The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1608 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"But, in this case, our midfield is there is no advantage!" Ishikaki said.

"It doesn't matter, I am in the front place, I don't dare to go to the middle of the field. Next, Tailang, as long as you can pass the football to me, it will be given to me!" Although the scene is somewhat unfavorable, but night long The golden light in the eyes is even more flashed.

With ten people to defeat this kind of king of Dongbang Tuo, what is more bloody than this more blood! .

1630 chapter, a ball into the soul (fifth more)

On the field, Nange team served. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

Snapped! Night wind puts the ball to Poland, and then a person rushed to the half of the Dongbang Academy.

The people of Nange team spread out, and they were born in the left and right of the Yutano, and the Pkarang was in front of the midfield.

"What is going on?" Sanhuo was in the town defensive midfield, and his attention was always on the night.

"Well, there is currently the Nangui team who will fight for ten people, their ace player night long-standing, fighting forward, putting a formation!" Dechuan Justice has seen it clearly from the perspective of the display of the display. South Geka 's fax changes.

"Next, it will be valid. I am looking forward to the performance of the night long wind players in the forward position!" Dechuan Justice on the onset of the front of the night, remembering.

That is the competition of Nange Selection Team to the Tokyo King, in that game, the defending line of Musashi has a slag by the night's wind.

At this time, Yaro said that the midfielder of the Dongbang Academy, the big air wing appeared in front of the pole.

The rocks of Poland were hosted to get rid of the big air wings, but they did not succeed. On the wind, the big air wings seem to be a bit of the feelings of the stars.

The ball is equally well, the feet are also the same flexible, except for the pass consciousness, Baro is slightly poor, the body's large air wings occupy the absolute advantage for the Yutano.

Puglang seems to be unable to get rid of a big empty wing, he didn't have the kind of body strength of the sky, and it was also a very empty wing's diving boat-style defense.

Just because of this, South Geka was slammed against the ball and had a series of consequences.

"Tailang, give me the ball!" The night's strong voice came, and the poker was calm, and the left foot picked the ball, then the right foot directly pushed, and passed the ball to Dongbang School. Big ban.

"Goodball!" Night long windside faces the goal of Dongbang Academy, stopped the Baro Parlary in the chest under the interference of two defensive players.

This is the place where the Poland is strong. His passing talent and ability are superfluous, so that the night long wind will feel very comfortable and happy.

Snapped! After landing, the lively power relied on the strength of the body, relying on the papers of the defenders, guarding the football at the foot.

At this time, the night-hard workstation is in the Bisang Academy of Academy. In addition, it is like Henry to protect the ball, then slowly to the Bangang Academy.

"Is this also?" The viewer on the Tongbang is watching, and the night's long-standing will squeeze the Etiend's defender to the big ban.

"Is this not a single play in the basketball game?" Dikawa Justice in the explanation room was stupid, actually in the football star's movement, and there is still a good wind. .

"Ox!" At this time, the defender of the Emperor's two stickers defense nights only felt that the body was constantly coming, so that they had to retreat, they will be hit directly.

"Blocking him!" Sanyi commanded two players to surround the night.

At this time, the night's wind has been crushed to the Bangang Academy as the road, and there is a sudden rise in the district, and the night, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time The palette goes forward to the pair of pairs.

People are divided!

Night long winds suddenly became a flexible shadow strike from tall back, this free conversion allows the defenders of Dongbang Academy to be slightly stable, and they have been drilled from the two people. .

"Outtures! Night long wind players once again get rid of the four defenders of Dongbang Academy, too incredible!" Dechuan Justice was excited.

As he expect, once the night's wind is changed, his attack power is directly increased.

Because the striker is closer to the gates than the offensive midfield, the closer the goal, the higher the scorching rate, which is the true truth that the football field is constant.

Snapped! When the night long is the moment of taking the ball again, he has reached the point of the point, this distance, this location, goes to the night-catching ball, like a probe.

There are only two people in front of the night-catching wind, a three pine, and another door will be Johor Bajinjian.

"Will you shoot?" Deichuan's heart mentioned his eyes.

Three pine hangs runs with the night long wind, just to follow the night long, want to destroy at night long-lasting door, or at least narrow the angle of the night long wind gate.

At this time, the night's wind suddenly stopped. At this time, the three shine and the island is just a line.

The night-catching observation is very accurate. His super striker's keen sense tells himself that if the island is blocked by Sance.

If the island is in this time, he can't see the ball of the night's feet, and the sight is indeed blocked.

Just in the night of the night, three pine stretch. Have the right foot, he wants to destroy the ball under the long feet.

The movements of the three are very fast, and the nerve reflection is not strong, even so, the night grows is faster than three soles.

His right foot will think about the ball, and suddenly avoid the steal of the three.

Then, the night is not stopped, and the right foot of the original place is anger.

A ball into the soul!

There is no fancy movement, there is no push or ball, and the night is chosen to have the most rude left foot vigorously.

Just now, I was punished and also made the night length of the wind, and I all broke out.

This time, the night's live wind is used for 10%, and the ball is like a big explosion in an instant, shining.

If the island is still standing in the Dongbang Academy of Tong, he is a loud noise behind him, and the loud life of this feet is not able to capture.

I look back at my own goal, and if the island is island, the biphocyte is suddenly contracted.

The night-catching ball is actually a big hole in the door, and then directly embedded in the plastic billboard after the goal, there are many cracks around the ball, and it looks exaggerated.

65! The night-length wind is used to open the gate of the Island, and the South Geka is actually leading again in the case of ten people.

"What is the power?" When the big screen was given a close-up of the football in the Bangbang Gate, the audience included the audience to say that Dechuan Justice was shocking up.

It is the same feeling with football. This is the same feeling with the basketball court.

Unbelievable, incredible!

The perfect combination of speed and strength, this is the real ball! .

1631 chapter, fall into a dilemma (first more)

"Unbelievable! The night-long player actually shot the ball in the Dongbang Gate. Even the high-speed camera can also capture the movement track of this ball!" Dechuan Justice is excited in the explanatory room.

EATang, including the audience, the coach on the seat, everyone knows that once the South Geki is in trouble, the night cost will stand first.

But even if you know, you can't stop it.

At this time, after the goal, I gave me the night-long's pair of winds and rushed to the auditorium. This gave a ball into the soul of the anger in the cold chest.

"Wow!" The viewers who saw Nange in the table were crazy.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" Residive resounded throughout the countryside, which is a great time than before.

The night-hearted wind turns on the audience with a thumbs to refer to the jersey of their back, and made a classic lake-style celebration action.

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