The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1566 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"The lower you, the better the South Geyue!" The night's mouth is slightly lifted, and the magazine is thrown on the side. It is a very cool thing to play a pig.

Time is like water, soon until October, the day in the national contest.

Before the pre-election in Shizuoka Prefecture, the night growth and Pkarang did not play, and South Ge team leaned against the victory five-person group and -603-Jamaki.

In the south of Shizuoka Prefecture, Central South Geka does not find the opponent, and their goals are not just the national competition.

This time, Yokohama, which is held in the National Middle School Football Competition, and the stadium is a national stadium in Japan's largest number of stadiums.

This National Stadium is much more famous than the previous reading and writing stadium, which can accommodate nearly 100,000 viewers, and is often international events.

In order to cultivate Japanese young generations, the Japanese Football Association is not to be difficult, and the attention of this national competition is also very high. All localities have sent the strongest lineup.

In the world of football, Japan has attached great importance to the students' football events. In addition to Japanese professional leagues, the general fans are also often watching Japanese students, and major TV stations often broadcast some important games.

Therefore, the number of participants in the national competition is an unprecedented one, mainly because of this conference.

South Ge Middle School Football Team is also aware of a lot of attention, just because they have a famous night-length wind and Pkarang in their array.

Of course, this conference is the most concerned about the defending champion first seed, and each game will attract a lot of media and audiences.

Nange's first game, the team of arms is Yichuan.

Just in the first half, the night-long winding will strike two metering the world's wave that will have no choice but to the door, and the night's long wind has four assists, and the coming and Jingziwei scored two goals.

Six-to-zero, just in the middle of the second half, there is a victory.

In the second half, the Poland has replaced the night, and the attack of South Ge is still non-stop.

Like the previous South Gerading team, now Nange Middle School's ball is still an attack-type ball, keeping more goals.

beep! When the referee blows the whistle of the game, South Geka finally wins the first round of opponent Yichuan 12-0.

"His strength is really stronger!" It was watching the day of the South Gequal to stand up to the day, turned to the people of Dongbang Academy, "Well, let's go!"

"Xiao Lang, I haven't seen you for a long time, you become gentle!" Suddenly, a middle-aged man holding a bottle appeared in front of the day.

"Jiliang Coach!" The day is shocked.

"You are now pulling the tiger that has been pulled, lost his sharpness and sharp! With your current strength, even if you have these helpers, you can't overcome the stinky kid!" Jiliang swept a big air wing and three pine after the day.

"Tiger that pulls the teeth?" The day is completely stunned.

"Yes, I have seen you in the game of Dongbang Academy. You have rushed forward (CABB), and only pursuing the victory on the court! Your Dongbang Academy is indeed strong, But you are no longer the strongest sharp spear of the team! "Jiliang said.

"Coach ..." The day is on the table, staying with a wooden chicken and is unable to refute.

"Since you have entered the Dongbang Academy, you will not distract to make other part-time work, start to play the kick, but in turn, you lose the sense of urgency, and there is a fighting spirit like flameless!" In the greenhouse In the middle, you will eventually be domesticated ... "Jinguang flashing in Yiliang eyes.

"Such you, how could be chased as an eagle spread, a person led Nange's night, the little child!" Yiliang's words made the day, "You have just seen his playing skills, He is making progress in the speed of imagination! "

"And you ... but in place, it is in place!" Jiliang was irrupted, then low voice, "I am now opening a football school in Okinawa, there is a place where I started, if you don't plan to lose giving night long The baby is coming to me! "

"The sooner the better!" After Jiliang's old man said, he took it directly to leave, leaving only a dullness in the days to Xiaolang.

"Daily!" If Island, I was a little worried about the day to Xiaolang.

"The old gentleman is right, I am too big, I almost forgot what the opponent we face!" The golden light in the murmour.

He joined to the Dongbang Academy. In fact, there is only one, that is, it is a game with the night.

After Musash and South Ge, the night length said that you are only a helper is not enough. This sentence gives Sanmin Academy.

It is a very happy thing to play a teammates who speak for Sanhuo, and the sky, and the island of the island are very happy.

And his ability to feel the lineup of Dongbang Academy is stronger than Musashi, and there is a big air wing. The player who didn't pay more attention before this Sanhuo. I have surprised the Sanyi. energy.

The ball feels, the skill, and the weak body is the rising line, and it has become a new core of the King's Dongbang Academy.

This makes San Shi feels great pressure, he and the big air wings even teammates, it is also a competitor, after all, a team's absolute core is only one.

Of course, Dongbang Academy is currently barely a dual-core, plus a sharp spear and a secret shield.

Yiliang's old man said that it is true. At present, there is a matter of Xiaolan Lang and the rhythm of the big air wings and the three of them. He has become the weakest ring of the Dongbang Academy.

PS: Middle School is just a transition, not writing a lot. The focus is after the World East and the European League.

Chapter 1581, Tiger Wake

The next day, Dongbang Academy Football Department.

"Coach, I have found the whole school and the surroundings, I didn't find the day, he is not there!" A player of an Dongbang Academy rushed into the coach room.

"What do you say? Where is the kid going!" The coach of Dongbang Academy was very shocked.

At this time, I was sitting on the train at this time, sitting on the train, and his mind is always the words of the old man of Jiliang.

In addition, the national contest is in full swing, this national contest has a total of 47 teams, just a team of each county, more teams, and more participants.

There is not much more stadium at the National Stadium. Only four or five, so this season in the national contest is relatively long, and it is a big test for each team because it is to be maintained.

At this time, Nange team is actively trained in the racket that is specially rented. Other teams are also trained in the conference, such as Hishai Road's Fuliang Middle School, Qiudian's Floral Middle School, Osaka's East Middle School, Nagasaki Triang University, etc.

These schools are in the first round of the seed team, and their goals this year are only one thing to defeat the king of Dongbangology, breaking the tradition of monopolizing the champion.

On the other side, the sea of ​​Okinawa, the poisonous sun is hanging in the blue sky.

At this time, there is a group of teenagers to practice running on the beach, and desperately kick it.

From the body of sweating, you can see that they are already tired, starting to call hard.

"How to get this stinky kid, just practice this for a while, is it bitter?" At this time, Yiliang's old man is holding a wooden sword to urge them to train around this group of teenagers. "It is no wonder that others say that our county's football is behind, How can you become a weak guy? How can you fight others! "

"Let you come to this beach to practice leg strength and waist power, football is the two! Fast! Don't stop, rushing to this sea, don't let the waves come back!" Yiliang old Shout.

"Yes, the coach!" The seaside of this group should drink, and then accelerate the rhythm of the kick.

"Jiliang Coach!" At this time, a familiar voice rang behind Yiliang's old man.

Jiliang's mouth is slightly tight, it seems that I have expected this result. "Xiao Lang, come?"

Yes, the day from the train from the train came to the beach. On the next day, he came to Kyiliang's old man. Because Jiliang's words made Xiao Liang Shu Dynasty food.

The lens turns back to the East-Tangbo School of Science Park.


"Shoot!" At this time, the player who came to the Dongbang Academy was actively practiced and shouted.

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