The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1619 of the Chapter 1619 of the Prince of Tennis

"You have to ban. Area shooting outside?" Ju Lin pushed the three-leaf hat on the pin.

"Yes!" Schneider stood in a big ban. In addition, the forest slowly moved to the goal.

The two cores of the Hamburg team, one is Schneider, he is responsible for the attacking village, the other is if Lin Yuan three, if Lin is responsible for the defense of Hamburg.

The two beads were combined with the Burger, which made the Hamburg Earls in the major European youth events, almost all the champions, and let the Schneider named a lot of noise, with the title of the youth emperor.

Now the two people are standing on the court, one-on-one contest.

"I am here, source three!" Schneider withdrew a few steps, then suddenly started.

"Come on!" If Lin Yuan three pairs, ready to play the ball.

In the year of this year's year, he has never been banned. The district has been played into the ball, maintaining a big ban.

boom! After Schneider fierce, they directly scored!

"Try my shooting, flash shoot!" Schneider roared, was instantly turned into the upper left corner of the glory of the ball in his football.

Ju Lin is immediately responding immediately, than a year ago, Johinde's reaction speed is much faster, and it is not speaking with the same day last year.

! Even if the forest reaction is so fast, he did not fade out the flash shoot of Schneider.

Jin Guang straight hangs the dead end of the goal, if Lin is can't help.

"Ah! Enter the ball, a good shot!" Hamburger is surprisingly surprised.

"Okay, this is the winning and negative!" Schneider's eyes flashed in the eyes, and he and the autumn colored in the previous and Ruolin had, and won 50 times.

"This time, I lost, Schneider, you are the second player who can bombard my handle of my handle!" If Lin slowly stands up, "Your shot is more sharp!"

"This one-on-one explanation does not have any questions, wait until you become a player of Bundesliga, when we are in the official competition, you will be a final females!" Schneider Shen Sheng.

"Okay, I will rise immediately, then defeat you in front of everyone!" Ju Lin grabbed the football in the door.

"Right, are you going to leave the Bayern Training Camp tomorrow?" Ruo Lin continued.

"No, I have to stay in the Hamburg's training camp for a while, and there is an important thing to do" Schneider's eyes flash.

The lens returned to Nange City, Japan, Sange County, Japan.

Since the return of the return of the people, Nange Middle School has been welcomed by a large number of parents, and Nange Middle School is also knocking on the drum. There are also various media interviews, and all the people are very busy.

As for the night's wind, I will disappear again after winning, and he does not want to participate in what celebrations and media interviews.

It's just a national champion. If you don't look at the number of lottery times, you will be too lazy at all.

At this time, the night is still as always, and he is waiting for the superhen system to post a new task, and the night has a feeling. This task should be updated immediately.

Night wind has not waited until new mission, and the family is a mysterious guest.

When I arrived at home, Miyou sister and was not at home by the commemons, and I didn't know where to go crazy.

There is a middle-aged man standing in front of the night long-faced door, and it is a foreigner, brown hair, very high.

"Are you a night growing?" This foreigner ran over, immediately ran over, and didn't care about the night's strength.

"I am going, who is you? Where is the blame?" The night is cold, and this foreigner actually said Mandarin, although it is very feet, but let the night grow up.

"Haha, I am sorry, I am Yuenz, I am a special trip to visit you today." Youhs forcibly holds the night's hand, the face is to laugh. "

"Forget, you will come first!" Night Changfeng looked at this Janas so sincerity to stand for so long, and he is not so embarrassed to send him, so I opened the door, led Yusas came. living room.

He himself refers to the refrigerator in his fingertips. "There is a drink and water, what do you want to drink, take it!"

After that, the night long wind turned and took a shower.

"Okay!" Yuns is a self-cooked, there is no restraint, directly running to the refrigerator, take the bottle Coke, is implicing.

It is a short time to wait for the short wind, after all, the night is going to work every day. .

1643 chapter, take off back China (third more)

"Okay, what do you find me?" After the shower, the night grew in a white vest, sitting in Jenas asked. √ √ √ √

Junshe smiled, took out a stack of tape from the backpack, put it on the desk, pushed the night's wind.

"What is this?" Night costume picks up the tape and put it down after a look.

"This is the video collection of you in Japan National Competition" Juns showed a smile of old foxes.

"Oh, where did you get it?" The night is a bit surprised, how can a foreigner get their own videos.

"This is the Mr. Tong, Vice President of the Japanese Football Association, specially sent to me, I am here because of this video tape!" Juns' eyes smashed at night long, "I am now the main coach of the Chinese youth team, I hope You can return to China, join the Chinese youth! "

"China, the youth military coach?" The night is very windy. He didn't think that this is a teaching guy actually is the coach of the Chinese Youth Army. In addition, the Tongmou Mirror sent his videotape to Yutas and the night. The long wind is very unexpected.

"Yes! I am from the Chinese Football Association's invitation to the Chinese Youth Team. I am now selecting talents in China, and you are my most needed players!" Juns honestly, can see him It is very sincere, but also specially flying to Japan to invite the night to stay.

"Is this this, is it to participate in the World East?" The night grew in the eyes, and the opportunity of the international conference he expected was coming.

"No, not" Yuns shakes his head, "Shiqing Touri has more than a year, this team is the first World Youth Invitational Tournament held in France this year, China is gains because of the relationship between sponsors. One place! "

"KAO! I thought it was a world-green tour!" The color of the night's eyes flashed, this eye was captured by Jenas.

"This invitation can be a world-class, the participating teams are European Hao Qiang's youth, which is the future core player of world football. In fact, it is almost the same as the world, but the team is less." Yun Sprien relieves.

"The most important thing is that this invitation is a common organization of the Association of Europe's major leagues. In other words, if you can press the group in this invitation, it is likely to attract the attention of the European Giants Club!" Juns this old fox It seems to have seen wearing a night-heartedness.

"Oh?" The night is really in the heart, "this is good, it is better than playing in Japan!"

During this time, the night-lived wind has been thinking about how to join the Top League Club, this time is obviously coming.

Ding! At this time, the prompt of the super-god system in the night-long-growing system sounded.

"Trigger the main line task: lead the Chinese youth team to receive the World Youth Invitational Championship

Task difficulty: legendary task

Mission reward: 3 lottery times

Failure punishment: super god system sleeps for one year

Systematic evaluation: The World Youth Invitational Tour is the first step in the world! "

"The task is coming!" The night's eyes were slightly smashed, and he did not accept the invitation of Jenas.

From the difficulty and rewards of the task, this task should not be so good, the punishment of failure is not small, the most crucial is that the night is not knowing if the players in his memory have been mixed in China, which can cause Juns' attention.

"How, night? Are you willing to join us?" Youen is suddenly deep.

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