The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1595 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

At this time, the night length stopped the ball. At this time, the night length is at least more than 40 meters away from the Dongbang Academy. He suddenly stopped from the high speed, so that everyone is 10,000 I didn't expect that the night's lives were actually played directly.

The night long-lasting foot stops, and the gold right foot bow directly will vigorously put the ball.

Circular moon bending knife!

At this time, the round moon curd sharpener of the night is so long, and so many times have been upgraded to the masters.

Compared with the previous round moon, the ball of the night-catching ball is stronger, and he can also control the position of the ball in the farther distance, and the stupid arc of the gone is also Can be slightly controlled.

! This spin flying in this sphere is like a round moon, flooded directly over the distance of more than 40 meters.

"If Shimada!" The day turned back to Ruo Zhajun.

"Shot! Night wind player sees that if the island island, he has chosen to take a gap!" Dechuan Justice was surprised to improve the tone, and he also saw that the long wind after the middle line is over far distance. The wonderful drama of the hanging ball goals.

At that time, the night growing up is the gate of the island.

If the island is very strong, he has a biggest shortcoming to like to attack from the goal, and the station is generally very boring.

Thus, although it is convenient to get in contact between Island, it is also a huge hidden danger. Once the opponent has a player who can accurately of the hanging ball, this will happen.

"Be evil!" If Shimazan saw that the ball flew over his head, he began to fall into the ball door, he struggled to turn, and hit down.

"Can you enter?" Some of the fans on the stage did not dare to see it.

Snapped! At this time, the ball actually hit it on the beam of Dongbang Academy. Today, the beam of Dongbangology Park has saved the Etiend in numerous times.

"Good danger!" If Island is also shocked, he is overwhelmed to the grass, and it is directly to stop the ball in the ball in the meadow.

At this moment, if the Island is still fast, the right arm is also long, he is slightly touched by the ball, slightly revisiting the direction of rotation of the ball, or the night, the ball will definitely wipe the door. The beam is flying into the goal of the Dongbang School.

"¨` ▉▉▉▉ The guy is too accurate! "If the island is slowly climbed up and picked up the ball in the goal.

"Ah, it's a pity!" The audience in Nange in Taiwan issued a burst of sigh.

"Didn't enter! The Dongbang Academy escapes, it is really dangerous! Night Changjun can judge the walk in the opponent's goal, and his right foot is very accurate, if the island is the island, if The station is still such a pre-lean painting, and the total will still pay the price! "Dechuan Justice analyzed in the explanatory room.

On the field, after the island, I didn't hesitate, he was a big heart player. It is still my best. I have been brought to the big ban. Before the front line, a big call is to open the ball. Half of South Ge.

! The ball runs through the East Bang Academy, and came to South Ge's half.

At this time, the day, I just jumped directly, (Li's) won the ball in the top of Jingze, giving the ball to the three sings of the side.

"It's good, day!" Sanhuo left unloaded the ball, the right foot was started directly, and the whole move was one, and it was very elegant. It attracted the female fans of the Sansi in the table.

"The rhythm of the game is faster!" Deichuan Justice felt that night long-lived is forcibly improved the rhythm of the game, and there are a lot of spectators on the stage to see.

Attack and defensive conversions on the court seem to be a moment.

"Night Longjun is deliberate, I want to let Dongbang Academy entered the fast attack rhythm of South Gejiao!" I saw it in the eyes of the white light, "it is a strong, but it is a middle school student. The same tactical thinking! "

"Yeah, a player who can control the rhythm of the game is the most terrible player!" The chimonth is low and whispered.

1615 chapter, tiger roaring

On the field, San Shi is high-speed with the ball in Nange halfway. At this time, the night is still chasing from the half of the Dongbang Academy.

The Court of Tongbang's counterattack is very fast by the goalkeeper, if the island is directly, the speed is very fast.

People running quickly, they are all faster.

When San Shizhen took the ball with the ball in Nange, South Ge is in a big time, the entire midfield broke through the Sanhuo.

"Blocking him!" Just at this time, Nange's Pudi and the wisdom rushed up, and one left and right was prepared to prevent the Sanhuo.

There is no hesitant action at all, this time does not have a gorgeous movement, but a foot straight, bringing the ball to South Ge.

Sanqi passed a timely, very precise, the day that was high-speed to Xiaolang chased the straight ball of Sansi, and only South Ge's goal was left in the eyes of the rhinox.

"I want to win! I will not lose to the night long style, lose to South Ge, for my family, for my teammates, I must win!" The food in the eyes is thorough Boiling.

Straight line with the ball, there is no flower, the day, Xiaolang is a straight-line taking ball to the big-667-banned zone.

"Remote!" Knowing the day, Ishiki and high south of Siki, and high south of the high-spirited, blocked in front of the day.

"Roll!" The day is not reduced, and it hits the clamps between the two.

"I won't let you go!" In the period of the ground, I used the right foot to take the back tickle, he hookped the ball.

At this time, the day is completely ignorant of Izaki, my left foot continues to bring the ball, and the two are banned in Nange.

"Ah!" Ishi Siki eaten the strength of the milk, and it could not stop the feet of the day, and he took the ball with the ball.

"I want to win!" At this time, the day, the day is directly jumped, and the ball that is caught is bounced, it is a full level of emptiness!

call! The pumped ball is like a whistle that I will ink the gate of South Ge, and the Emperor of Senaki before the South Gate's line is still unhappy, just like stupid.

In the fifteenth minute in the first half, the Tiobang Academy rely on the day to Xiaolang, and once again, the day, the game is also a second degree.

"The shot of the good violent! South (CAEE) Ge's door will not make any reaction! Dongbang Academy is again leading!" Dechuan's justice parents turned back, "It seems that South Ge's latter line does not have night long players. In the case of it, it is still unable to resist the footsteps of the Espebon Academy. "

"Oh, great!"

"Leading again, surpass Nange!"

"The day is the strongest! The day is high!" It was looked at the fans of the Dongbang Academy. The audience became a black boiling sea from a blue white ocean.

From the almost broken, the day to the tiger-type goal, the fans of the Dongbang Academy are too stimulated.

"I saw it, this is the real tiger!" It was a bit proud to shake the head on the old man.

"The distance is not able to defend at all!" Southern a few fans muttered, at this time they missed the magical genius door, Ruin Jun.

"Good!" After the goal, the sun was tight, and the right arm was tall and suddenly sinking, and the chest was up and down because of the dramatic running and instant outbreak.

"It's great, the captain!" Everyone in Dongbang Academy is also rushing to Xiaolang.

"It is good, three pine!" The day and the two big king cards in San Shi were, the big air wings ran over, the three giants of the Dongbang Academy gathered.

"It's amazing, South Ge's latter defense line can't stop the king of Dongbang Academy! Night-length dramal, even if it is even more powerful, it is difficult to enemies! I am in Europe this year, feel the biggest Football is a holistic movement, a person's power is limited! "Seeing the coach holding the chin.

"Yes, I can't see, I feel that the night's long-lasting will have no effort, he should have his own ideas!" The box is shining on the box, "We may see a miracle!"

On the field, after the day, I was forced to go into the ball, I was a little fascinating.

"No, this kind of ball speed I can't keep up!" Senakaki's great low.

"Their offensive points are too much, they can't help!" Ishiki and high shovel wiped the sweat of the rains, before the past fifteen minutes, they were like playing a game, sweat almost played almost SHI has a whole body.

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