The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1620

"Yes, but I have a condition!" The night grows slowly.

"What conditions?" Yuns face, he knew that night long wind was not good in the mouth of Tong, did not expect that the night is so easy to agree.

"I want to participate in the coach group selection!" The night's words made Eunas surprised, and he thought that the night length should mention some substances.

"No problem, just we will start to choose people, you can join the selection ceremony with the Chinese captain!" Youen nodded directly, "If you like, we will leave China, The invitation will soon start, we need to work together! "

"Okay, I will return to the country tomorrow!" Night-lasting style nodded, then retain Eunas for dinner.

As a result, Junas refused to thank the tabletan, and then ran away, saying that it will come to the morning and the night grow in the morning.

None in the night, the night is thinking a lot in one night, there is not much clue.

He is very familiar with the Japanese Youth Army. It is estimated to be the best lineup of the middle school students. As for the Linyuan Third, it will not be returned, which is also an unknown number.

Previous night, the long wind has been seen there. Ju Lin has become the news of the main goalkeeper of Hamburg, in the perspective of the European club, they do not want the players to participate in the summer countries, because it is easy to affect the state.

Especially if the forest is now the target of the Hamburg, the Hamburg club does not necessarily put people.

However, the night-length wind feels that if Lin Yuan's character will definitely return to China, in the past one year, how much, if Lin Yuan, the three progress, is very expected.

As for the Chinese youth army, the night grows is very painful, no one knows those characters in his memory will come to participate in the selection of this youth army.

In the early morning of the next day, the night grew the wind left a letter quietly.

If you are caught by Maxi and by Jasjie, it is estimated that it is likely to return to the country.

On the other hand, Junas also got up very early, two people sitting on the night of the night, rushed to the night-wind private airport.

When I saw the private plane of the night, Jenas's expression was happy. He didn't expect that the night's live wind is so rich. He also wants to mention what material requirements will be mentioned in the night.

It seems that I have a frog in the bottom of the well, and the night is so easy to agree with your invitation. In Juns, the night-long style is very deep.

This is a night, this is purely looking at the face of the three lottery and can cause the European giants to pay attention to it.

What is the glory of the motherland, the heart of patriotism, it seems that he is still not so much in the night, which is not a world.

And a young invitation game is not a contest. If there is no powerful opponent, the night cost will not participate.

The World East, European Top League and the ultimate World Cup are the goal of night long, to that time, it can be said that they will accept the call of the motherland.

Soon, the night long and Eunas two took off at night. The private aircraft thunderbirds took off.

Destination China! .

1644 chapter, the youth army selection (fourth more)

Three hours later, the night's private aircraft thunder fell in the capital international airport. ■ Magazine ■

The Chinese Football Association specially sent a special car to send night long wind and Juns two from the international airport.

Night Changshi just followed Juns to walk into the stadium, and suddenly ate a little shocked. The full-range stadium is very large, there is a standard main course, and there are more than ten exercises.

At this time, these stadiums are full of people, and the all of the Wu is full of people.

China is not, it is more people.

Especially the world of football, China has a large number of young people will choose to play, and the night is roughly estimated, at least a thousand people.

"Oh, night, are you very surprised, I have just come, people have more people, this is the result of a few rounds!" Juns also revealed his fox smile.

Every time I see this smile is a bit uncomfortable. Juns smiled from a embarrassing middle-aged man into a wretched old man.

"Okay, there is no time to brush someone, I will choose the main force of the youth army today!" Night wind did not pay attention to Juns's smile, and said that a pace of the main coach.

"This little child is more than me as a head as a head!" Juns's heart is embarrassed.

At this time, the Quanxing Stadium No. 2 Training Field.

"Zhongming, so tired, how is there so many people!" A tall youth rushed to the partner next to him.

"Flying, you are less nonsense. Let's take a hurry, it is brushed down for a while!" It was called a lithownamed youth.

At this time, I just walked into the night-hearting wind that Juns walked into the court. I immediately noticed the young people called flying.

Not because he is handsome, because he is high, very high.

Night wind now is a high one-year seven six in the football court, but the guy called flying at least one meter, which is 14 or five years old.

China is a big country, and you are almost impossible to find such a high young man in the island country.

And the 14th year of the year is a long body, and the night-length wind is estimated to be at least two meters under this high normal condition.

This kind of height can go to play basketball, and it is too high in the football court. It is not a good thing.

Of course, this is also used to look at the main church, and there are many tall genius strikers before the night's wind.

"Coach, what is the name of the number?" The night grew well pointed to fly.

"Oh, he! His is flying, the first few rounds are barely passed. I think he is not very suitable for playing, turning and speed is too slow!" Yuns took a stack of thick information. What is written?

"He is flying!" The night's mouth is slightly fighter, this flying is one of the players he want to find.

Locked the eyes on flying, looked for a while, and shook his head helplessly.

Fifty meters running, the last one.

The disc test is directly, and the halfway falls.

Jutch, you can't do it!

The last one thousand five long run is sticking.

This physical quality and technical ability are indeed a few lines in the night, and they are not from small football.

One of the shortcomings around the flying, caught the attention of the night, and he was among the best in all tests, and the technology was very skilled, and the night grewer saw the shadow of the Yaro.

"Coach, what is the name of the player next to flying?" Night wind pointed to the short question.

"Oh, he is called Wang Zhongming, speed and technology is not bad. I am going to leave him, playing in the front field in the youth army!" Juns is somewhat surprised to pay attention to this two A very characterful player.

"Well, he is Wang Zhongming!" Night-lasting style nodded, and his heart was dark, "Sure enough, these guys are coming, I don't know the most critical guy!"

Night Length, Zhang Xiwei, keep looking for guys worth noting.

"No, I am exhausted. Everyone's technology and physical strength are so good, I can't keep up!" The flying flying in the mouth gasped, the forehead is full of sweat.

"Don't give up, there is the last most important actual test! We must have the opportunity. Let the coach to see your best!" Wang Zhongming and Fei Xiang are small To a big friend, the relationship is very iron.

"You can rest assured, I will have to pass a beautiful passball!"

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