The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1565 of the Chapter 1565 of the Prince of Tennis

The whispering of the call is brushing from the night, and his body is like a leopard, the speed of the ball is extremely fast.

"Come on, it is a big ban. Does the shooting outside the area?" If the forest is on the foot, the fire is boiling, "I will not let you be big for a big ban!"

"Watch the ball, source three!" The night long wind rushed to the distance. The area also had a ten-meter area, suddenly stopped from the high-speed travel, and then the whole person turned the bow tits, and the action was one.

"One goal ... I have a soul!" As the night is very hot, he left the left foot directly to the gun, and the palette forwarded the ball with the outside.

Chapter 1579, send a different kind

Bang! Night wind, the ball has been used for 10%, and the whole ball is instant into a flame boiling meteor, straight rushing to Huolin handle door, speed is fast.

"Ah!" At this time, Johinde drove, he seems to have long unexpectedly the shot of the night, and he moved to the right side of the ball in advance, and the right hand is gripped. Boxing uses a fist to play the ball out of the ball.

▉! In the next moment, if the forest is stunned, he obviously hits the ball, but there is a dramatic


The night-long wind is a world wave of shot from the big ban. The door is wearing the gate of the three hand of the forest.

Everyone from South Ge Primary School and the Tunge Primary School were stunned. They didn't see the trajectory of the flight.

"I have a mistake!" Ruolin, which has been turned over to land, is slow, but he hits it is just a shot of a ball.

The speed of the night grew fantastic ball is enough to create a residue that makes the goalkeeper confused, this is still without a rotation of the night.

If it is slightly rotated, the ball will fly out of the strange arc, so it will be difficult to fade.

"It's too powerful, the left foot of the captain actually kicked out this kind of ball!" Everyone was shocked by the mouth.

"I lost!" Ju Lin came over and held the hands of the night.

"Ruolin, you should not let people wear the goal outside of the ban!" Night long-lasting angle.

"Ah, this time I went to Germany. If I can't become the main door of the top League, I will not come back!" Ju Lin has firmly determined the determination of going abroad, because he is extremely eager to catch up with the night, can fade That kind of couldn't see clearly.

After that, Nange Primary School and Tunge Primary School wrote his blessings on the three-leaf hat of Johinde, and the three-leaf hat with all the blessings flew to one of the strong countries of modern football, Germany.

In a few days later, Nan Ge people finally received a message that disappeared for a long time.

"Captain, big events are not good!" Ishiki rushed into South Ge's ball and interrupted everyone who was training.

"Panic, what's the matter, let's talk!" The night is growing.

"Big empty wings ... he ..." Ishi Saki is a bit air, nothing to breathe because it violently runs.

"Wiele, what's it?" Pugang asked.

"He joined the Dongbang Academy. He was willing to partner to Xiaolang to join the National Middle School Football Competition!" Siki's words made Nange everyone.

"What do you say? Why do you want to go to Dongbang?" Nan Ge Jinggun Xiongxun widened his eyes.

"I don't know, according to my buddy in the Dongbang Academy said that this Dongbang Academy convened a lot of excellent players in the national contest. In addition to the small wings, Musashi also added Dongbang!" Ishiki wiped Wipe the sweat of the forehead.

"What! The stadium Guong son will also join Dongbang?" South Georia was more surprised to choose from. Bamboo

"It turns out, I know that the system will not make me better!" The golden light in the eyes, the mouth is slightly lifted, "" This is better, I am still worried about the opponent of my lack of decent! The words, the Maizi is really Amazing, actually can convince the big air wings and three pine! "

During this time, the beauty ball of Dongbang Academy has played a super negotiation capabilities, and the big empty wings and San Shi are advised to be Etienc.

During this time, the reason why Nange Zhong did not see the big air wings, because the big air wings were long and the football of the Dongbang Academy was trained.

Dongbang Academy was originally the king of the middle school, has been continuously dominated by six seven years. This time Tian Ji is a large number of talented teenagers from all over the country, and then adding the Dongbang Academy before the third grade. Student.

The strength of the king Dongbang Academy is unprecedented, and the day, Xiaogang, took the front field, the big air wing changed to attack the midfield, and the three shots and the big-air wings were practiced together, and there was a tree in the landscape.

The new main lineup of the entire Dongbang Academy runs through a strong line on the court, no place to have weaknesses, these players want to add power to not be anger.

Although the national competition in the country has not yet started, the night-long wind has determined that he led South Geranda's biggest obstacle, no doubt is Dongbangology!

Of course, South Ge has not been all bad news, Xi Zhe five people group, Senaki Dani, Jing Zele, Dragon, and Gao Xi, the singer, the singer, the singer, joined Nange Middle School.

That is to say, in addition to the night length and Yoshila and Shiji, Zhe Tieban also became the main members of Nange Middle School. In addition, Nange Primary School Football Department also raised most of the South Ge Middle School, and added the football.

The whole holiday, in order to let Nan Ge Middle School's ability to compete with the main force of Dongbang Academy, the night growers are constantly trained, so that Ishikasaki and others are called hard, but there is no way.

The amount of night-long training is that they are five times more, they are not embarrassed to complain.

In addition, Dongbang School is here, the new strongest lineup has become quite a tacit understanding after the combination of Bijing.

Among them, the maximum progress is the big air wing, the large air wing is very embarrassing in the South Geranda, and the night grew is on the town, he only has the striker.

In fact, the talented talents on the midfielder, the coach of Dongbang Academy saw this, and let the football prince Sansi and the large air wing have a largest midfielder combination in the country.

Plus the day, Xiaogutang's increasingly mature and the shame of Ji Island, the entire Dongbang Academy Football is almost a representative of Japanese gold generation, and the overall strength has greatly exceeded the team of other schools.

The time to practice is always very fast about the night's wind, and the eye is going to start school.

The school means that night long winds have been promoted to the country, and the largest national competition in the middle school is about to fight.

"¨` ▉ , captain, have you seen this period of football weekly? "Ishiki took the rushing of this magazine to the front of the night.

"What is it written?" Night live wind is not interested in this Japanese magazine, and then touches the hand.

"There is a writing in your article!" Ishiki's big voice attracted Nange everyone, surrounded by night.

"Where, I have a look!" Glasses Brother Xunbi is also excited.

Night wind quickly turned to report its own content, the topic is that the national competition MVP player gives up Dongbang Academy, is it a lot?

I got a look at the content of this report, the editor is the reason for the Du to reject the Dongbangology Park, but also guess it.

Ishi Siki just saw the picture of the night, this time, I was angry.

"What is the magazine, clearing is something, I don't know what I am writing!" Ishiki broke.

1580 chapter, the first battle

"Okay, I am not excited, what is your boy excited!" Night winds have long been here for this non-routine behavior, and there are many such journalists in front of him throughout the world. They can't get any value. The news, only relying on yy and imagination to write.

This nearly changing report is often able to cause fierce discussions. For this reporter, there is a word to describe, that is, the dog.

Continue to the next turn, the later content is all reported that the so-called gold battleship of Dongbang Academy is the strongest lineup.

One of the exclusive interviews on the head of the Dongbang Academy Football Department, in which the Maizi used a arrogance to describe night long wind, but also said that night long wind will certainly regret, and then ask her to recruit himself.

"This woman is really be careful, isn't it to play with her, do you have such a bitter and very young?" Night lived a little fun.

He also does not mind with strength to swell the face of these football weekly teams to edit the dog.

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