The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1567 of the Chapter 1567 of the Prince of Tennis

The sunglasses coach of Dongbang Academy looked for a while, or did not find the figure of Xiaoli Lang.

"What happened, the day, Xiaolang, didn't come back? He thought that he did not even participate in the team training?" The sunglasses coach was anger.

"Ah, the coach is angry!" Everyone in Dongbang Academy looked back.

"The guy is thinking about something, clearly knowing that the national contest has begun, and now the training is very important to our Dongbang Academy is very important!" The sunglasses coach is unhappy.

"Coach ..." At this time, if Shimazujian went to the coach.

"What happens, if Island ?" The sunglasses coach turned to look at the island gracious.

"The captain, he may go to the Okinawa where the Jiliang coach is located!" Ji Island is the sonance, he knows the day, after the old man of Yiliang, the day has disappeared, it is obvious to find a good old man.

"What do you say! Jiliang coach? What do he want to do, or go so far?" The mirror coach the lungs should be blown out, and the day does not say anything, it is not trustworthy.

"The day, he is a special enrollment into the East Bangukang Studio, and he is the captain, now the national contest is starting, he actually leaves the team, this is not completely putting my coach in the eyes!" Sunglasses The coach is angry.

"Coach, don't be angry, the captain should soon come back to continue the game!" If Island is trusted to say good words to the day.

"Shut up! He doesn't have to come back! He is not the core of our Dongbang Academy. Without him, we can defend in the national contest!" The sunglasses coach is also a positive, "I will give Miss Maizi Miss Maizi," Let him cancel the day to see the special tricks! "

"What!" If Island is shocked, such punishment is to end his football career directly.

Even if he came back, I didn't plan to let him play, and our King's Dongbang Academy does not need to have no disciplineless guys! "The jug mirror coach made the Tongbang Academy.

······ Flowers ······

"Was mess, the day is the urge to move, if he does not participate, our Tongbang may be difficult to compete with South Ge!" Think of the Sanxin heart that has not been speaking on the side.

The big air wings that are still in the field are still there seem to have not been influenced by this matter, since it comes to the Dongbang School, the large air wing is invested in the training.

He wants to win, he wants to be the best football player in the world, before this, his goal is to transcend the night's wind, this is also a big reason he is persuaded to join Dongbang Academy.

The big air wings want to be the opponent of the night, then challenge this mountain.

Okinawa seaside.

Time has arrived in the evening, and all training teenagers have returned to the dormitory.

[...... [..

Only one person is in front of a growing waves, that is the tiger day to Xiaolang.

"On the day!" The day, the eyes of Xiaoxiro, and his eyes returned to the old sharp, he quickly straight line on the coast and ran to the waves.

Dangdang, the day, Xiaolang was brushed directly by the four-five-meter waves, and the heavy poured on the beach, and it was poured under the whole body!

"Call ... call! Okward!" The day has been practiced for a long time, but the waves are getting higher and higher, his physical fitness is gradually getting a limit, keeping gasping.

"Xiao Lang, stand up! This wave, you can't conquer?" Yiliang's old man deliberately stimulated Xiao Lang.

"Yes, the coach!" The day, it was reluctantly climbed, and the fat body was rushed to roll back.

boom! Xiao Lang greeted the waves and slammed the ball under the foot, and the ball quickly rushed to the waves, and immediately rebounded back.

"Come again!" The day risked the flame in the eyes, and he quickly rushed to the ball rebounded back.

"I have lost it to the night grows too much. I don't want to lose!" The day, Xiaolang, welcomes the ball, the whole body is tight, and then it is an empty short.

It's awkward, this time the ball is like a shell, wearing four five meters high waves, rushing to the sky that gradually dim!

"Finally, did you succeed, Xiao Lang!" Yiliang's old mouth came from a smile, "Tiger finally woke up!"

1582 chapter, the knockout

A week later, since the surf of the most recent typhoon gradually saved, the injured Xiaolang lying on the beach.

"Little Lang, get up!" Yiliang's old man pulled up the day to Xiaolang.

"Jiliang Coach!" Xiao Lang slowly stood up.

"You are very good at this week, hard work!" Jiliang's old headband smiled, and immediately took out a stack of paper from the pocket.

"Coach, this is?"

"This is a ticket!" Ji Liang smiled and looked at Xiaolang, "Go back, Xiao Lang! Go to defeat the arrogant boy!"

"Yes!" The day, Xiaolang took the ticket, and the light was flashing.

The national main course, after a week, the group competition in the national contest has been completed.

Nange team has no doubt that the identity of the group name is limited to the time of the game in the group competition. Even if so, the two play a gorgeous data. .

Night wind turns into ten goals, five assists, Pkarang into five goals, won eleven assists.

However, the rankings of the national contest in the ball list and assists are not two, the first thing of the goal list is the big air wing, ranked first with the exaggeration data of fifteen goals, the assists on the Sanhuo, which is twelve times Assist the power of the nine, ranked first.

Even if there is no game to Xiaolang, Dongbang Academy is still the largest team in all teams in the national contest.

Of course, the group is just a warm-up, and the real strength is still to see the knockout starting today.

The first battle of the knockout, the opponent of South Geka is the East Middle School of Osaka, a team that has not seen it, anyway, the night is not heard, no impression.

On the stage, a middle-aged mirror man went to another glasses man.

"See Mr.!" The Mirror man went to the glasses man. It turned out that the glasses male just saw it, the private coach of Ju Lin.

"Oh, it's Mr. Tong!" See you look back, some surprised.

This appearance of sunglasses in Nange and Ming and the finals, named Tong Zong Zheng, once also a Japanese legendary football player, now working for the Japanese Football Association.

"See Mr., if Lin Jun also adapts to Germany?" Tong pushed the sunglasses on the rigid.

"Fortunately! He has now become the main goalkeeper of the Bao Bao Bao B team!" See the color in the above, if the Roena adapts so quickly and his efforts have a big relationship.

"It's a genius goalkeeper!" The golden light in the film is flashing. "You return home this time to see the national contest?"

"Yeah, I just took office for the Japanese youth team, try to see some games!" See you nodded, "especially the game of Nange!"

"Oh, it seems that the coach is also interested in Nange's night-length wind and Pkarang!"

"Of course, I will look at the long growth of this child. His growth is too fast, and it will become the biggest enemy of Japan's future gold!" See the eyes of the eyes on the scene. Night wind.

"This is not necessarily!" Ski Tong is also looking at the night's wind, I don't know what he is thinking.

Nose nose

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