The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1575 of the Chapter 1575 of the Prince of Tennis

1591 chapter, than power?

National main course area, served than good households.

At this time, there is a slight hammer that is slightly smashed. At this time, he looks angry, "the hateful guy! Today, most people think that the winning will be South Ge. But they are disappointed, and the victory of this game belongs to us than good households! "

"You will regret it, the night is long!" "The vine is angry.

beep! At this time, the main referee blew the whistle that started the whole game.

At the beginning of the game, the striker in good households is the child who covers the eyes before the hair, and a breath is not going to the half of South Ge.

More than one other players in the family are the transfer balls that are round-fledeen, there is no meaning of half a game.

"What's going on, these guys don't attack what I want to do!" South Gee has been very shocked.

"They don't attack, we will go to grab the ball!" Jingze is directly rushed to the players who are passing the ball than good households.

At this time, the midfielder than the good household actually refused to pass the ball to the backfinder, and put a pair of unscrupulous.

However, these backplanes than good households are obviously underestimated by the speed of the dragon, and the dragon is shaping, and the ball is broken.

"Broken well, dragon!" Jingze's voice did not fall.

boom! Long Yi actually hits the sudden appearance of the vines, the vines is tall, and the dragon is knocked over the court, and the ball returns to the foot of the vines than good households.

"Bastard!" The dragon somewhat painful with the right shoulder hit hit.

"Dragon! Are you okay?" Jing Zeevele was shocked.

"It's time to take out our real power than good households!" At this time, the vint of the , then the whole person suddenly sways the body.

"This guy wants to do it? From the backfield directly shot?" The night's eyes flashed a context, and the team of the night, the game, the team, the attack absolutely strong .

"Hey!" With the rattan, his right foot suddenly drove, kicked the ball from his back to South Ge's goal.

I have to say that the power of the rattan is still quite good, the ball flew in the air, quickly flying to South Ge's goal, this kind of force has transcend most of the students.

"Senakaki, careful ball!" Ishiki turned his head loudly reminded the Emperor Sansaki.

"I can catch this ball, don't worry!" Senaki is I am used to the midfielder of the night-catching, and there is still a big grasp of this shot of this ball.

At this time, I have been ambushing in South Gearda. The zone in the district started. He is very fast, just like a crazy jumping squirrel, the speed of the ball, then the head is a head, instant Change the direction of the flying flying.

"Not good!" The Emperor of Senaki is full of flying balls, all the opposite direction.

"Too true, this kind of this combined with you is a fool?" At this time, Ishi Siki appeared on the route of the flying ball, and then used his famous skills and blocked with face.

Snapped! Jikiziqui blocked the ball to the high. I really gave a high-spirited, and the high of the high purity of the PC.

"I go ~ Siki, why do this kid, why each time is free to blocked the ball!" The night is helpless, then shook his head, then jumped high high in the midfield, stopped using the chest.

"It's been wearing it?" The vine is in the backfinder.

"Stupid!" The night long-lasting corner flashed a congestion, so far distance, the shortcomings of the vines can't reach the speed of the night, and the defenders from South Gee have done through their plan.

At the beginning of the vine and Sato, he intended to use this way to suddenly change the ball route in front of the goal, but they were too small to see Nange's defender.

To know that these defenders are practiced every day and have long been accustomed to this midfielding distance.

Moreover, the extraction speed and night length of the vine is simply a cold, and it is slow in the eyes of Ishikasaki.

Nange Middle Field offensive, this time, the night length and Pkano play at the same time, South Ge's gold has once again ruled the middle field.

Snapped! Snapped! Two people pass the ball, and suddenly the midfielder than the good household.

At night, the ball quickly points to the foot of the road to the end of the road, Dragon is directly passing the ball directly to a good fortune. The front of the well is under the foot.

South Ge also showed the tacit cooperation of the middle court, the whole offensive line!

"Well, this first goal is to attack!" After Jingzhiren brought the ball, the instant started preparation to overwhelmed into the ban. District.

······ Flowers ······

At this time, the abnormal angry times rushed out, his burly body is very flexible, the speed is not slower than Jingze.

"I want to break through, it is not so easy!" "Supata shouted, slipped directly to the well-being broken through the ball.

"Dangerous, Jingze!" The students reminded.

"Ah!" Jing Zeeh is already hidden at this time, the huge body of the vines is in front of him, so that he does not have any flashes, it is directly to the ground.

The main referee did not respond, and the actions of the Tetrais, but first shoveled to the ball, it is not a foul.

bass! At this time, a blue-white lightning flashed from the two, and it was a night.

The night-catching wind will hook the ball at the foot of the vine, and then brought directly into the big ban than good households.

[.. [......

"Good ball, captain!" Jingze watched the back of the night, shouted.

"I want to go to the ball, not so easy!" The vines will reap back, keep catching up with the night, but at this time, it is better than good households. The defender in the district is also surrounded by the night.

At this time, the night-long winding is light, and then the corner of the mouth is slightly lifted, suddenly slows down.

"Look at me!" The vines chased it up, and the eyes were full of murderous. He thought that the chance of revenge is coming, "Let you taste my defense!"

The rattan of the vine is actually the back of the night long wind, and attempts to make the night grows in the district. There is directly lost balance in the zone.

"Ah!" Just in this moment, a scream came, a figure straight to the ground.

"How is this possible!" Better than the players of good households, the vines hit the night, the position is still very favorable, actually being bounced back, just like a steel plate, the heavy fell on the ground .

"The idiot, actually and the captain is more confronted than the body!" Ishiki revealed a smile of affectionate.

The vines seem to be slightly larger than night long wind, but the power gap between the two is not general.

If the vine is 5, the night length is 25, at least five times the gap, the vine is not able to hit the night, which is unable to hit the night.

"It's too weak!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, broke through the defender than a good family in an instant.

1592 chapter, tank disc

Single knife!

At this time, only the door in front of the night is more than the door, and the night long wind is paired by the good house. It is necessary to block the door of his own shooting angle and suddenly raise the right foot.

In fact, the angle of shooting of night long winds is already small, and it may also be more than ten degrees in more than tweet.

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