The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1625 of the Chapter 1625 of the Prince of Tennis

In addition, the night's long wind also excavated two speeds of the wedge, a called Yao Xia, a name called Yu Haidong.

The two people are around the front, respectively, with Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu in the midfield position.

The latter defense line is a high Li Yufeng and a strong sense of assists, and finally the young door will be Dalei.

This is the main lineup of the nightly wind, it is a lineup of 2, which is always biased to attack, and the defense is not weak.

Of course, this lineup is not fixed, such as Yao Xia and Hao Haiwai can go back to prevent, the night length wind position changes, the lineup can be changed.

Write this lineup, the night cost is also spent a lot of mind, and the decision made after all the Chinese youth teams are fully understood.

In the eyes of the night, these players' football talents are not bad. After all, they are selected from thousands of people. They are only physical quality and basic skills and European South American players, which can be compensated by training.

"Well, night! You and my thoughts are almost, this should be the strongest lineup of our team can be discharged!" Juns nodded, "Next is the Tomorrow's exercise tour test. how is it!"

The next day, the Chinese youth teams have taken the bus to the home of the Kyoto Anguo team.

The Kyoto Anguo is a mid-resection team in China's professional football league, but after all, it is a professional team, the strength of the team is still very strong.

Yuns can arrange the Chinese youth team and such a professional team to play warm-up match, which is also a lot of effort, which can say that the Chinese Football Association has given this Chinese youth team.

When the night's wind and other people walked into the Anguo team, there was no few people who were lazy and scattered in the home court of the Anguo, and the Anguo team did not let the main stroning, but they sent all the substitute players, and some two Youth of the army.

Obviously, the An Guo's coach did not put this Chinese youth team at all.

This is also normal, who will put a average age of less than fifteen years old in his eyes, not to mention that there is no team playing in the professional football match in this team.

When this warm-up match was conducted in the thirtieth minute, the Anguo coach suddenly called the game.

Because he is completely unable to accept the score on scoreboard, the Chinese youth team to the Ankang team!

In just 30 minutes, the Chinese youth team will be able to make a lot of five balls in the Anguo team, and the light is flying into three heads, night long and Xiao Jun light all over the world wave.

The eyes of the Anguo team's coach were shocked on the ground. He had to stop the competition, because once this game is over, he is doing the head.

"Bone game!" Night-lived wind looked at the expression of the Guoan coach and felt sadness. In the world of football, China's professional league is still so water, there is no amount of gold.

Black whistle and bribery are filled with domestic football, let the Chinese professional football is a black smoker, all of which is a group of blacks.

The current Chinese national team has not been saved, so the Chinese Football Association will bring your attention to the Chinese youth team that has not been treated by the domestic professional league.

To change the status quo of Chinese football, night long winds must lead this Chinese youth team to achieve unprecedented results, let Shenzhou mainland set off a real football fever.

"Oh, night! You don't have to worry, I have canceled the remaining domestic warm-up match. We will fly to Europe tomorrow, it is officially started to pull the competition in Europe!" Juns' words made the night long expression slightly slowly eased.

"Out, you are very wide, you can contact the European Professional League team!" Laughing at night laugh.

"Of course, don't look at me now. I was also a hitting coach in Europe, the European football. I have taught in many teams!" Youen is proud, starting to boast.

"Haha, it is an old!" The night is smirked two times, took the shoulders of Eunas, did not poke it, in fact, the night's long wind has knew the past from the assistant coach.

More than ten years, I advocate the coaches of European professional football secondary teams, hard work hard half, and finally abandoned by the Hamen Barcelona, ​​and finally they have to ran to China.

But inner, Ejuse, is still in Europe, attributable to the top league in Europe, and can advise a team of European Top League, which has always been the dream of Ejuse's second-class coach.

"I don't know how it is on them!" Sitting on the bus on the dormitory, the night greetings looked up at the blue sky, and suddenly the teammates of South Gee.

During this time, let the Night Great are fully integrated into the team of this Chinese youth team, but there is no player in the Chinese youth team to meet the talents with the Night Changshi and the Top Taro.

Xiao Junguang's playing ball is very hard, can't achieve a seamless realm of the sky like a player of Pkairo's lubricant type.

PS: Most of the Chinese team lineup is for reference, others have prototypes, understand Chinese football history bookms should understand. .

1650, Germany Hamburg (fifth more)

The next day, the Chinese youth team took the Boeing plane and flew to their first stop in Germany. ∥ ∥ × × ∥

German Hamburg Youth Force Training Base.

"Schneider!" The Hamburg Second Army coach with sunglasses called two sounds, and no one responded at all.

"Schneider, didn't come today?" The coach expression is a bit helpless.

"Yes, he has been a while in the morning, and I will leave with me, I will leave!" If Lin Yuan is slow to slow.

"It's really, what he is doing, really doing yourself!"

"Just, will the transfer of Bayern?" The second army is very dissatisfied with Schneider.

"Okay, there are two sentences!" The second army coach pressed the hand, "Ruolin, Schneider is not there today, you organize you to train!"

"Yes!" If Lin Yuan nodded three, with the people of Hamburg began a day.

Time passed, soon arrived in the evening.

The Chinese youth teams such as the night, the first arrival of the German Hamburg is the Japanese youth team.

"Haha, is this Germany? It is completely different from Japan!" When the plane, Ishi Siki was active.

"Okay, first go to you to visit the running of the forest training!" I saw a group of people in the past, I came to the Burger Training Course.

"Wow, it is big! More than the national stadium!" Ishikaki is like the earth bag into the city.

"This is just a training ground in the second army. The army is even more powerful. You look carefully, not only more than a dozen standard football field, but there are tennis courts and football stadiums, but also special swimming pools and The gym! "See the Japanese Youth Army explained one by one.

"It's amazing, this is the most professional football training base!" It is used to be used to the big son. Sanshen is also two eyes, amazing.

"Hello everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time!" At this time, a familiar voice came, everyone looked back.

Is Lin Yuan three!

"Oh! It is you, source three!"

"I haven't seen it for a long time, your body is actually so strong!" The Japanese young team is a few people who have a seven-tongue who have a good forest, especially those who have repaired.

"Haha, everyone of repairing Zhe is also selected into the Japanese team!" Ju Lin looked at a few people in repairing patterns, and felt our kind.

"Ruin!" At this time, the day, the day, I went to the front of the forest.

"It's you, day!" If the ripple is a smile.

"In addition to fighting nights, I still have a goal that is not achieved, that is, from the big ban. I bombard you outside the door!" The day, Xiao Xiaolan pointed to the Jozong Road.

"Japan, I heard that you lose to the long wind?" Which pot is not open, "I am not white in Germany!"

"Oxual! Ju Lin this guy!" The day is a bit angry, the Etobang's defeat is still very big.

However, after the game, the Qiaotian Zizi Zi Zizi, and let the Japan will continue to stay in the Etobang with the identity of the special enrollment, and continue to enjoy the scholarship.

The condition is that the day will win the champion of the next national contest for the Tongbang, which allows the day to come out from the shadow of the defeat.

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