let the skinnochemical into a sphere of a burning shell, and Nange Zhong is standing outside the court. I can hear the ball and air. Wipe whistling sound.

When a loud sound homaged, the entire South Gazakho, and Nange people in the field were stupid.

The ball of night grew frying is actually on the leftmost plastic people, and then the plastic human obstacle of the leftmost side is directly headed.

Plastic debris is fried in the air, just like an explosion, the earthquake, all people rising, and how can they go together.

And the shell-like balloons did not change the direction, flying into the door of the 40 meters away, the nets were hit.

"My God, what is this shot? If you are on my face ..." I often use my face ball, Ishikasaki is full of round, although the plastic human obstacle is not a strong thing, but I want to use a football. If you kick, it is almost unlikely.

The night-length wind is not only the head of the human problem with the ball, but also incidents the ball into the goal.

"Kao! Mistakes!" And the night lengthy wind on the field looked at the head of the humanoid obstacle, shaking the head, the first test new movement, making the night long wind is not very satisfied.

1576 chapter, homemade skills

"Ishiqi, gave me the plastic plate behind you!" Night long wind turned to look at the appearance of Ishikasaki pointed to the humanoid plastic obstacle behind him.

"Yes, the captain!" Ishi Siki was scared by the night, he almost thought that the night's wind pointed him to act as a wall.

Let Southerne have packed a broken human obstacle, and the night grows back to resettle the new obstacle, or the same position is in front of the night, so that the night grows looks without any shooting. Angle and space.

After slowing down, the night length sweeps the ball in front of him, and vomiting a breath.

"It's coming, the captain has to start the plastics!" Ishiki voice did not fall, and the night-long striking step has started.

boom! When the night long wind, such as the Cheetah, before the ball, the night long-term wind left the left foot, and the front of the foot is directly pumped forward, between the first moment, the ball is like a frying.

call! With the words of whistling, the gods stunned in Nange Primary School, the ball actually spread a strange arc in the air, first flying around the people, then suddenly changed, wi the ball door to fly into the ball Among the net.

▉ ▉ ,

"My God, how did this goal do it, I have fly away from the door!" Ishi Siki surprised did not know what to say.

"The ball is too fast, I have never seen such a fast ball, and there is a speed, and there is a strange angle and arc. This kind of ball is afraid that Lin Jun can not fade! It's amazing!" Pastelang followed The father is moving everywhere, and I have seen many Japanese domestic players playing.

Timark the night long wind, this ultra-high speed, the strong arc, he is still seeing.

"Well!" The night's cold is on the court, and the heart is very happy. This is the effect he wants, the standard Robert Carlos' classic powerful arc ball.

Unlike the moon bend sword before the night, the moon bend knife is strong in the precision, and the rotating multi-trajectory is relatively easy to judge, and the strong arc ball will grab the speed, rotate less, but still rotate , Will suddenly change the change, very deceptive.

Of course, the disadvantage is that the success rate is not high, just like the night's first test kick, it is very likely that it can not kick it.

The solution to the night-long wind is to improve the speed of the ball flying as much as possible, create your own left foot for the world's first shooting speed.

"The speed is still not enough!" So the night's ball is still unsatisfactory.

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