The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1563 of the Chapter 1563 of the Prince of Tennis

In the impression of the night, before he crossed, the record on the shooting ball in the shooting ball was 222km / h created in the Portuguese of Portuguese.

This speed is very exaggerated, and the authenticity of more than 200km / h is to be verified.

The wind is not to believe that someone can kick out the ball speed above the ▉▉ / h, what does this ball mean? It means that the goalkeeper can respond in 0.01 seconds, and the squat cannot be thrown out, and only pray for the ball to fly out of the goal.

And the normal human eye response speed is 0.02 seconds, that is, people who do not move their vision will not be able to pounce 8KM / h or more speed shots. OK

The goal of the night is the speed of 150km / h. The free kick of Carlos has reached this number, once in the battle China, Karlos kicked the free kick of the 1149km / h, which is also the World Cup. Noval speed record.

If the night-catching exercise can make the left foot to reach this time, then even if the night is not able to kick, his sphere is enough to let the other party's goalkeeper is a wooden chicken.

The world's martial arts is not broken, and the night is suddenly thought of the fastest tee skills exercised in the Wangzi world of tennis.

"Yeah, I can use a ball to the soul of the hanker, but it is only changed to the left foot!" The night's muscle cells flashed, and his body muscle cells also had a memory of the soul. .

"Okay, try again." After the night's third time he stood in the ball, he swept a goal away from his own more than forty meters away.

"Also come to continue!" South Geardians in the field, the spheres of the gods watched the night's wind on the field.

Ishiki, the kid, also took out the professional speed equipment to test the speed of the night, the ball kicked out, how fast it was.

······ Flowers ······

"Call ..." At this time, the cold is angry at night, this time is not in the small broken step, it is directly started.

Run, start, hike, smash, night long-term wind, the whole series of movements, the speed is very fast.

"One goal ... I have a soul!" The night length shouted, the muscles of the left foot were tightened, the power of the whole body was mobilized by the night.

boom! In the first moment, the night-catching skinization made a fire red spheres directly through more than forty meters, and finally burned into the ball door, it took a big hole.

"Wow!" South Ge Primary School's eyes suddenly contracted, and the leftmost human obstacle in front of night wind had a round hole, and the humanoid obstacle did not fall completely.

...... [[..

This can only explain that the ball speed of the night, the ball is too fast, and all the people who have never seen it clearly, only a fire, after the goal, there is a big hole in the ball online.

"How much speed is it?" Yaro turned his head as a speed of the gaussaki.

"Yes ... is 146km / h!" Ishi Siki can't believe in his eyes, and the general professional football players are difficult to kick out the ball speed of 100km / h, and the night long is kicked out of approaching 150km / h, but it is also a Sikazaki response In the case of an error.

"This is too fast! Is it bad?" Although Yaro said that the night's ball is definitely faster, but soon, he has a untrue feeling.

"In short, it is very powerful, it is a captain, South Ge's soul!" South Ge Primary School has no concept of spherical speed, but it is the first to be happy.

At this time, the night long wind is in place, because his brain sounds the suggestion of the superhen system.

"Congratulations, the owner will upgrade the power of the arc ball into a ball, the skills belong to homemade, reward 50,000 redemption points." The suggestion of the superhen system makes the night long, and then calls out the list of properties.

Sure enough attribute list, the poor redemption point has finally risen from 0 to 5000, and the Vitality of the Various Curve Ball has become a ball.

Chapter 1577, leaving Tailang

Homemade skills, the night costs have been done before, all have rewards, then there is no.

This homemade skill is so easy, so that the night grows is also a little unexpected. Of course, this is to build a skill that has had a strong arc ball in the night, so the reward is not very high, but it is just a symbolicity. 50,000 redemption points.

However, this skill is upgraded with homemade, and the night cost is more ideas. He can also rely on homemade skills to get new skills, do not have to draw a lottery or exchange with a special store with superhen systems.

The time after the morning, the night costs are practicing a ball, he wants to increase the ball speed in a grade.

Nange Primary School has just begun to watch a while, and the night-long wind has spurred each time, and the time has been habiting.

Time to the afternoon, night long wind "zero" with South Geography, everyone came to fight, and tried his current tray skills, because Messi dish is a passive skill, so night long winds as long as the ball Are using this skill.

Especially when you have passed, you need to consume a lot of physical strength.

Of course, the effect is also very obvious, and the night grows can kick out more skilled than football princes, and the ball is like a long-term wind direction.

South Ge Primary School These people can't stop the ball's footsteps of the night long wind.

This is just the advanced effect of Messi dish, and the night grows looks like this passive skill. If you rise to God level, there will be a counter-sky effect.

As for the remaining tank ball, Ice prostitutes and diving boat defensive these three skills, no trials of night growth.

South Ge Primary School This group of guys is really too weak. There is no way to reflect the effects of these three skills, and the night cost is only experimenting in the future formal game.

Time is very fast, next few weeks, night long winds have been practicing Nange everyone, and they are constantly practicing their new skills, and the familiarity of skills is getting higher and higher.

During this time, the big air wings have not appeared, and I know where, Ishiki went to his house to find a few times, and the night is too lazy.

The graduation exam is over yesterday. Everyone in South Geography has completed their own exam. The next is the holiday, after the holiday, Nange Primary School, including the night, will rise to the middle school.

Prior to this, there would be a thing in the night, and the long-term winds in the morning, calling for the current manager to have Jigbo.

There is a professional manager who has a high-paying high-cost hired, and he hired him to deal with something that does not have time to deal with or inconvenient.

The things that I negotiated with the principal of South Ge Primary School was to handle it.

"Boss, you let me prepare things, already ready." There is a small wind that has a small dress in a suit, and takes out a stack of thick files.

"Okay, you don't have to give it to me, we go directly to Tailangjia!" The night was swaying, sitting on a black sedan with Jikai.

"Yes, the boss!" There is a nodded by Ji Hong, his greatest advantage is that he will not ask questions, and the night-long calling is what he deals, he will go directly, never ask why.

This is one of the most important reasons for Jigbo in many professional managers.

The lens is transferred to the home of Parlary.

"Tailang, have you packed up?" Yilo turned his head.

"Well, I have already packed it!" Yaro glanced a look at the empty room, today is Yisiro intends to bring the days of the Yutano City.

He is ready to go to the next place, so today I plan to leave South Ge.

"Right, Tailang, don't you say goodbye to your friends in South Ge?" Yisir suddenly asked.

Yaro is a little disappointed, "I am afraid that I will leave after I meet, everyone will be sad ..."

"So you are lie, is it going to go tomorrow?" The sound of the night's wind suddenly loud his ear.

"Changfeng!" The pool of Puglang, just opened the door.

"Ah, Changfeng classmates, is you alone today?" Yilo looked at the long wind, and noticed the suit man behind him, "Is this?"

"This is my manager, I am not coming to Tailang today. I am coming to find uncle, you are looking at Yiro.

"Oh? Please enter!" Yeiro is somewhat confused, he doesn't understand what the night is looking for him.

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