The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1612 of the Chapter 1612 of Tennis Prince

The slap, under the eyes of the island, and the night is in the air, and the low-altitude will kick the football back. Then landed and the island is together.

despair! The football flew to the foot of the ball, the dragon awarely stopped the football, and some had a bit for a while. He did not think that the night length wind energy will pass the football.

"Quick shot!" The fans who have Nange in the table shouted.

boom! Dragon is reacted, facing the empty door of more than 30 meters, the dragon is in a hurry to choose to shoot, with the football of the right foot.

Football is not very positive, and the dragon is hurried, and the football that is smashed is just the most straightforward, and it will not be biased.

In this way, the football rolled into the unmanned empty door.

86! South Geka has been leading two goals!

"The goal is me?" The dragon after going forward, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Enter! Enter! Enter! South Geka's wiered Longjun entered the third goal of Nange's second half!" Dechuan Justice did not think of this offense.

"Haha, we have won!"

"South Ge, the strongest! South Ge, Tago!" The fans of Nange's fans took a look.

Regardless of the goal, no matter what kind of goal, goal is the best performance!

"Dry, Dragon!" After you have rushed to the back of the dragon, you should take it on the back of the dragon.

"Ah!" Dragon is almost inverted.

"Haha! Victory is our South Ge, your era of Dongbang Academy is over!" Ishiki said to Xiaolang.

"Breast, what do you say!" The day, Xiaolang, was very angry.

"Why, do you want to fight? Let me play me!" Ishiqi rushed to the day to make a ghost face, and just now, the high-spirited high-spirited is fined, and Ishiki is very uncomfortable. Now it is to retaliate Daily.

"I am evil!" The day will be blown to the lungs, but he does not dare to act rashly. He already has a yellow card. If it is moving, it is likely to be directly fined by two yellow cards.

"This is my mistake, or if I have been bleated with Tailang, I will be bleated! Mix!" The day, the teeth are tight, filled with the unobstructed anger, the chest of this tiger.

"Only 14 minutes behind, it seems that this game is South Ge Sheng!" The VIP has a slow road, "To be honest, South Ge's lineup can hit this situation. It is already a big big beyond my expect! "

"Yeah, I originally thought that I would play the overtime game. Now I seem to choose to go back to defense, participate in the defense. The Etobang wants to pull back two goals in fourteen minutes, quite difficult!" On the side of the Tong attached to the side.

"We are championships ~ we are championship ~" Look at the South Geka fans are already singing the song of the champion, but also started on the stage.

"Betting! The champion is our Dongbang!" The day, Xiao Lang, no matter some other teammates who are in the court, he directly rushed to the Dongbang Garbed, hugging football, running to the midfield.

I am a large air wing or a three-year-old, and the ball is directly sent to the midfield.

"Daily!" The big air wings.

"Give me the ball, let me come!" The day can come to the eyes, the big air wings passed the football to the day.

"Dongbang quickly serves, the day is this time is big for ban. There is a ball outside the area. Is there a way to play?" Dechuan Justice just wanted to sum up the process of Long Yi's goal, this day, Xialairo has already Quickly rush to Nange. District arc top.

"I want to have to go!" Nange's Pudi and the western tail rushed out, and it was a double slider to the day.

"Walk away!" The day does not pay attention to the slippers of the two, continue to take the ball straight.

A loud noise, three feet fell on the football on the football. .

1635 chapter, three giants broke out (fifth more)

boom! boom! After two consecutive two times, the Pudi and the West Tail were bounced directly from the giant force from football. ζ ζ

At this time, Ishiki and Jingze are also rushing out, and the two people are going to block the day to Xialairo's instant.

On the day, Xiaoshan actually uses the left foot to put the ball to the left side, and the flexible videk avoids the two.

That actions in the unprecedented day, so that Ishikaki and Jing Ze will have some happiness.

"Win people are me, the day, Xiaolang!" After the flash is angled, it is immediately a powerful tiger shoot.

Bang! The football is under the day of the feet in the day, and the goal of the Senakaki emperor takes a moment.

And this time, the annegee shooting shot down the spheres in the South Galan, like a night, and the tiger shot, the tiger shot, the tiger shot on the billboard, the rounded pothole.

Strong strength, it is amazed.

78! On the day, Xiao Lang lights up, and it has been completely relying entire entirely with personal skills and thoracic thinking.

In this regard, the Japan has strong to the San Shi and the air wings.

The large air wings and three pons are more love to football, and the day, Xiaolang regards football as the only road to him.

Such a player's consciousness and others are completely different. Such a fighting spirit makes the night's wind can't help but think of the player who came out of the world from the slums from the slums in the foreigner, Nemar.

Of course, there are many examples, especially in the relatively poor South America.

"Strong shot! Happy goal!" Dechuan is sigh.

"Dongbang! Dongbang! Dongbang!" Look at the silent fans on the Dongbang Academy, once lied, and their eyes were ignited again, and they called the sound, and the momentum was pressed by South Ge. fan.

"Not finished yet!" Japan ran to the billboard, grabbed the football and ran back.

After ran to the midfield, the day will press the ball in the middle circle.

"Fast tee!" The day looked at the night long wind and whispered with the wilderness of the wild.

"This guy!" Night Changfeng was also desirable to stimulate the strongness of the strong.

More than ten minutes ago, the audience on the game, the audience on the stage, the audience before the TV set, explained Dechuan Justice, and the two team players can feel the last battle time.

Only a stronger team, more determined players can get the final champion to dominate the country!

Snapped! On the field, the night-hearted wind brought the ball to Pkairo.

Pugulang and Longyi and the students in the middle of the midfield, the night is back to her teammates, keep running forward, three pine opportunity.

At this time, the top of the midfielder, the PTA was going to get rid of the moment, and a black shadow flashed.

Is a big air wing!

The big air wings judged the intention of the Yaro, directly stretching the football at the foot of the pool.

The chance of the Tangbang counterattack.

"Broken ball!" Tongbang's counterattack! "Dechuan's justice was excited." It seems that Nan Ge is one less than one person, the disadvantage of the midfield is too obvious! "

After the big air wing, I started to run quickly to the South Ge's half.

Sanshen also lost the night, no matter whether you don't care, directly kill the half of South Ge.

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