The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1624 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Haha, the order!"

"You are really amazing, you can play back the captain so powerful shot!"

"What is the name of this trick to give me, it is good!" The main team is surrounded by Xiao Junguang, full of excitement.

The competition continues, the toner is teeted.

This time, the midfielder players brought the football to the night long, and the night is not saying, it is directly to bring the ball high-speed.

Wang Zhongming, the main team midfield, two people in front of the two people, the night, the night length is not reduced, and the shoulders are shaking, and the three very realistic residuals are different.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

"My God, is my eyes spend?" Wang Zhongming and Wu Junren were in the same place.

After the night, the long-term winds have passed the two, and they will be integrated again, and the night long is going to go a big step forward.

"Sure enough, I have long heard that there is a genius player in Europe to differentiate the residual, this is the first time to see this skill!" Outo Eunas is already unwilling.

Whether it is Xiao Junguang or a night-long, the talents of the two are enough to make any European youth handsome sweat.

"Blocking him, can't let him break through!" Wu Junren shouted his teammates behind him.

Wu Junren shouted and did not have any eggs. The main team's defensive players did not keep the speed of the night, and the night length is only the speed of the main team. District.

Of course, there is an obstacle in front of the night, that is, China Dragon God Shajunguang.

"It's here, the two masters have a positive opposition!" Everyone in the field gathers to the two people.

"Come on, the captain, let me see what you said is more gorgeous Jinlong!" Xiao Junshuo stepped open, let your body are absolutely relaxed.

bass! At this time, the night length is suddenly turned from the high speed movement, and then the left foot is inward.

At the same time, Xiao Junguang also used the anti-speed rapidly gun, and the night length winds, the football scrolls forward in the night length.

! At this moment, the night length is hit, and his left foot is lifted up, and there is no dessert.

"What!" Xiao Junguang is full of surprises. He lifted the left legs that he had no support. He has no body quality such as a long-lasting body for a long time without a long time.

"No, I can't stop shooting!" Between, Xiao Junguang swused the left foot before the night grew, and the football was taken out.

"This is your weakness!" The night grew big drunk, at this time, the leg muscles on the left leg were all rumed, and then the moment is out.

Booming a big sound, the night's strength made a ball, and the football of Xiao Junguang, it was just like Xiao Junguang used a reactionary speed.

However, the night's long wind use is not a reaction to the speed of race, but his full goal.

! At this time, the golden light at night, and a golden dragon that was more gorgeous than the night flew up from the cold feet.

This golden dragon's mouth is holding a black and white sphere, which is the football that is already.

Bang ridiculous, Wang Dalei did not make any reactions, Jinlong fined into the door of the main team, and football finally turned into the ball in the garde, and the outside bill guardrail also slammed a round Cave.

The last heavy hit is hit on the cement wall of the table, and it is very discouraged.

twenty one! The substitute has achieved lead again!

The fight against this game has just begun not ten minutes, and the night long and Xiao Junguang kicks three or four football.

This is a combination of combined midfielder, which is also known as the most violent midfielder, of course, these are later.

It is now a single player and coach group members. "Can the captain will move against the speed of race?"

"Actually cracking my reactionary snorkeling" Xiao Junguang is a little dull, and the ball door wears after the cave, "Jinchang just gorgeous!"

"I thought it was only I will only have me, but" Xiao Jun light looked back at the loud nozzles of the mouth.

"No, I don't use the speed of the speed of the rapid gun! This must kill only belongs to you, inspired by you, my shooting can also achieve your effect!" Night loud the mouth.

"What is possible!" Xiao Junguo shocked, "" After the speed of the speed, the speed cannon only after the shooting of the other party, can be reflected! "

"Yes! This is your maximum weakness of your reactionary snapsame, too passive! I want to be the world's top player, passive defensive counterattack is hard to succeed. You must improve your technology!" Night long The style of the wind makes Xiao Junguo caught in meditation.

This confidence has not yet ended, and the purpose of the night is reached.

Let the Chinese youth teams have seen their strength, and there is also the potential to stimulate the Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguang, and the night is very perfect.

This confrontation is more like a guidance, the next game, the main team and the substitute team played faster.

After that, the night's performance has no personal performance, and it has been engaged in the attack of the completion.

Under the series of nights of the night, the attack power that the substitute is displayed is stronger than the main team, which is the power of a core attack midfield.

Of course, the defensive defense for the troops is far less than that of the main team, the main team has a defensive backfinder Xiao Junguang to sit in the town, and the defensive ability is still very strong.

With no personal attack in the night, the replacement team goes hard.

! Finally, after forty minutes of trainer, the main team and the substitute struggled to fight three-to-three flat hands.

After this competition, the night-hard wind really established the absolute core position of the Chinese youth team, whether it is the main and substitute players, began to trust the night.

On the football field, strength is the last word! .

1649 chapter, main lineup (fourth more)

The training time is always too fast, and the turn is another time. ∫ ∫ ∠ ∠ ∠ ∫ ∫

In this week, the Chinese youth team is basically practicing, running in lineup, and drill routine, and players are more and more familiar with each other.

"How, night! Do you want to have a good lineup?" Juns looked at the night-long downstairs of sweat, rushed to ask.

"I said that old especially, is it that I am a coach or you are a coach?" The night's wind shook his head and then took over the tactical board in Jenas, and wrote it.

"This is my temporary idea, the specific main lineup will wait until this time, then decided!" Night live wind will also give Juns.

Yusun is looking carefully. The front front line is written on the front line is the flying and Wang Zhongming two partners, and the double forward.

Then, the night cost is written in the front position, which is the moving striker, more brought by the offensive midfielder, single waist.

Such a position, the night-length wind can participate in the attack, but also midfielder, of course, this location is not fixed, the range of activities on the field is still very big.

There are two reasons why the position of the night grows.

First, the midfielders of the Chinese youth team are not weak, and Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu two core players.

The second is that China's youth team defense, there is Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguang as a defensive midfielder, organizational defense.

His role in the Chinese youth team, and the role of Sanhuo in Dongbang Academy is similar.

Of course Xiao Junguang is more good at personal defense, and Sanhuo is a different type of player.

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