The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1573 of the Chapter 1573 of Tennis Prince

At this time, there is no shot at this time but choose a hidden button, the right foot button passes the ball to the left foot, the two defensive players in front of the night length are suddenly opened by him. .

despair! The night long wind continued to take the ball, and the blink of an eye has killed the small ban on the flower wheel. In the area, the last three defenders of the flower wheel will keep up with the night long, and they will not dare to steal.

At this time, the night's long wind suddenly passed the ball to the left, and the ball passed between the two legs of the playerside, and the night cost is forced to hard.

People are divided!

In the three defenders, such a small space, the night-catching wind actually dares to cross the skills through the people, but also successfully overnight the last line of fire.

At this time, the goalkeeper of the gross wheel has to attack, he has its own hands to start, the body will sink, want to use the body to kill the angle of the night long wind gate.

There is no hesitation in the high-speed sports, facing the goalkeeper, the left foot swing moves.

bass! The policeman goalkeeper immediately fooled, directly to the right.

However, the ball is not flying at all, but it is handed to the right left.

Night live wind in the flower wheel. Big ban. The third buckle in the area, this buckle, directly let him have the last person of the flower wheel, that is, the goalkeeper of the flower wheel.

140! After passing away the goalkeeper, the night is relaxed to push the ball into the empty door of less than half of the rice!

3-1! The night-long wind completed a long-distance attack from the midfield, all defenders included their goalkeeper, and then pursued the personal performance of the empty entrance.

"How is this possible!" The original attractions were quiet, and the fans of the flower wheel were shocked by the night of the night.

With a power of the night, we wore a defensive line of the flower-level defensive line. In front of the night-faced discs, the gardener's defender is like a puppet that is not moving.

After the goal, the fast-running wind, quickly ran to the corner, left hand holding the corner club, and the wind and right, the endless hand is erected.

"Great! Captain!" Nange all players rushed up.

"South Ge! South Ge! South Ge!"

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" South Ge fans in the audience began to shou, the whole 3stow became a blue white ocean.

"We can continue to go into the ball with hurricane!" The government rushed to the middle of the ball in the ball.

The competition continued, the flowers in the middle of the road, as I just did it, the bulls of the flowers were brought by the ball on the sidewalk, and this time under the command of the night, Pufen and the West Tail were in the wild, not Give him the opportunity to pass.

Chapter 1589, crushing wheel

In Yaoyu showed a witty in this, he faked back to the ball to deceive South Geardian defensive players, and turned directly to break through the Pudi and the West.

"Not good!" Ishiqi directly rushed out of the ban on South Ge. District, it is, it is a slider, wants to destroy the attack of the wild, but still slow.

"Hey!" Xiaoyu looked with a light, escaped the very obvious slippery shovel of Ishiki, and then kneaded it directly, and the ball flew again to Nange's big ban. High altitude on the zone.

"Okay, we are!" The two people started at the same time, regardless of the ban on South Ge. In the area, the two have been prepared to cooperate again.

And this time two people interchanged, and the husband is under, the polite is ready to jump, which is also to reduce their two. Legs.

At this crisis, a blue-white lightning rushed into South Ge's big ban. District, and jumped with the door of South Ge.

It's a night!

The night-long wind uses the usual tricks of the two people, using the replacement force of the door column to high.

"What!" Nange and the flower round player were stunned.

The government is also using the husband's leg forces and their own strength to jump in the air, and he and the night-catching wind simultaneously flying towards the ball.

The speed and waist force of the night long wind is not the government. He inacculates the body in the air, and the whole person is in the air, then suddenly swing right foot.

Pour the golden hook!

The night long-lasting wind is used to hook the golden hook to grab the ball to the big ban on South Ge before.

"Ah!" The sigh of the flower fans came up.

"It's great!" South Ge's fans are excited.

"Can be evil!" The government turned back while turning over the air.

The ball kicked out of the night, actually run through the entire 3th course, the backback of the flower wheel is all, and I looked at the tall pace from my own head.

At this time, a blue-white figure was shot to the ban on the flower wheel. The area is high, and the high Yue Qiqi stopped the night length wind through the game.

It is a roller!

In an instant of the boller, it is already a small ban on the flower wheel middle school. In the area, it is a single-knit.

In the face of the gathering of the flower wheel, the coming is directly angry, so the near distance, the other goalkeeper does not make any reaction, the ball should be invited to enter the net!

4-1! The third assists in the last half of the night, South Ge has already learned three goals.

At this time, the last half of the game has just been taken ten minutes.

"It's too powerful, actually guarded the air hurricane of the husband and the husband, and you can pass such a ball in the air.!" The spending people lost their confidence.

The two people in the flower brothers are very powerful, but there is a lot of limitations, those who pass the ball must be very accurate.

Because whether it is Hall or the polite, there is no lumbar strength of the night, there is no way to turn free to air free or lag.

As long as some people follow the players who are responsible for the flowers, the threat of the two-person hurricane of the two people will be greatly weakened.

The tenth minute in the first half, the night length is replaced by the Yaro.

The audience in the audience set up for the night long-distance, and the applause thundered, the entire 3rd course, the fans of the scene were taken by the nightly windy disk skills and the organizational offensive ability, and even the fans of the flowers have to Recognizing that the gap between Huawang Middle School and Nange Middle School is very large.

After the play of Pkarang, South Ge's attack is still like a tide. Although Pkarang has no personal ability to live in the night, he has been running with all of the people in Nange, for everyone's technology. Features and habits are all right.

Compared to the night growing, the Pkarang is more excited from other players from South Ge, and when the night is on the court, his rays often cover other players from South Ge.

After all, there is still a small gap in strength, and the night grows up to speed up the rhythm, and there is only a rhythm in South Geng to keep up with his rhythm.

After the gorgelands played, South Ge's attack was more smooth, and I was coming to Kikai's head to play.

At the beginning of the first half, Ji Siki rushed to the ban on the flower wheel. In the district, with his stunned blocker, the ball was blocked into the goal.

The tricycle is essentially backed by the standing brothers, the offensive means is too single, but the two rely on the air hurricane or bombard the door of the two Syncho.

Although the Emperor of Senaki is good, but the genius door will have a lot of gaps, after all, after all, he is not long, and has always been the replacement of Ruolin.

beep! As the referee blew the whistle of the end of the game, the ultimate South Gee was successfully went to the next round of the knockout in the knockout of the flock.

Although only ten minutes have been played, the night is still the title of the audience, and Nange Middle School has also become the first team that enters the top eight strongest.

Judging only three victories, South Geong will create history and break the situation of the Esbutogology.

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