The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1609 of the Chapter 1609 of the Prince of Tennis

The audience at the scene was completely ignited, and the cheers had almost the same.

The back of this domineering zero jersey will always stay in the memory of South Ge's fans.

On the other side of the Tongbang Academy fans are silent, they are lived by the night's shock shots.

To know that Nange team now is less than the king of Dongbang Academy, but it seems more like a South Geka to play the Dongbang Academy.

Twenty minutes from the next half of the competition, the Dongbang Academy Responsive District Agent Teachers Stands up, she calls her own player.

"Don't panic, there are still many time. They only have ten defensive power! Let me continue to attack! Attack their back defense!"

The circle of the stadium, the Dongbang Academy serves.

Snapped! The big air wing allocated the ball to Sanchi, and everyone in the frontcourt in Dongbang Academy was pressed against Nange half.

In the case of one more than one person, Dongbang Academy is still in charge, using the anti-line emptiness of the other party, they must enter more balls to win the game and win the champion.

On the field, the three shovel high speed with the ball forward, the big air wings were very tacit in two people on him.

Because the night-long wind has changed the striker, Southerng's midfield is completely in the lower wind, and the Yaro's one person cannot block the combination of the large air wing and the midfielder of the San Shiqi.

And in Nange, the two people in the area of ​​Xiaolang and the anti-Nami-machi were all stared by Nange's defender, and Simosaki is very active to defense against the day, and there is no chance to catch the next time. .

"The day is blocked!" Sange looked up at the day of the day to Xiaolang, and also looked at the Tang-machi, and the Etangkogi Academy two sharp knives were stare dead.

"It seems that I only rely on me and the little wings!" Pushes pushed the left foot of the ball to the big air wing, and the two did a fast hit wall cooperation.

Waiting until Sansi once again took the ball, he was coming to South Gearda. In addition, the Emperor of Senaki stood in front of South Gemen, very nervous, there is no Nankue defense line in the town of the town, and there are fewer trees.

As before, Tian Zi Zi said, South Ge's back line is indeed weaker than just.

bass! The Sanhuo is facing the well-defensive well, directly pulling the ball, directly killing the Big Board of South Ge.

At once, South Geka is banned. The defense line in the area is pulled, and the three sinensis attracts a lot of attention.

No way, San Shi and the day, the game is two degrees, his scouring ability is also good, recalling the previous game, Sansi is equal to the martial arts attack.

"Can't let them go into the game!" Ishigosaki screamed, and Nan Ge defending people also made the strength of eating milk, although their ball technology is not as good as the three giants of Etobang, but they are still very active Forced robbery.

This defensive strength is better than before, and the battle of physical strength, Nange Zhong is awake after the night's ball is just now.

"It's a fierce defense, the ten people's South Ge is fighting hard!" Dechuan Justice hopes that South Ge will win, so it is more legendary, more .

But he also hopes that Dongbang can enter more balls, making the game more exciting and exciting.

South Gearda banned. In the district, San Shiqi has attracted two defensive players, and passed the ball accurately to the foot of the trees of the left Sikido.

At this time, the distance from the ball door is very close, he opened his own defensive people.

"Worse!" Ishiqi should not defend the day, directly in the ground to slippery a tree in Sangshi-machi.

The Tang-machi has sweeps an eye on Simi Light, and then she follows the foot with her feet, returning to three sings.

Sanshen also do not stop the ball, directly cross-passing to Nange big ban. There is no location in the district.

"What!" Nan Ge defended him by the Toubang, and did not sit in the town. After the night's trend was in the town, the Tongbang passed that the ball was able to do it, as if it was banned in South Ge. District Practice.

boom! A black figure is out of the sky, it is a big air wing.

The air wing seems to have been waiting for it, he welcomes the ball, there is no defensive player in front of him, directly pushing.

This time, the Emperor of Senaki is very fast, he is rushing toward the right side, and the right hand wants to use the ball to use the ball.


Dang! The large air wing is highly lowered, and the football is also slightly rotated. It directly into the right side of South Ge's goal, almost rubbed the door column, and the angle is very angry.

66! In less than a minute, Dongbang Academy once again equalized the score.

"Enter! Enter! Enter!" Dechuan Justice called the shout, "The king of Dongbang slammed the score, I have already remembered how many times in this game, I'm going to fight, it is a final, it is too fierce. ! "

"A good shot, big empty wing!"

"Finally slamming!"

"Defending, Dongbang!" The silence of the Souduk fans on the stage finally had a breath.

Although the night is terrible, he is only a lonely hero.

There are three giants in Dongbang Academy. In the case of one person in South Ge, Dongbang's goal seems to be easy, and the balance of victory is again tilted to Dongbang Academy.

"Okay! If this way," Nan Ge Yingtuan is a little droker, and the ball is really nothing to say.

All people in the East Tangbang Academy have played a role, Sanhui organization, the day, drag the defensive, anti-Mi-machi passed, and finally the big air wing hammer.

This is the perfect show of the strongest Tung Baobang's offense!

"Hey! The stinky boy can't do it! If you come back to defense, South Ge's attack is no power. If you stay in the frontport, South Ge will be crushed by us!" Standing in the middle of the midfield, muttering itself. .

1632 chapter, choose offense (second more)

Indeed, with the current situation in South Ge, the night grows into a dilemma. ≌ ≌ ≯ ≯ ≯ ≌ ≌

South Geki is not Ruolin, if the night is not sitting in the road, it is very difficult to prevent the Sanbang's three giants in South Ge.

But if the night grows on the road, the line of offensive, it will be less than one person.

Between defensive and offensive, the night is chosen to attack, because his blood flows is the blood of attack.

On the middle of the field, Nange serve.

In the second half, there is still 18 minutes. In this 18th minute, the night long decision only attacked, as far as possible goals, handed it to their teammates.

Snapped! Pastelang allocated the ball in the middle of the medium, and the night's live wind came back to the Poland, and then a person rushed toward the front field of the Dongbang Academy.

Still the same, the Southern Single Arrow Tactics, At this time, the role of the Yaro is very important, he must transition the ball's stable transition to the loud feet.

Once the ball is turned off, the anti-line of the Dongbang Academy is difficult to resist.

Pursuing the success rate of returning attacks, this is the current primary task of South Ge, which is the cooperation of the South Geranda is the cooperation of the water, but only the extremely disadvantage of this lessone is only fighting.

It can be said that this moment, the attack of South Geka is almost all on the night.

bass! When Pkarang suddenly went to Dongbang Academy, under the command of Sanmin, there were three defenders of the Dongbang Academy to circumferentially blocked Pkiro.

Pastelang came out in advance, and the Sanhuo directly blocked before the Pkaro and night long wind, he did not let the Pkarang passed the football to the night, and he only divided the ball to the side of the dragon.

When I kicked this, Long Yi's consumption was also a big, but he still had a full strength of the ball.

Dongbang Academy is not very close to the defense of the dragon, and the dragon is very easy to rely on a defensive player, then continue to quickly bring the bottom line.

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