The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1600

Suddenly arrived at the right road, this is a south-sidewalk defensive player who is not adapted, and suddenly leaks three pine.

"I have no performance in this game, and I will have a long life in the command! This point will take me!" After the stop of the ball, the ball was turned and turned, just hid it. Pufen.

"Good and elegant and simplicity, it is worthy of the play of the court!" Dechuan is just in front of the eyes, "Can he compete in the martial arts?"

bass! With the doubt of Dechuan Justice, San Shi has already taken the ball to scrape into the big ban on South Ge.

"Trouble!" The night's eyebrows were broodered. If there is tactical tactics in the Dongbang Academy, there must be a flaw in the tactics.

Like the present, the Dongbang Academy is completely hot, and it is difficult to play at the scene.

Because whether it is three pine, or the big air wings and the day, there is a strong attack ability, and the battle is not the night's hopes hope to see.

When I said that the line of defense from South Ge is still very weak, there is no such as Linyuan sitting three, as long as she rely on night long wind strength.

!! The two winds have passed, and the three-in-one, the whole person is banned in Nange. The dance is dancing, the ball is jumping at his foot, and it feels stable. Stay under the feet of Sanhuo.

South Gearda banned. The two defends on the left side of the district did not know the mother of Sanhuo, and the San Shi once revealed his super-first-class ballistic power.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ ,, !"

"I love you! !" The female fan group who has been quiet on the stage has finally burst out.

"Awesome! San Shijun is banned in South Ge. There is no one in the district, his technology has greatly transcended the level of middle school students!" Dichuan justice rigid.

Ishi Siki threw away the original defensive human Sangmachi tree, and rushed into the three shovel.

In the big ban. The twins in the area, still need a lot of courage, the action of Ishi Siki is not necessarily unparalleled, and the three can also be cheated here.

And the three do not, he is the prince of the stadium, and it will not do this movie emperor at all.

! The left foot of Sanhu is clamped the ball, and the momentum is jumped. When you suddenly avoid the slip shovel.

"Dry well, three pine!" The field before the field is very excited.

In the perspective of Sansi, there is only one of the Senaki Emperor in front of him.

Single knife!

1621 chapter, half a half will be done (first more)

I want to go in my goal! "The Senaki Great is drunk, and then he did not hesitate to rush out of South Ge's goal. The Emperor Senaki chose to attack, he did not grasp the shot of the three shots. § § §

At the moment of Senaki, I just took a step in a step, and the San Shi bowed his head and didn't look at the ball. Direct right foot bows put the ball.

! From the speed of race rapidly, the speed is rotated directly to the far corner of the ball.

"Be evil!" The Emperor Senaki first glanced first, then the powerful jumped, wanted to use the right hand to take the ball out of the ball.

But the ball scratched a curved arc before the door of South Ge, eventually wiped away from the Emperor of Senaki, flew into South Ge's goal.

44! The court prince Plun also went into the game, he pulled a score for Dongbang Academy!

"Good!" After the goal, more excited than Sansang is a proxy coach in the Dongbang Academy Seating Area. She is excited to jump.

"Ball! It is not a few people who have been connected by the prince of Tokyo. It has entered the wonderful arc ball! Dongbang Academy pulls back the score, this game is too exciting!" Dechuan Justice is also Excited face is red, this is why he is so expecting this final reason.

In the first half, the game has been conducted in twenty-seven minutes, the score on the field is already four to four, and the two teams have entered eight balls.

Unlike the team of the general finals, the team will respect the little federation, which is a flat game, even zero, and finally only rely on the downtime.

At this final, the Dongbang Academy and South Geo are constantly moving against battles, wonderful goals and lenses, so that the national owner is watching the 50,000 viewers should be liable, very much. Addiction.

At this time, San Shijun running after going to the Tung Baoguo, the big air wings directly, and everyone in the Dongbang Academy is also Qi Qi.

This point is too easy. When the team needs him to stand up, Sange is not hesitant, this is the court of the court!

"Prince! Prince! Prince!" The female fan of Sanmin on the stage was completely crazy. This group of guys did not come to see the game, they just came to see the performance of the three.

"It's evil, it will be a little bit!" Senaki Great kicked the ball in the spinning ball.

Southern Golden Way people have a little low, this game South Ge's attack is basically supported by two people in the night, and the defense of South Ge is also a loyal.

But there is no way to face the night, and he can't prevent the three giants of Dongbang Academy at the same time.

PU is also different from the big air wings. He will not easily the trap of the long wind in the middle and night, if you choose long-term, you have% in front of the night, you can save the door.

However, Sansi will directly rely on its super-stroke skills into South Ge. District, night long wind is not likely to lose the day to Xiao Lang to defend Sanhuo.

Because the power of the three palliatrics is also very strong, once it makes him, the day, the day is not possible to make mistakes in the case of unmanned defense.

Moreover, the shooting skills used in Sanhuoi are also surprised, and the arc ball of Sansi will mean a little night. Although some are different, it looks similar.

"I almost forgot that these guys in the football tend to steal skills, especially the big air wings!" Night long-awaited look at the people of Dongbang Academy.

The killing skills used by the night grows is still only one of him to be able to use, because his must kill skills need strong physical fitness.

However, with the growth of Japanese gold, their physical quality will become stronger and stronger, especially the big air wing potential.

Night long wind can almost predict that the large air wings can take his must kill the essence of seven seven or eight eight, so that what can you learn, then only wait until the future is to witness.

"There are still three minutes, give me the ball for a while!" The night long wind looked up at the time on the branch, and then turned his head and sweeped a South Gran.

"Yes, the captain!" Nange everyone nodded.

The competition continued, and Nange team was circled.

Snapped! Yaro stagno allocated the ball to the night, the night did not stop the ball, and it was directly to stand the half of the Dongbang Academy.

"Staring at the night, the little boy, Nange's last attack must be him to do!" Tongbang Academy was called on his player.

After reading so many nights, the front Tian Le Lizi has been very familiar with the command style of the night's wind. Once the time is not much, the night long wind often chooses a single moment.

"Come, South Ge's attack. The king player night Changjun is taking the ball, the competition is not much in the first half, can Nan Ge have again achieved a leading advantage?" Dichuan justice rigid.

On the court, the two major middle-game defensive players in the Dongbang Academy appeared in front of the night long, one left and right.

This time, Sanmin, let the people of Dongbang Academy contracted the defense line, there are not many games, delay the attack of South Ge, is the reasonable defense.

If the night long wind belt ball to Dongbang Academy is banned. If the district, the long-term power of the night is also a nuclear weapon that makes all the teams.


Just now, the night's flying flying fairy has left too deep impression to the Dongbang Academy. They don't want to leave any of the opportunities for night long winds in the last half of the game.

"Tankball!" Night wind completely ignored the defense of the Tongbang, his whole body is tight, then directly with the ball directly.

boom! boom! The two defensive players in Dongbang Academy were directly hit by night, and the speed of the night did not decrease. Instead, it is getting faster and faster, there is a sense of people.

"Let me come!" At this time, the day, the day, after the long-lasting wind, the day of sweating, the day of the sweat, almost made all the strength, and finally the night is chasing the night, come to the night. On the side of the wind.

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