The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1629 of the Chapter 1629 of the Prince of Tennis

"Dry well, day!" The Japanese youth team gave birth to it.

"I. The day will not lose to anyone, you don't need anyone to let me!" The day does not accept this kind of thing, he began to fight against the ball.

"Who is this guy?" Caluz is also a little surprised at the day to fight.

"The day, this guy is still so easy, it will be in the middle of the way!" The night grew is a smile.

At this time, Schneider, who has been standing on the field, suddenly started, directly on the road to the day forward.

The day is full of anger, and he does not care about who is in front of you, or linear.

The ,, at this time, Schneider flakes.

Next moment, the day is directly hit to the high altitude.

"Wow!" The field fans exclaimed.

"What happened?" Dians surprised, he did not see Schneider's moves at all.

"This guy has just broken down the world, directly putting the football, kicking the blood, directly bringing the day!" Night long wind super dynamic vision can be clear.

It is indeed a lot of players who can fly the day to the day, and this is the kick style of the football emperor!

The day, the day, from the air, I fell on the grass behind the Schneider, and the other side, Schneider was easily stepped under the foot.

This is called a slip! .

1654 chapter, terrible (fourth more)

"What!" The Japanese youth teams were completely stunned. They did not think that in addition to the night-long wind, someone can directly hit the straight line to Xiaolang. ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!" At this time, the fans of the Hamburg shouted the title of Schneider, even the little words of the emperor were omitted.

On the field, after Schneider breaks the ball, it began to fight high speed.

The two brothers both got on the front of it, and they were over, and the two brothers didn't even see Schneider's movements.

"It's too fast, this feeling is like" the two brothers will only see the No. 10 jersey on Schneider to go, "It is the same as the long wind!"

On the court, Schneider has a fast forward, and there is no passing thing at all.

At this time, the midfielders of the Japanese youth team were surrounded by two people, and they wanted to prevent Schneider, at least let him slow down.

This time, the little emperor Schneider is completely inherited, and the straight line is shocking from the gap between the two people.

"Ah!" The three of San Shi and Songshan were directly hit by Schned.

"This is the straight line of straight!" Ishikaki rose big mouth.

At this time, Schneider has rushed to the Japanese youth team to be bored.

"We will not let you shoot!" Japanese youth team in the middle of the returning rattan and the high rushed out of the two major people, and the block was in front of Schneider.

"Carrut!" Schneider did not look, directly put the football in the foot.

Caluzza, who is quickly plugged in, caught football, step forward, high-spirited, the attention of the vines and the attention of the

A rumor, Cartrod's pass is very fast, just like shooting.

And Schneid faces such a crossball, directly jumping in the air, the body is instantly stretched, and then it is a force to explode!

! The football exploded in the air, and the next instant football was hit by the Japanese youth team.

10! The first time in Hamburg, the first time I got my goal!

If the Japanese youth team, if the island, Zup Jian, did not make any response movement, he was like a stay.

"Enter! See no, this is the strength of Hamburg!" The burger fan of the officer is boiling.

"When I turned into my eyes, is this the real European football?" Sanhui looked at the back of the back of the stupid Schneider turned back to prevent the sweat of the head, such as the rain.

"It's amazing! It is known as the strongest players in Europe!" Diyas, whispers around the night.

"This guy is playing with me!" The night is also looking at Schneider, and the mouth is slightly lifted.

On the field, Schneider returned to the front of the Hamburg, and said to Johinde: "Source III, this is my last game in the Hamburgh team, the next game is welcome, I want someone to smash you The country's football, then bid do good farewell! "

"Schneider!" If Linyuan looked at Schneider's momentum, the back of the zero jersey was rang. "If you want to be the world's first player, there are countless opponents waiting for you!"

The competition continued, the next five minutes, Hamburg 21st rushed to the court.

Schneider scored two very beautiful long shots, one of whom's flash shot was even more helpless, even if the football, football flew into the goal.

! In the five minutes, Schneider completed the hat trick, and the audience outside the officers began to sing the team of burgers.

"Although I don't want to admit it, his shot is really better than the captain's tiger! It is just as big as the shot of the night-catching guy!" If Island is a little bit of god.

"Give me the ball!" On the court, the night of the fire was boiling in the eyes, and he shouted with the island.

"Captain!" If the island is slow, quickly picks up the football in the ball, then a big feet open to the midfield.

On the day, I jumped up to Xiaolang, grabbed the football in the air, and then press it directly on the middle line, quickly serve the three shines, it is like a hormon to rush to the Hamburg secondary.

"Daily!" At this time, the Sanmin showed him as a super midfield in the midfield. He took the ball to Car Ruz, and then he gave the ball, accurately found it to the Burger Second Army. Forbidden. The day in the district is small to Xiaolang.

"It is a big ban. In the area, our chance is coming!" Everyone of Japanese youth is very excited.

"Tiger shot!" The day, Xiaolang is in the bustling. Near the district in the district, the football of the rollback is a roar, and it is a tiger shot.

boom! When the Japanese young people thought that the football will grown into the door, Ju Lin made a world-class saving. He not only blocked the tiger shot in the day, and the football was killed in both hands.

"This is impossible!" The day widened his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes.

"It is better than me!" Ji Island is also in place, he did not expect his gap and a big difference in the distance, in this distance, he is never to catch the day. Up to the range of the goal of the goal.

"It's a source of three, progress is better than I imagined!" The night grew well looked at the forest, and the golden light was flashing.

boom! At this time, if Lin Lin did not polite with the Japanese youth team, after grabbing football, it was a big feet on the front.

It is said that the goalkeeper launches attack, and there is a pedicure of the goal. If Lin Yuan three is second, no one dares to say the first.

The football speed brushed the entire course, and the exactly arrived at the feet of the frontcourt Schneider.

"Beautiful saver and pass!" Schneider admired, the speed of the foot was not reduced.

One person, two, three people in front of Schneider's high-speed, the Japanese young team's defensive players are like puppets, and they cannot afford his footsteps.

Schneider has lost five people, and in the face of the door of Japanese youth team, Schneider is completely dissipated.

The speed of the ball is fast, and there is no reaction in the island-Tianjinjian superior nerve reflection, and football flew directly into the ball of the Japanese youth team.

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