The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1617 of the Chapter 1617 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the big air wings and the day, one left, one left, one left and right, at the same time, at the same time, island Ye and Xiao Chi have stared at Long Yi and the students, Dongbang Middle Field forced, I want to break the Pattang's foot. football.

"Dangerous, the junjun is staring at the two big king players in Dongbang, will the night long wind player will come back to pick up?" Dechuan Justice looks forward to the night.

Night wind is still running forward, and there is no meaning of the ball. He knows that the player of Pkarang, and the player of the Pkarang is playing a better player.

! In the excitement of the entire fans, Pkarang is actually in the forced to protect the football of the foot, and suddenly, the poker turned.

His left foot stepped on football, and turned back to one, then turned to turn the football to the right foot!

"Is this not a Marseille?" Dechuan is surprised.

On the field, Pkarang broke through a lightweight Marseille sphere from the day and the big air wing. He was a blanket in front of him, and the Tongbang was too many players in the midfield, resulting in some empty defense.

"Tailang actually will move this action, why don't he do before?" Lianyou Shixi did not know that the Baro will be killed.

In fact, even the long winds don't know, the poker occasionally occasionally happened, as for him, no one knows.

At the critical moment, Yaro played his super-class ball, and made a Marseille cyclone that did not have a long wind in the night, and it was successful.

"Chasing!" The day and the big air wings turned back to chase, the two speeds are very fast, just like two black lightnings, almost a breath, catch up with Parlang.

At this time, Pugang has already placed his posture. He didn't look at it, and the right foot was directly pushed forward.

! The football wipes the grass flying to the Bangbang Academy. The district, the district, at this time, there is only one night before the night, and the front of the ball is right. He is the court of the court. The defensive guards of the school garden.

Just thinking in everyone, the night grows to stop the ball.

In the face of speed flying football, the night length is long. The left foot is left, and then the football will go back to a tiang.

Football has been rotated from the night length of the wind, and the right side of the three sink is slippery.

The night grows is to turn around from the left side of the three!

One person brushed from the left and right sides of the three pieces, and the three under the three pines turned to the football. He wants to break the football to break the big ban.

However, the football rotated suddenly changed the direction of the rotation. After landing, the change direction turned to the right, and rotated back to the foot of the night.

At night, the wind is just right, this moment, the night is simply the attachment of the Ice Wangzi blog Camp, the footsteps are gorgeous.

Speed, strength, skill, night long windstorm all the properties have been excited.

"Scorpio, what is this action!" Dechuan Justice looked at the helicopter of his helicopters, and the football scored a circle in the air. Automatic returning to the night's feet, just like there is a glowing area.

"It's evil, you will go to the ball again!" There is only one of the Island, the island is only in front of the night.

If Island, I still chose to attack, and this time, if Island Zup Jian has, it has taken a spoon to pick up with a spoon.

However, this moment, the night costs did not shoot at all, and didn't touch the ball. He just followed the football rolled forward, then swing the body back and forth, and be shaking the bell.

This is the movement of Night Large Breene, Ronaldo swayed countless doors with this movement, and his single-knitted ball's goal is high.

Although the night cost does not skill, but in the invincible attribute bonus, there is still a model.

If Island, I didn't eat it in the first place, but the second, Jim Island is directly in place.

At night, you will easily take a plenty of plenty at this time, and the football is sent to the goal of Dongbang Academy.

"Unbelievable action! Night Changlun entered the golden ball in the last moment!" Dikawa was excited, his voice is already hoarse.

The fans of the whole audience boiled, and the fans of the Tongbang are silent!

This kind of night, which can only be described in perfection, and the best door of the court, the best door is really like a doll in front of the island.


The night length after the goal is also very excited. He just wants to test the prince's foothold. Peak, that is, the ball is divided by the ball, and the night grows, and it has a getting shake, To the last goal.

Night-catching winds did not think that they can play so perfect, maybe he will try it a hundred times, ninety-nine times will not succeed.

But this time, the night is successful!

9! The game is less than two minutes left, and the night is almost lore the Dongbang Academy, relying on a person's strength, crushed the wild look of the people of the East Bang.

The Evil Evil of Dongbang Academy is over, a dynasty crashed!

The night-long rushing area, he took off his zero jersey, then lifted with his right hand and stopped.


The enthusiasm of Nange audience is also excited by night. Love is ignited, they are also Qi Qi waving blue white towels in hands.

The night long-distance rushing, even jumping out the fence of the billboard, rushing to the side of the desk.

For a time, the fans of the table were crazy, they all poured in the direction of the night.

Looking at night, I can't do anything like this, I will throw the jersey to the table, causing a burst of grab.

"Too handsome! Captain!" This is Simi.

"Perfect, Changfeng!" This is a Pkarang.

"We are championship!" This is everyone in Nange.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" The audience in the audience began to shout the name of the night.

In the cheers of the rock tsunami, the Tiger Day hugged the football, and he ran and ran, he has not given up hope.

When the night is back, the referee has pulled a yellow card to the Night Wind.

The cold shrug shrugged, and it didn't matter.

"How about ten people fight? I won!" The night grew high right.

"Send it!" The day rushed to some of the big air wings, and the large air wings were allocated to the day.

! At this time, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the game!

9! The champion belongs to South Ge!

PS: Poor status, the reason is not to say. Depressed to the extreme.

1641 chapter, refused to Tong (first more)

"South Ge! Champion! South Ge! Champion!" Ten thousand viewers on the Taiwan venue look at the songs of the championship. "∞"

At this time, the day, the day, Xialai, is actually unreasonable, and continues to bring the ball forward.

On the venue, South Ge's players ran to the table, surrounded by a circle and jumped, and only one person left in Nange's half is still running, that is, Tiger Day.

"The day of the Dongbang Academy is still on the court. Does he have not heard the whistle of the game?" Dechuan Justice is to summarize today's finals, see the day is still running, it is very surprised.

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