The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1615 of the Chapter 1615 of Wangzhen System

despair! After the big air wing, it is directly launched high-speed, and the San Shi Wei is also rushing up. The East Bang Triple will once again start offense.

"Yes, this is the case! As long as the moving goal, the night long style is always tired!" Dongbang seating area, Zi Tian Ma Lee shouted.

At this time, the Barlang's blockbuster in front of the big air wing, the big air wings stopped the football, and then went back to Sanhuo.

"Too obvious!" The night is very accustomed to the junction of Dongbang Academy, and he suddenly slammed out from the San Shi, and used the body to squeeze the three pieces.

After the San Shi, the back was hit by night, and the pain was unbearable. Almost lost the balance, just like a steel plate hit it.

"Broken ball! Night wind player in the game!" Dechuan Justice roaring and said.

"The night long wind is like entering the state, the game may immediately see it!" The VIP has seen the coach.

"Yeah, I really look forward to what kind of ball will also kick!" The Tong in the side pushed the sunglasses on the nose. .

Chapter 1638, King South Ge (third)

"Blocking him!" Beibang Academy is still unable to sit again, she stood up, rushing to the Sale of the Eastern Academy. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ =

On the other hand, the three giants of the Dongbang Academy are also hunting, they know that once the long wind is speed up, I want to catch up with basically.

Three San Shanli is recently, he endured the pain behind him, and the opposite is exhausted to chase the night, and the middle field of Dongbang Society is loud, and the island wild and pine three people are long. wind.

With the state of the night, Sanshen have not dare to let the defense line retract, once the default is retractable, with the speed of the night, it is like drinking water, just like drinking water.

In the face of the three defensive midfielders from Dongbang Academy, the night long shoulders swing, football is turning back in the night, and the feet of the night is like a motor, swaying three people. The eyes are spent.

In the first moment, the night length is divided into a lot of seven-eight-lost shadows. Each residue is made different actions, breaking through different directions.

It is also the shackles of the dawn goddess!

Only, this time, the night-long wind is bonded to the body properties, the skill of the Shuguang goddess broke through the masters to reach the masters.

The mantle of the masters of the martyrs, the night long can differentiate a lot of eight obsolesys, and each remaining shadow is truly several times before.

"Unbelievan! Audience, I actually saw eight night long, I am doing a dream?" Dechuan Justice has already seen this trick overnight, and this time, Dechuan is still excited. .

He explained that the football competition decades, and he has never seen such a strange figure, it is like a ghost.

"Isn't he really an alien?" There is a big fans in the Tongbang on the table.

On the field, the eight-handed vital residual shadow passed from the three Dongbang Academy, and the fastest island wild chased into a residual, but the remaining shadow was hit by the island, turned out to be Direct disappeared.

The body of the real night long wind is only a back shadow of a rapidly forward zero jersey.

The wind glows in the left and right sides of the night, blowing his jersey.

Night wind turns all the binding freedom runs on the court, and he has played the speed of his king's invincible.

On the table, the 50,000 spectators were breathed, regardless of the fans of South Ge or Dongbang's fans, everyone's eyes were firmly attracted by the night of one person.

His speed is too fast, between the blink, and the night-long wind has broken from the middle game to the Babang Academy.

Only the three defenders of the Dongbang Academy were left in front of the night-faced, and the Sichuan and Jinjing, and the last thing to stay in the Toubang Academy.

"Come on! I am not afraid of you, night long wind!" If Shimin Jian smashed for himself, today's game, Jijimujian has never been taken into nine balls from Nange team.

This is like a nightmare.

However, if the island is not inverted, his character is the case, spelling the last moment.

He gave up his dignity, as long as the victory, just continue his own football dream!

bass! Night winds have become a big ban on Dongbang Academy, and the last three defensive players in the Dongbang Academy are surrounded by the Last three defensive players in the Dongbang Academy.

Under the shouts of Sansi, these three people are no longer close to the night, but they open a little distance with the night long, do not let the night long wind and breakthroughs.

Night wind is a bit surprised that the three people can maintain calm, and to command Dongbang in this moment.

However, he can not be in love at his feet, and the body is swinging in the body, pulling a bow in an instant.

Then, the bow is out of the arrow, the right leg of the night, suddenly moving forward, gold right foot bow.

Suddenly, the color of the colorful bending moon in the night, flying over the Tangbang's goal.

Is a round moon bend knife!

Since you have to block me, then I am sorry, only let you taste my night arc.

At this point, the round moon curd sharpener of the night, and the near distance, the night's strength has enhanced rotation, so that the football will fall as soon as possible before the Toubang Academy.

"The shot! The round moon of the night long player is too beautiful!" Dechuan is just standing, "will it go into the game?"

Snapped! At this time, if the colorful light of the island is shining, he stared at the colorful light of the flying, and the body suddenly jumped, and the left hand directly grabbed the beam of the ball.

Then use the body's waist and abdomen to the upper right corner.

! If the body of Island is like Spider-Man, it is highly flying to the upper right corner of the goal, then use a grip of fists to the colorful light!

A loud noise, in the exclamation of the audience, Ji Island is a ball that must be entered at night, and he himself is heavy into the side of the goal.

"If Shimada!" Dongbang exclaimed.

"Wonderful saving" Dichuan is not falling.

"But you will come here!" The voice of the night's wind sounded, and he put down the right foot to support the body, and the left foot suddenly fought back the football, a full force!

A loud noise, night long winds and emptying, football, golden light, straight corner of the top left corner of the Tongbang goal.

! Any time, the giant strength of the night, let the football penetrate the Tongbang's ball.

The slamming, the football is hit on the wall of the grunnet cement, and then high-tech bounce, flying towards the sky, as if it is integrated with the sun!

The audience is silent, everyone is somewhat sluggish, the movement of the night is too fast, they have not seen it, when they come back, a round black shadow falls from the air, falling to the stand.

Is that already leaking football!

"Enter! Scorpio, I have never seen such an overbearing goal!" Dechuan Justice has not found the adjective to describe his heart.

Night wind, this shake, the unprepared momentum, Laozi is to go to the ball, no matter who you are, no matter how exciting, I am going to go, I just have to get the champion!

At this time, the night-hard workstation is in the Bangbang Academy of Academy. In the area, he raised his collar, and then looked around, the 50,000 fans were like a night of the night.

And the night's wind is the only king on this court!

Nan Ge Yongheng's king is the night grow!

8! At the fifty-fifth minute of the night, it will be almost a difference between a part of the power to expand it than a difference! .

1639 chapter, tiger is not dead (fourth more)

On the court, Ishikaki and Pkarang and others also rushed to the night long, and lifted the celebration of the worship of the night. Π π ÷ π

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