The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1594 of the Chapter 1594 of the Prince of Tennis

When the night is high, Jinjing has come back to God, but also jumped.

When he jumped up and looked up, it almost didn't mad, and the night's long hurricane was too high. Jinjing jumped up and rising, his head was actually under the night.

The disgrace is humiliated!

Night long wind is almost a movement riding a gold well, then welcoming the ball directly to the door.

I have already said that the heads of the night are very general, but this time, the night is very good, he has done strength, just in the first moment of the head.

boom! In the moment, in the moment, he appeared in front of him is Island, the Island, Zhiminjian.

If the island is a speed, he uses his hands to stand in front of the night length, and the two are deadlocked in the air.

"team leader!"


! In the end, if the island is not able to have the enemy's strength of the night, the body will lose balance in the air.

"Ni!" The defender of Dongbang Academy couldn't believe his eyes. The strength of the night long-term wind is actually overrid the power of the island.

"What is the power of this, too strong!" Dechuan Justice is also caught up, and the audience on the field is also holding the mouth.

The power of this strain makes everyone shocking.


2-2! At night, the top of the kick, the twelfth in the 200th game, pulled the score for South Gequard.

Two finals of the team returned to the same starting line.

"Enter! Enter! Enter! It is a night-long player, overbearing the head of the gates once again broke the best door of the national contest will be the five fingers of the island, the top of the island!" Dechuan Justice roaring non-stop.

On the venue, Nanshao is also very excited, Qi Qi to the night grow.

After the goal, the night-long wind refers to the poker of the pointer, and then rushed to the Pkano, and made a classic celebration of the former air turn.

"Okay!" This celebration is completely ignited to the enthusiasm of Nange fans, they excitedly, and keep moving on the blue white towel on the hand, patted the blue white inflatable on the hand.

The entire national owner became a blue and white happy ocean, and even many fans began to start a wave.

"A good, long wind!" After the back, the night length and Pkairo came to a bear.

At this time, the guy of Ishiyaki also ran over and joined the trip. He couldn't think of ahead of the air. The result took a time to slip, fell a PI stock to the peace of Saishan, provoke South Gorn, haha ​​laughed.

"It is worth the final, the two teams have been very exciting!" The VIP meeting couldn't help but be applauded.

"Yeah, the game has only been a whole one after another, I thought it was a whole!" I nodded.

"It is evil, and it is won by the stinky boy!" Tongbang Academy is in the seating area of ​​the Taisai, the people who have a teeth of the teeth.

"Attention is concentrated, if Island, you have to be pushed into a few balls by the boy!" Bea-Tian Zizi's incarnation tulldot coach, rushing up his player.

On the field, the Sangang Academy defender morale is so low, but the two people in the Golden Middle Field of Dongbang Academy have nothing particularly disappointed.

In the spoiled eye 170, it is in the light of him, and it is the reason why it can be played with Nange team is the reason for him to join Dongbang Academy.

For the big empty wing, the kick is a happy thing. He is more enjoyable is the process of pursuing victory.

Snapped! The middle circle, the three pickers allocated the ball to the big air wing, the competition continued.

The big air wings start high-speed with the ball. This time the big air wing has no pass and dodge, directly rushing to the night grow.

This is the challenge of the big air wing to the night, and it is clear that the night's goal has just been moving this genius football teenager. He has to launch an active attack.

"Come, the front of the trump! Can the big air wing players break through?" Dechuan justice rigid.

The big air wings have been rushed to the night, and the night is always keeping, and he doesn't know what the big air wings will do.

Compared to others, the big empty wings have always been the most powerful, even if they have super dynamic vision, they don't dare to say that the movement of the large air wings can be predicted.

His feet are different from others, they can more flexible with football.

! Suddenly, the big air wings left front, the right foot was behind, and the ball was stopped in the middle.

"What is this action?" The audience on the stage was surprised to the actions of the sky.

At this time, the golden light in the night, and he knew this action, a very fancy action!

1614 chapter, control rhythm

despair! At this time, the big air wing lifted the feet of the ball, and the body was eager to wipe the body.

At the same time, the ball jumped high from the night length of the night, that is, the big air wing is kicked with the ball to kick the ball, the more you live, then it is a sphere.

This move is very fancy, and the night-catching wind has seen many stars in the international contest, such as C Luo, such as Ib.

This movement is not informed than they do, and it is very perfect, so that the audience on the table is screaming.

"Good and smart move!" De Chuanzhi's voice just fell, brushing from the side of the big air wing from the side of the night, the night length disappeared again.

In the eyes of the night, the golden light flashed, and his body suddenly divered a straight line.

Is a diving boat defense!

Night wind once again made his defensive stunt, and the right foot directly took the ball behind him.

"Ah!" The big air wing showed an incredible look, before I saw the diving boat-type defensive ball of the three long winds, and he knew this defense when he faced such a defense. Powerful.

Because the night's reaction is very fast, it is also expected to have a big empty wave action, so he can check the ball to the ball.

Moreover, the submarine defense can be the famous stunt of Li Wal, who is the soul of the world's Brazilian team, and the power of Barcelona, ​​and the power of his stunt don't say more.

"Broken, the captain!" Nange Fair is also a strong magnificent.

"Before! South Ge! Go forward!" The fans of Nange in the table were also boiling, and South Ge's counterattack.

Night winds directly hooked at the foot of the poker, the left foot of the foot, and the right foot is directly with the high speed to start forward.

This is a good opportunity of South Geka. Due to the investment in the attack, San Shi is still in the half of South Ge.

"Not good"! "When the three pine is turned back, the night grows like a sharp arrow, rushing to the half of the Dongbang Academy, and his speed is faster than all the players of all the Tangbang back. .

With the speed of no ball, there is no one in Japan to catch up with a person.

Snapped! Pastelang took the ball with a dexterous player who had a patriarchy, and then passed the ball to the night long.

South Ge's Triple Tri Party is also running on the left and right sides of the night length, forming a three-line fast attack.

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