The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1623 of the Chapter 1623 of the Prince of Tennis

However, for the future Chinese dragon god, he has never used pressure as a power, and Xiao Junguo is always the best time in his body.

There is a competitor such as a night, Xiao Junguang pays 100% investment in the game.

At the same time, other main players gradually came to God, they have just been shocked by the super-slopes outside the night costume forty meters, clearly not looked up at the main team, but directly select the shot It is still so accurate.

This is true, why is someone else to China, and even the selection does not have to participate, this properly complete level is different.

With the referee whistle, the competition continues, the main team is medium circle.

Wu Junren allocated football to Wang Zhongming. Wang Zhongming is to bring the ball, and the night is in front of him.

"Well, let me challenge you!" Wang Zhongming is still very uncomfortable, from a child, he has not taken a talented boy, it is a boy.

Originally Wang Zhongming chose to pass the ball, the night is not unwarable, he is not God, and the speed is no longer able to catch up.

However, Wang Zhongming chose to force the defense of the night's long wind. His body is much shorter than night, and faces the night grow, Wang Zhongming is not afraid, directly with the ball, attracting the night, from Yun At the point of view, Wang Zhongming is like a pregnancy of the night.

"This little child!" The night grew in the eyes, he already knew that Wang Zhongming wanted to do anything.

Snapped! At this time, I saw Wang Zhongming again to pull the ball, then his body suddenly turned to the right side of the night, and was the dragon tail used by Wang Zhongming.

This time, Wang Zhongming used the dragon tail speed faster, he used to exhaust it, and he wanted to play the night.

call! When the wind passed, Wang Zhongming's smart movement directly lost the night.

"Well!" Wu Junren couldn't help but screamed.

"Hey, the captain is alive!" Wang Zhongming used the Yu Guang to sweep away.

In the first moment, his smile was solidified, because his night-hearted wind suddenly disappeared.

"In the following!" Wait until Xiao Junguo's voice came, Wang Zhongming bowed his head.

The night's wind is on the grass, and it is a single-handed land, just like a submarine dive.

Is a diving boat defense!

The night long is used out of the diving boat-style defense. The right foot is acknowledged, and the football of Wang Zhongming is directly hooked. Wang Zhongming has not returned to God.

"Isn't this the action of Barcelona's superstar?" Yudas outside the field is surprised, but he is looking at the Wall to do this action at the scene.

The movement of the night long is more intelligent than Li War, but it has a power, it seems like the strength of the night, Billy War is still a lot.

Juns is a thorough talent that is completely reached by the night. It is necessary to know that the age of the night is 14 years old.

With the age of 14 years old, the left and right foot technologies, with strong belonging, with strong defensive skills, physical fitness is also against the sky, this talent is a hundred years.

"Maybe I really can travel!" Juns face is excited, he came to advice to the Chinese team's goal is four, which is very far a big goal.

After seeing the actual combat of the night-catching wind, Juns' desire to the champion was ignited.

As a European second-stream coach, Juns has not had any achievements to take the shot. This time, it is just to do things.

But now it is different, Juns decided to help this young Chinese youth team wholeheartedly.

Because he thinks this team has the potential of shocking the world!

On the field, after the night is on the ball, I immediately climbed up, and then the ball was countered.

The midfielder of the substitute is also followed by the night length. Although these players are substitute, it is also the elite selected from thousands. It is not much better than the main player.

At this time, at this time, there is also a midfielding ability. In all techniques of night long wind, the midfielder base skill is the most practiced, and the most skillful.

Both the ball, command, scheduling, and night-length winds will have an idea.

The main team's players did not succeed several times, but they were found by the substitute, on the scene, the substitute is completely pressed against the main team.

Snapped! When the night grew again, he came again to the main team's big ban. District frontier.

This time Xiao Junguang did not have nonsense, and they were directly opposite to the night, and they kneaded a distance of more than one meter.

"Well, since you want to confront, let me see. China's dragon god strength!" The night is not abolished, suddenly it suddenly figured, and then the body is completely swayed.

At the same time, Xiao Junguang opposite the night-catching wind flashed in the eyes of the gold, and the night-long wind made an exemplary action.

boom! The night length is anger, the left foot is vigorously arc the ball, in a moment, football has a ball door to the main team.

"Anti-speed cannon!" Xiao Junshui drunk, almost the same as the night grewing while swinging the left foot.

This time, Xiao Junguang's must kicked skills, he was very good at the time, just a football flew to his feet, just got a porcelain.

Bang, a golden light on the field.

"What is it!" Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"This is China Dragon God!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, a lifelike Jinlong flipped by him, flying to the replacement team with faster speed.

Dang! The defender and goalkeepers of the substitute are all stunned, no one can move half.

Xiao Junguang, this reactionary, the rigor shot, the Jinlong fell through the entire course, waiting for everyone to return to God, only to see the somewhat dry football in the tetan.

11! Xiao Junguang used the reactionary snorkeling to move back to all shots to help the main team slammed the score.

"What is the one just?" Juns outside the field is also shocked.

This is normal, almost everyone is the incredible expression when they first see the reactionary snapshots.

"It's amazing!" The night's wind couldn't help but praise. The left foot of the long wind did not use the full force, but it also used the seven-eighth hand, and the general player said to kick it back. It is very difficult to stop.

And the anti-speed armor can not only block the shooting of the night, but also reverse the football, run through the whole court.

This is China Dragon God, this is Xiao Junguang! .

1648 chapter, establishing prestige (third more)

"I saw it, very beautiful Jin Dragon!" The night's eyes looked at Xiao Jungua Road. ψ

"Yeah!" Xiao Junguang flicked in the eyes, "I lost a lot of the captain of your power, because I saw the flying dragon than before!"

"Yes? Next time, I will let you see more beautiful Jinlong!" Night long-faced mouth slightly.

The anti-speed cannon has always been a skill that the night is so popular, and the power is big, and the night is also the first time I encountered someone who can play back to his strong arc ball.

However, when the night's live wind is really seen, after the speed of race cannon, the night-length wind is in an instant, and there is a very good shortage of the reactionary snoring.

"More beautiful Jin Dragon?" Xiao Junguang stunned, the night's wind has turned around, the referee has taken a new football from the staff.

"It actually has such a powerful trick"

"Unbelievable, I didn't see the trajectory of football flying!" At this time, it is an expression of an abnormally surprised expression.

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