The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1628 of the Chapter 1628 of the Prince of Tennis

The ball rolls to the feet of Sanyi, the Japanese youth team's counterattack.

This time, San Shi is choosing to go out to horses, and the Sange's ball is also very surprising, which is also very satisfied, and soon broke through the midfield line of Hamburg.

! Then, Sanyi looked up at the big ban on Hamburg Early Army. District, then directly picked up.

The football speed flew up and passed the top of the Hamburg Second Army, and flew to the Big Burger Second Army. District over, at this time, the Japanese youth team tall the vines as soon as possible, in the big ban. District, tall Jumping, ready to top the football into the goal.

At this time, if Lin Yuan did not hesitate to attack, he and the vines jumped almost simultaneously in the air.

The two collided in the air, so that all Japanese young people did not think of the strong, such as the bull, was directly hit by the rock, and the heavy fell is on the grass in front of the Burger Second Army. .

Ruilin's hands grabbed the football falling in the air, steady and fell, and the movements were very enthusiastic!

"How is this possible!" Ishiki was shocked by the physical fitness of Johinde.

"Save beautiful!"

"Ruolin! Juyin! Ruolin!" Rang the invisibility of Ju Lin.

"Good! Reaction, judgment, physical fitness, is worthy of the most professional European football, the advancement of the source far exceeds the players who stay in Japan!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

"Source three is very good today!" I saw the coach pushed the glasses on the nose. "But what is the fight in Hamburg today, why so many mistakes, and Schneider seems to be on the court. ! "

See the sound of the sound, the Hamburg, the Hamburg, and was disconnected by the Japanese youth.

"How to do it, have you not woke up today?" Hamburg had some fans complained.

"The two of our brothers have been on!" At this time, the Japanese youth team, the two, the two people, the two people, the top, the Songshan, the ball, the Songshan, the ball, directly to the Hamburg, the Burger, the bust.

"On!" And the husband directly took the ground to the goal, and then his feet raised.

"Come!" The government followed the husband and then suddenly jumped, and the two made their stunt in the air football.

The government stepped on the double. Legs, the two worked together, and the government flew over the sky.

"Wow! What kicks this is, is the Japanese team in playing across skill?" Burger fans outside the field shocked the complex skills of the two people.

"Look at our air hurricane!" The government jumped very high. He used the body's gravity and its own strength, and he was heavy, and the air in the air to the top of the Hamburg.

A loud loud sound, if Lin started in an instant, then the body was leaped, the hands of the hands were lightning, the air hurricane of the two people was confiscated by Ruolin.

It is also a simplicity of fluttering, without any extra movements, very beautiful! .

Chapter 1653, finally moved (third more)

"What!" The landed government rose big mouth. Miscellaneous * insects

"Save it, if Lin!"

"It is a god of Hamburg!" The fans of the outdoor burger cheered.

The Japanese youth team didn't bombard the madness of the three-handed steel ball door. If the forest looks excellent, he has his defensive phenomenon in the Hamburg, and it is also the ability to keep the ball.

"I can't enter it all!" Ishiki whispered.

"Is this like Lin Yuan three?" Sanshen, who have never been in Ruolin, finally refused to see the power of Linyuan three.

On the field, the Japanese youth teams have been shot many times, while the Hamburg, only one shot is also blocked by Simi, and the Japanese youth team still occupies an absolute advantage.

"Hamburg door will be very powerful. I didn't expect Asians to have such a powerful player!" At this time, a short-haired short-haired short.

"Why, you can't see the Asian player!" Night live wind is very dissatisfied with this remark of speech, although the roller is talking about Spanish, but the night is very popular because he can understand the language talent.

"You are?" The roll turned his head and looked at night long wind, the night is a black short hair, the sword is eyebrow, full, the most critical is the night long body streamline type muscles, and it is athlete.

"Who are I, you don't have to know. I see you should also be a football player, look at Asia's player, you will pay the price!" After the night is finished, it is no longer subject to the curl.

"Oh, I am Diath, the Argentine youth team, are you coming to the World Youth Invitational player?" The original roll is the core character of Argentina Dias, cheerful, is a self-colony.

"Oh? This volume is actually Dians!" Night wind is some accidents, Dians says Maradona II, is an absolute genius player in Argentina.

"You also come to Schneider?" Night wind did not say his name, but transferred the topic, because the night's wind believed that Dias immediately remembered his name, now Still giving him a little mystery.

"Yeah, our coach said that Schneider is the best player in Europe, so I will come and see. It seems that it seems that it is not very good!" Dians slammed.

"Yes?" The night is laughing, there is no call, this Dians is super genius in South America, nature is also the top, and the tone reveals arrogant and arrogant.

On the field, the Japanese youth teams have broken the ball, Songshan and San Shizhen steals the ball in the middle of the audience. Today, the Hamburg Second Army is very abnormal, so that the fans of the Hamburger are very urgent.

In fact, this is why, although the Burger's secondary army is not the top European player, these players will become the main players of the German Grade A League, which is very strong, and it is impossible to happen. Low-level mistakes.

The reason why this competition Hamburg, which is so much, because John's three demands, Qi Ruolin asked the Hamburg two armies to let the Japanese youth team suddenly strike, so Hamburg secondary talent will deliberately mistaken.

I didn't see the night's wind, and later, I had already felt that the Hamburg, the Hamburger, the Hamburger is deliberate.

For the reasons, the night length is probably guessed, how big is the progress of the Japanese youth team in the Japanese young team in this year.

There is also Ruo Lin firmly believes that his current strength can completely block the shooting of any player of Japanese youth!

But at this time, the fans in the field are not dry. Some fans even smashed, and the players of the Hamburg Second Army couldn't help but play so bad in front of their own fans.

On the field, Songshan took the ball in Hamburg, two army, and he was a stamp ball to pass the football to the front field.

At this time, Kartriple is accurate to determine the intention of Songshan, then suddenly slam out from the middle, disconnect the Songshan's straight ball, beautiful copy!

"Okay, this is the case!" The fans of the outdoor burger cheered.

"Is it finally going to start real grid? I have to fall asleep!" The night grew strongly and turned his attention to the court again.

On the field, Songshan is ready to reverse the football at the foot of Carumbz.

Kartriple just hids the steal of Songshan with a move, and then open football to the half of the Japanese youth team.

Hamburg, the second army finally started to fight, and they were like a team, the army pressed.

"Let you see the horizontal of European football!" Hamburg's secondary players continued to pass forward, and the rhythm of the game was raised several times.

The Japanese Youth Team just reached the midfield line of the golden soup, and it was broken through the moment!

"Okay, go! Hamburg!" The fans outside the field cheerfully.

"What are these guys going, completely unlikely!" The Japanese young teams were shocked.

"Hey, we just tried your strength, so he deliberately let you attack, I said that Japan has no Nange's golden trident to defeat our burger is the height of the world!" Ju Lin at this time, there is rare present Let the Japanese Youth Team have released ridicule skills.

"What!" The Japanese youth team was shocked.

"Bastard!" The day will be blown to the lungs. "What jokes are you driving! Justin!"

The angry day is full of efforts to catch up, and then a back shovel will reappear the ball back.

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