The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1616 of the Chapter 1616 of the Ultimate System of Tennis Prince

"Haha!" The night is smirking, and the left and right hand grabs the shoulders of Ishiki and Pkarang, and the three people run to the corner of the East Bang, and then have a celebration of a grass slide.

"King! King! King!" The fans of Nange in the table were crazy. They stood together, and their hands hooked up the posture of the film in the direction of the night long.

"The country's main venue is worshiped, the strongest performance of Nange King!" The reporter in the media area has thought about the headline of the sports version of tomorrow.

Not only South Ge's fans, the Fans of the Tongbang actually began to applaud, they applauded for the night's goal.

The cheers of the scene, yelling, the applause is intertwined, playing the game now really reaching the boiling vertices!

"I haven't finished it yet!" On the field, Dongbang Academy has always had one person in the eyes of a fire. Heat burned.

It is the day of Xiaolang!

Almost everyone in the Dongbang Academy has some giving up hope, when the momentum of the night is overwhelming, only the Tiger Day will never give up.

Similarly, when the football is hocked, when you keep chasing it, the big air wings and the murmour are also shining.

The only reason they stand here is to defeat the night, this situation is not the moment they perform?

On the middle of the field, the day will press the football on the middle line, then a person runs forward.

Nange's people also caught themselves to continue to celebrate, and quickly returned.

Snapped! On the middle line, the large air wing allocated the football to Sanqi.

At the same time, the Golden Middle Field of Dongbang is started at the same time, the double wings flew, the pass of each other, and the three people in South Ge will not stop this breakthrough.

At this time, the king's invincible state is only less than a minute, and the speed is fast, but it is still chasing the speed of the ball.

As long as the three pine and the big air wings do not stop the ball, the night long is hard to effectively prevent the two strokes.

At this time, Pkarang took the big air wing, so that night long, chasing three Sanzi with the ball.

Sanqi tried to get rid of the night's wind, almost have been forcibly squeezed by the night, and the break is successful.

Snapped! In the end, the Sanhuo stunned the football in his own will, and flashed an angle and passed the football to the day of the front field.

"Don't let him come in!" The Emperor of Senaki has been calling.

Southerng Team Siki, Jingzi, Pufang and the West Tail were surrounded up, standing in South Geardians. The day on the quarter line to Xiao Lang is using the tiger shot, and then suddenly stopped.

"Available! The fast counterattack of Dongbang was held by South Ge, is this championship of this game has been locked?" Dechuan justice rigid.

In the face of the four people, the day, Xialairo kicked the football on the sky.

"What do he want to do!" Nange four people.

"Seni-machi predecessors, come over!" The day looked back at the Tangmachi Tree.

"It's coming!" Tang Tam-machi slided directly, slipped to the day, and his feet suddenly lifted.

"This is!" The two people in front of the TV set up their mouths.

A slam, the day, the day, the taller, which turned out to step on the foot of the Tangmachi tree.

"Is this not our match?" The two people were shocked.

The day is in the air inverting the body, with a way to turn over, crossing the people of South Ge, and stably landing.

"I am going, is this not a jumping velocity?" The night long is surprised to only know the day of the straight-line slide, it will come out to move.

Japanese! "

"team leader!"

"Little Lang!" Everyone's eyes gathered to the nine backs of the black jersey.

"This is me. The day of the football!" The day, the moment of landing, even jumped up, and the whole person suddenly fell in the air.

"Tiger shot!" The day, a big drink, and fell in the way in the way.

Booming ~ between the first moment, the football into a wind, flying straight straight to South Ge, and it is a heavy bombard that is on the abdomen of Senaki.

The Senaki Great face turned into a pig liver, his feet kept slipping in front of South Gearda. He moved, and finally was flying by football.

"Good power, it is a day to shoot!"

"Flying in!" The day gripped his fist.

Dangdang, the Emperor Senaki is directly brought to the net of the South Ge's goal.

"Enter! Enter! Enter!" Dechuan's justice is full of round, "there is still three minutes, Dongbang Academy also has the hope of equalization, if the two teams enter the overtime game, according to the rules of the General Assembly, overtime The golden ball will win in the game, as long as there is a role, the game is over! Â

"It's great, the day!" The people in the Dongbang School garden were quicker, they sent their emotions.

"Do good, day! Putting you into Etobang is the most correct thing I have done!" Yu Tian Ji Lizi looked at Dongbang, "Go, my team members, Dongbang's dignity Don't trample! "

"Finally, we have hope!" Top Ten Bang's fans saw a shower in despair.

"One breath beyond them! Dongbang is the champion!"

"Dongbang! Come on! Dongbang! Don't give up!" Top Ten Tongbang's fans shouted, their hearts raised the desire of winning.

"It's really a tiger, the day, you will be able to become the strongest striker in Japan!" The VIP took the sun to look at the back of the day.

"This guy really has not given up!" Night-hard wind knows that his king is invincible, he must immediately start attack.

"Senakaki, give me the ball!" The night grew is shouting at the Emperor of the Sousseaki in the ball.

"Yes, the captain!" Senaki Elderly endured the pain of the abdomen, grabbed the football in the door, and his forehead was already in the rain.

A slam, Senaki Emperor hugs football, move forward, and then kicked the ball to the midfield.

On the midfield, the night is high, and the movement of the ball in a basketball, the football is grasped, and then press the midline to quickly send the football to Pkarang.

Fast tee, South Ge's attack, night long, one person, half of the Dongbang Academy.

"Go back! Let the ball come down!" The day is back to the chasing, and the Dongbang Zhongzhi Chengcheng, the whole staff retreats defense.

They must guard the attack in South Ge, and then reverse the goal, this is the best script to Dongbang Academy.

For them, it is best to break the football at the foot of the pole in the middle. .

1640 chapter, we are champions (fifth more)

The National Master Stadium, the atmosphere of the scene is extremely pole, this is the last two or three minutes. / Miscellaneous

The fans of the entire 50,000 spectators are silent, and they can only hear the breathing.

At this time, Pkarang held the ball in the midfield, Long Yi and his students were around him.

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