The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1574 of the Chapter 1574 of the Prince of Tennis

"¨` ▉, we completely lost! "The two people were very unwilling to have tears. They didn't expect to make the new stunt, the hurricane, but they still lost so miserable, and South The Ge team is clearly not made.

However, competitive sports is so cruel. This world does not believe in tears. If the flower brothers know that the training of Nange team is that they may not cry so sad.

After a day, Dongbang Academy also wins the opponent with a score of 7 to 0, and the second advances into the national competition.

So far, only Dongbang Academy is not lost in the National Competition. If the island is very fast, and the Tongbang Academy has been bombed from the air wing, Sanshen and the day to Xiaogutang all day. Health growth is a super goalkeeper.

Have his back defense line in the Dongbang Society, which can speak Dong Bang Society is the strongest team in the national competition.

In this level of competition, a good goalkeeper's impact on the situation of the game is very huge.

And this game, the day, Xiaoli, still did not play, North Ji coach looks like iron, it is necessary to refrain from the day to Xiaolong, and even drive him out of Dongbangology.

After the competition, Dongbang Academy Sanmin did not participate in the competition, but a person came to the home of Xialairo.

When I went home, I was playing with the two younger brothers in the day.

"Ah, my brother is back!"

"Oh, the day is finally coming back!" Sanqi's mouth is slightly tight, "I am waiting for you for a long time!"

Chapter 159, provocation before the game

"Three pines, what do you do?" The day is facing the color of the face.

"You haven't trained today!" Sanxi is sinking, "day, are you a coward?"

"What do you say?" The day suddenly took a fire.

"Don't I say it wrong? Because the North Ji coach does not let you play, you will refuse to train, are you inspirational to become a professional player?" Sanhuo said the day of the Xiaogang twilight.

In fact, Niji coach punishment did not have a little problem to Xiaojiro. He left the team without authorization.

Of course, the day is not intentional, he just wants to become stronger, then defeat the night.

The punishment of the North Ji Coach to the Japan is a single arbitrary, you can increase the training volume of Xiaolang, rather than complete the day.

Of course, this also has the reason why North Ji Coach is very confident on his team strength.

"You say what these uses, even if I go to train, the coach will not let me play!" The day is dark, there is less look that there is no choice.

"I have seen the video of Nange team in recent games. The Dongbang Academy is less, we can't overcome South Ge. If you don't come to train, I have no way to convince Miss Tian Zizi to restore your main force. Identity, I have to say only these. "Sanhuo said directly.

"The rest of your own decisions!" Sanhuo left, leaving, leaving only the day of the place to Xiaolang.

At this time, I'll be trembled in the whole body. He wanted to defeat the night. So he went to find Kyiliang's old man before, and he went back to the North Ji coach. refrigeration.

This is the truest day to Xiaolang, a man who will never bow.

On the next day, the country's courses, the bus of Dongbang Academy has just stopped at the door, and the trainer saw the day of the day to stand in the door of the court.

"Captain!" East Bang was shocked.

"Japan!" After the people in the people, the mouth was slightly forth.

"Coach, from today I started to recover training, please let me sit in the replacement!" The day is said to Beji.

North Ji saw that this arrogant expression is not playing. He pushed the sunglasses on the rhinus. "

"When the game, I won't let you play, you are dead!" North Ji and the day to Xialang.

"Dongbang Academy wants to win, you should make me play!" The day is a cold light, faint.

"Radust!" North Ji coach brow wrinkled, no longer ruin the day, with everyone of Dongbang Academy walked into the National Sports Venue.

Today is the fifth day of the National Competition, the eighth day.

The first appearance is that Qiyu County representatives and secondary schools have not risen to the Ming and Middle School, but the strength of the football in Ming and Middle School is not good, and it is still eight to entrunly, and the opponent is defeated 2-0 in the eighth battle. One is topped.

"The first is the first and middle school!" Seeing the coach and appearing on the VIP mat of the table.

"The General Assembly is getting closer to the end. K game should also be more exciting!" The Tong Zong Zhengwei is also looking to the court.

"Yes, the time to select 24 players is here!" See the glasses on the rhinus, "To choose 24 from so many excellent players, the expedition Europe is not an easy thing, Mr. Tong, Do you have any suggestions? "

"I believe I will see the judgment of the coach, but you give me a place!" Fengtong Zong Zheng in the sunglasses flashed a white light.

During the player channel, the Nangui team is preparing to play. Today, their opponents are more than good farmers. About the opponent's information, the night long-term game is directly ignored, and there is no discovery.

Dealing with Japan's domestic teams, no one is in the opponent, except Dongbang Academy, other schools are not placed in the eyes.

In fact, the recent game night cost does not have a full power, the opponent is too weak, so that the night's wind is eager to leave Japan and go to the real professional Europe.

However, before again, the night long is still to defeat the Dongbang Academy of the Strong Battleship, and get the value of the valuable draw.

"Is this not the captain of Nange?" Suddenly, there was a thick male voice after the night before the wind, Nange everyone turned back, a tall figure appeared behind the people.

This person is at least one meter seven, and the night grows is similar. The body is quite burly. As for his side, it is standing on an elf. The hair blocked his eyes, and the two wearing the same red white jersey.

"Who?" The night was swept away.

"I am the times, I am embarrassed to learn in the good family. Today, the unbeaten myth of Nange is to be broken by us!" Supilian is full of confidence.

"Breast, what do you say!" Ishiqi saw someone provocative, and suddenly anger, "I haven't heard of the unknown school, I have heard it."

"After today, you will know that we are more famous than good households!" Sihayang walked to the front of the night, stretching. Out of the right hand, "Please take care!"

"This guy ..." The night didn't think of a long time, and did not think of any information about this rattan, shook his head, and the night was long. Hold the right hand.

At this time, the Nioto suddenly aggravated, actually to knead the night, completely the provocation of Red Luoluo.

"And I am more powerful?" There is a little fun in the night, and the right hand is slightly added.

"Ah!" It seems that the huge and burly actually screamed, his right hand is like being added by the iron clamp, and a painful pain makes the Lost.

"You ..." The vine is red, and the green gluten is released on the forehead.

Laughing at night, laughing, slowly released the right hand, the mouth flashed a contempt, "I dare to be arrogant?"

"Haha, actually and the captain more power than the strength, really find dead!" Ishiki seeing the rattan in the right hand, laughing at the gloating haha ​​laughed.

"Okay, let's go!" The night is no longer responsible for everyone, leading the South Granmutant to the main venue of the National Stadium.

"They come out!" There are a lot of fans in the country today, and South Ge and the fans of the good household accounted for half, occupying the stands on both sides. When I saw the two team players appeared in turn, the entire venue boiled.

"South Ge! Invincible! South Ge! Strongest!"

"Better than good households! Come on! More than good households! Advance!" The two middle school responses are also very strong, the atmosphere is quite warm!

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