The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1627 of the Chapter 1627 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

His teammates still sleep in the hotel, and when the night grows every morning, it is very boring, so preparing to train the field, just see the Japanese Youth Team and the Hamburg 2nd army.

In addition, the night-catching wind is not the only foreign onlooker. There is a strange guy around him, and it is completely different from the length of the German.

On the field, one opening, the prince of the court directly brought the football to the day.

On the day, Xiaolang is very powerful today, and once the opening is to bring his own stunt line to bring the ball, to the Half of the Hamburg Second Army.

"You see, the nine is so fast!" The audience outside the field showed a burst.

"It's really the character of this guy, it's chaos, it's chaos!" Night long-faced angle tightly.

"Blocking him, Schneider!" The fans outside the offers shouted, and Schneider stood on the road to breakthrough lines.

"He is the core of Hamburg!" The day looks at Schneider in front of him, and the golden light is flashing.

At this time, another white figure rushed up, it is a three-day.

This time, there is no choice hard, but I have a hit wall-oriented cooperation with Sanhuo, and I have fallen Schneider in an instant.

The two have a more than a year in Tung Baomen, and the tacit understanding is still very good.

"Very good, Japan, Sanmei!" Ishikasaki and other Japanese youth teams showed.

"Schneider, why don't you move?" The fans outside the field were very shocked. Schneider was standing straight in the ground, and there was no to stop the day or the meaning of the three.

"This 10th should be the legendary football emperor Schneider!" The night's night, the long-awaited look at Schneider, he can feel that Schneider will become a very important thing in his future football career. opponent.

"All handed over, the source is three!" Schneider did not move because he believed that the Hamburg's door gods Lin Yuan three.

At this time, on the court, if Lin Yuan three has come to the Big Burger, the boss of the Hamburg. The area, he did not choose to continue to break through.

Instead, I stopped my body, and the right foot suddenly swatched later. It is clear that the day is that I want to have a big ban. In addition, the hole wears the goal of Linyuan three.

"Get the ball, John! This is the shooting tiger shot in Japan's training!" The day, Xiaolang directly scrapped.

boom! In the first moment, football became a golden electric light, compared with the finals of the national contest, the day, the tiger shot, power and speed wins.

"Wow, this is a shot, it's so powerful!" The onlookers of the offlooks marvel and even in his consciousness, the Asian player did not kick such a strong shoot.

"Dry, the captain, this goal is definitely!" Ji Island is all shouting.

Even the football emperor Schneider is also slightly surprised to shoot the night, this tiger shot is less than his flash shooting.

"Source III, you have any growth in the fierce football environment like Europe this year, let me know it!" At this time, the attention of the long wind in the field will gather in the three bodies of Ruolin.

If Lin Yuan's three is in place, it is not moving in place, letting football fly to the upper right corner of the Hamburg Second Army.

A loud noise, the final football is actually on the corner of the door and the beam, high-powered, the last landing, the football is already leaking, and the tiger is shot to kick!

"Ah, it is a pity!" The Japanese young team exposed a regret of the colored.

"Good insurance!" Hamburg, the second army, the defender, was also shocked by the night.

"The day, this guy comes here again!" The night is dissatisfied, and the ball is obviously the day to deliberately kick the door. "The source should have judged the route of football flight, his judgment The force is stronger than before! ".

Chapter 1652, Super Ruolin (Second More)

"The day, there is a great progress!" If Lin Yuan thought it was in the heart. V mixed "Zhi" insect V

"Ruolin, I just greeted, next time, it is not so simple!" The day will choose to use this way to let everyone know that his tiger is not promising.

"Do you look at us? I will let you pay the price!" When the day turned and turned back, and the Schneider was wrapping.

Schneider is still free, as if not seeing the day, the tiger shot is general.

boom! After the referee let the staff have changed a new ball, Johindin directly opened the football to the midfield.

His legs have been sharp than before, and it is accurately transmitted to the feet of the Middle Field Hamburg Second Army player.

"Look at me!" And this Japanese youth Songshan is directly broken in the midfield, a football of the Hamburg, a very beautiful steal.

At the midfield, the current Japanese youth team is the two partners of Songshan and Sanhuo.

After the Songshan midfield, the cooperation with the Sanhuo continued in the midfield, soon broke through the midfield line of the Hamburg Er.

At the beginning of this game, the Hamburg Er Army seems to be a bit unhappy, the midfield is completely pressed by the Japanese youth team.

"Look at my shoot!" Songshan received the return ball of Sansi, directly in the big ban. Area, foot long shot, "bald eagle!"

Songshan makes the killing technique that I have just developed!

! The football that was taken by the right foot of Songshan, flew down, then suddenly dropped in front of the Hamburg Second Army, like a bald eagle prey, and rotated to the lower right corner of the Hamburg.

"Nice shooting!" The night length of the field nodded, and the progress of Songshan is not small.

Snapped! However, in the face of Songshan so sharp shot, Ju Lin finally moved, his movements quickly as a cheetah, and immediately rushed to the right, and immediately grabbed the mountain's vulture.

"If you are easy to pick it up?" The Japanese young team gang.

"It's great, Ju Lin!" The fans of Hamburg, who cheered, and they were very loved for their team.

"What! Directly grabbed my bald eagle? Lian Jim 1 did not dare to directly grab my vulture shot!" Songshan is in the same place.

"Song Mountain is still so true, this power shot is in the big ban. It is blamed outside the area!" Night long-lasting corner is lifted, "I still can't see the source and three progress to what level!"

"Hey!" After the shooting of Songshan, Ju Lin directly throwing football to his teammates.

The Hamburg, the second army began to pass the football in the middle of the field, just like training.

"Below you!" At this time, the Japanese Youth Team of Japan rushed out, and then directly on the midfield.

"This stinky kid is also selected for the Japanese youth team?" Night lived in the early Opes of Hamburg half.

"Look at my shot!" Outda rushed to the Burger to Burg, and then directly on the area.

Is a razor shooting ball!

This is a must-kid, the effect of shooting balls, the effect of shooting balls, but the razor in the early Opea is far from the power of the round moon, the rotation and the speed and the angle are at least two. One grade!

bass! In the first moment, facing the football in the upper left corner of the ball in the upper left corner of the ball. If the forest is easily jumped, the body is slightly tilted, and the football is hugged.

"The rotation is too weak!" The night grew away. If he is a round moon bend knife who is playing out, if Lin wants to hold his hands, it will not be easy now.

"My must kill the first hair is crackdown?" Outdoor widened eyes, and it was incredible.

boom! Then, if the football is confiscated, the football is directly opened to the half of the Japanese youth team.

Due to the pre-plug of early Opes, the Japanese youth team had a weak line, and Ju Lin's feet is very accurate, and suddenly found the Burger Second Army player.

However, this time Ishi Siki, he jumped tall, with his own stunt, blocked the shooting of the Hamburg 2nd army.

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