The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1599 of the Chapter 1599 of the Prince of Tennis

"The scorpion is tailing ~~!" If Shimin Jian urgently worked in this critical moment, he smashed his unique scorpion, and his feet were tied together. He used his feet to hook out Banguo's goal range.

If the island is very handsome, the aerial gesture is very good, it seems that he is super fast, and saves the Dongbang School. The ball is to be kicked out of the goal after he is.

Unfortunately, God and Ruoyu Jian have opened a joke, and the ball actually swayed again in this moment. I just went around the island, the scorpion of the island, and finally spinned into the goal of Dongbang Academy. in.

4-3! The night-length wind is used to complete the finals of the finals of the finals, and the scores on the field are overchair!

Dangdang, if the island is on the grass, he surprised him, and he ate a bit of grass.

The first mouth of Dechuan Justice in the explanation room closed, a ghost expression, he just got a peeled ball, he had forgotten that he was an explanation, a word did not say.

However, the audience in front of the TV is uncomfortable, because they also worked, from the close-up lens, they clearly saw the whole process of the goal.

And the country's main venue is a 50,000 viewers on the stage, whether it is South Ge's audience or the audience of Dongbang Academy has no sound.

The entire unhappy venue suddenly sat quietly, only the breathing of the audience's urgency Cu.

This ball is really TM evil door!

"This is also ..." Even the night cost of standing in South Ge half, he couldn't believe his eyes. This ball is really not that he deliberately, he can't kick this shocking and weeping ghost The goal in the audience.

Even if a ball is educated, the night's strength is only half a range of shoots. If this distance is exceeded, the night-length wind does not control the trajectory of the flying ball.

"I can also kick out lucky balls, I kao ~ ▉ will also be crying!" The night's wind laughed and shrugged.

"Going, it's too amazing!" The first reaction on the court is the neural strip of Ishiki. He is like a goal, and loudly rushed to the night.

"Haha, we are leading!" Nange Zhongren also responded.

Following the shouts of Nange everyone thoroughly ignited the fans of Nange, they are like exploding, which is generally boiling.

"Too ... too powerful! I am ... I have never seen this kind of goal in this life!" I didn't know if a middle-aged fan was excited.

"¨` ▉ is incredible, this is definitely the most exciting goal of this national contest, and rides a single ride for thousands of miles away from the long-distance rushing! "

"Perfect! This is not a shot that middle school students can kick!"

"Transform the other side's shoot into your own goal, this is still a person?" It was a person who was on the top of Nange's fans and rumored.

"The audience, the audience of the audience, the audience in front of the TV, the South Geka leaders in the first half of the first half! The two sides have already entered 7 goals, it is really a goal. War! "Dechuan Justice in the explanation room finally succeeded.

"I just went to the ball, I thought everyone saw it. It is definitely the most great miracle in the history of the middle school, and the old Chinese, the old Chinese, the ancient China has an idiom called the sky. Flying fairy! "The professional in the era of Dechuan Justice is the Chinese language and literature, and (Zhao Nura) is more understanding of his cultural and poetry of China.

"I want to go to the goal, I can only use the sky to describe the flying fairy, no discrimination, it is impossible to swear the shot!" Dechuan Justice is still strong.

"The sky is flying in the sky? This is really interesting!" The night gregary shook his head. If he really kicked this kind of ball every time, he really invincible the world.

However, De Chuan's words have given a lot of inspiration, since football teenagers can have their own ball skills, and the must kill skills in the self-created flying fairy is not possible.

I think that the night is excited, and the people in Nange will hit by one.

"Is this a ball that he is interested?" The VIP has seen the coach.

"Who knows!" The chimphum is calm, in fact, in the moment, the cigarette butt in his hands fell directly on the ground.

1620 chapter, Tangbang's counterattack

"What are you doing, the game has not ended yet, just just a lucky ball, the champion will always belong to Dongbang!" Just at the Eat of the Tongbang, the sky, the sky, the sky, the sky, the morale, The front Tian Le Lizi yelled his team in the Tung Baomen's rest area.

Her voice is already hoarse, but the tone is extremely firm.

"Coach!" Everyone in Dongbang Academy glanced, looking back to the pregnancies of the front of their vibration arms in the rest area.

"The coach is right!" The day, Xiao Lang, sink, the fire in the eyes never extinguished, "We are too late!"

"Beat South Ge, the champion is our Dongbang!" The day rushed to his own goal, hugged the ball in the ball.

"Captain ..." If Island, Zhajun looked up at the day of the day.

"If Shimadz, we haven't lost it yet! Next time, you must put his ball out!" The day, Little Lang's eyes looked at the island.

"Hey!" If Island, Zupian spit out the weeds in the mouth, the face is Yuling, "Of course, the ball is really amazing, but there will be no second time! Let the score come back, the captain!"

"Give it to me!" The day nodded, turned to the middle circle, put down the football in his hand.

The competition continues, and the Dongbang Academy is temporary.

"East-423-Bang chases the score!" At this time, the fans of the Dongbang Academy began to support their team. At this time, the players on the field need farmers that the fans needed.

"South Ge is another ball!" South Ge's fan morale is higher, and the night long is just that Tianfai faixian ignited all South Ge's fans. Love and blood.

Snapped! On the field, the big air wings passed the ball directly to the day to Xiaolang.

Dongbang Academy seems to change the play in an instant, no longer a partner of the two people in the golden midfield, but directly to the team's throne shooter to Tiger Day to Xiaolang.

"Board, break his ball!"

"Remaining the past!" Jing Zele and the singer of the two people directly rushed to the day of the midfield to the ball, and South Geng was confident because of the leader of the score, and the player was more confident, more active than the defense of just now.

This night's live wind did not let Nan Ge defend line retract, since the Dongbang School wants to hard, by personal ability, it is a thing that is happy.

"Hey!" In the face of the two frontcourts of South Ge, the day, the day, there is no hesitation, or it is still a straight line.

"Ah!" The coming and Jing Ze defended almost simultaneously hit it directly to the body of the cattle.

"It seems that the Tiger Day is angry, he ran up, he wants to pull the score for the Toubang!" Dechuan Justice is full of stupid. The emotional explanation, the wonderful extent of this game is far beyond him. Imagine.

Just when everyone thought that the day should continue to take the ball, the day is actually passing, and the ball is directly used to the side of the unfailed anti-Sangshi Tree.

This spread out of the expectations of Nange owners, including the night length, and the night-long wind is ready to start the ball to break down the feet of Xiaolilang.

He thought that the day has been in the middle, but the day, the day, the little time, I passed the ball.

That hailled day, actually passed the ball to the foot of the auxiliary Tangmachi tree.

"Nakamachi, breakthroughs!" After the pass, he shouted in the Sangshi Tree, while plugging himself. In-zone.

When the night's wind, the ball is not ignorant with the ball of Tang-machi, and he will pay attention to the day of the day, and the god is also separated from the San Shi and the air wing. These two people have direct big ban. The abroad of the ball and vigorously break the ability.

"Xiao Lang, you grow up!" Ji Yiliang old man muttered on the desk.

"One will pass the striker is the real forward!" The VIP saw the coach and looked at the day to nod.

On the field, the Tang-machi is broken through the ban on South Ge. After the district, the two people in Simici and the high pine are in front of him.

The Tang-machi is a good life player, speed and skill, but the real position war, his (CAFJ) has limited capacity, under the strict defense of the two people of Gao Xi, Sangshi Tree, did not shoot at all opportunity.

"Three pine!" At this time, a tree in Miki-machi points the ball to the sidewalk.

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