The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1611

Night wind can't go back to defense, he chooses to steal the football at the foot of Donggang directly in the midfield, as long as it can steal in the middle field, the Etobang's attack can not get up.

However, the big air wings are not a big air wing, he will not stick to the ball, directly put the ball with the right foot.

! The football draws a round moon arc in the air, flooded through the top of the people in Nange Middle.

"It is an arc ball!" Dechuan Justice is a bit surprised.

"This little child!" The night grew and looked at the big air wings that turned to the front field.

The big air wing is not a madness. After the submarine defense, the large air wings have begun to use the night long-windy moon bend knife.

Of course, the feeling of the large air wing is high, the rotation of football is so strong, and the control of the fall is also a big gap with the night length.

But at least the big air wings kicked out the prototype of the moon bend, which is where the power of the large air wings.

Maybe he is not as good as a night, but the growth of the big air wing is huge, and for a few years, no one knows what he can play.

On the field, the big air wing this ball directly passed into the big ban on South Ge.

"Ah!" At this time, the day, the day, he squeezed all the defensive players of Nange, and the headball returned to the big ban.

Two people are equivalent to doing an ultra-distant hit wall, and it is successful.

As the game progresses, the big air wings are increasingly adapted to the rhythm of the game, and they find the feeling of herself.

For the talents of attack, the big air wing should be above the Sance.

"This is hard to do!" The night grew frowned, he chose to believe his teammates, did not catch back.

The night grows quickly, but faster, even if he prevents the big air wing, the big air wings will be a football, and there is no good way to live in the night.

Dongbang's three giants have completely entered the state, with each other's cooperation, there is no embarrassment, and it has become very smooth.

"Be careful of his curve!" Senokaki, who was in front of Nange, reminded the defender in front of him, he did not grasp the killing skills of the big empty wing.

"I know!" Ishi Siki should drink it directly to the big air wing.

Snapped! At this time, the big air wing chose to pass the ball, and passed the ball through the three-year-old.

Sanshen also do not stop the ball, and the ball turns around to bring football into the big ban.

"This ball is mine!" The day suddenly accelerated, opened all defensive players, grabbed the football in front of everyone.

"Ah!" And just at this moment, the audience on the stage exclaimed.

"It's a Parlary player!" The explanation of Ridechuan is also surprised, and it is not only the day, but also the poker.

The emergence of Pkiro is that the day has never been thought of. He has used Yu Guang to confirm that the night grows still in the middle of the field, and there is no back to prevent.

The sudden appearance of this time, the sudden appearance of the Emperor's front game is expected in the front of the EATong, and he and the day have encountered football.

The football is extruded, and then it is confiscated directly by the Senaki!

Defense is successful! South Ge's magical play is actually a successful defending of Dongbang's powerful attack.

"Senaki!" The night grew in the midfield shouted.

"Come, the captain!" The Emperor Senaki directly hugged the football, and the day, Xiao Xiaolang, and the Pkarang, and one foot opened the ball to the midfield.

The feet of the Emperor of Senaki, but this night's night grew is judged, and there is no Aobang player, and there is an anterior front field to attack.

bass! The night long is easy to use the left foot to unload the ball in the air, then just counterattack!

"South Geka's counterattack, the king of the night long wind player is bringing the ball at high speed!" Dechuan is just a faster mouth.

"Dare to press the staff, you will pay the price!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, accelerated again in an instant! .

1634 chapter, shooting empty door (fourth more)

Previous night long winds are expected to be in the middle of the midfield, and the three of the three cents will not participate in the attack of Dongbang Academy. ∨ π π π π ∨ ∨

However, Sanhuo is very bold, Dongbang's three giants are all involved in the attack, because Sanmin self-confidence can wear a hundred percent cave wear the line of defense.

However, this time, the three of the three times, the football is at night, and the ET Adamant players are in Nange.

At this time, there were only four papers of the papers, including the small pool and Jinjing rushed.

Night wind speed is extremely fast, it is already brought to the ball to the top of Dongbang.

"You can't let him go into the game!" Xiao Chi yarn.

"Destroying the football under his feet!" Jinjing on the side is also a face, fight.

If the night grows at this time, if you choose forced to break through this time, Dongbang hugs even the way to pull short pants will stop the night's wind.

At this time, in front of him, the small pool and Jinjing, the night long wind shoulder swings, one instantly differentiated three residuals, directly brushing from the small pool and Jinjing.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

Nothing has not used this trick, so that the two people in the Dongbang Academy are stunned.

"Overhab, the ace player's night Changsun has killed the Bangbang's big ban. District!" Dechuan Justice tone directly increased a few degrees.

"Enclose him!" If the island is full of hands, the last two of the Dongbang Academy will block the night in front of the night.

At this time, the night length wind left the ball to the right foot, the right foot pointer clamped the ball, then left one turned, and the last two of the Dongbang Academy were turned off.

"This is also!" On the stage, the Tangbang fans sent a connected exclamation.

The night's movement is too smooth, too smooth, and only use too.fasttoo.wonderfultoo.good to describe.

"Single knife ball!" Dichuan is just a voice.

bass! A lightning figure rushed out from the Dongbang Academy Ball, which was Johor Bajinjian.

He actually passed the moment when he turned around, and he knew that two defenders could not stop the footsteps of the night.

When the night growth wind turned around, if the island is the slider of the island has arrived, just shovel pour the night long-standing football.

"Kao!" The night is dark, and the body instantly lost balance. He didn't think that the island is so bold, this is already a category of the aggressive gates, which is completely a gambling.

"The shovel is poured! If the island player shovels, the night growers, very beautiful defense!" Dechuan is just a bright.


"It's good!" The people of the East State were large.

"Not finished yet!" The night grew in the ground, forcible in the air, the powerful waist force made the night long wind, and the football has been taken to the air in the air.

And the night length of the ball in the air is completely lost, but it is actually a feeling of feeling, and the right foot is behind.

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