The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1631 of the Chapter 1631 of the Prince of Tennis

boom! boom! boom! After the three dull sounds, the three tall Hamburg two armies were directly hit by the night long.

And the night's wind is like a tank, the past, the speed of the ball is not reduced, but it is faster.

call! The wind scrapes from the left and right sides of the night, because there is no warm-up relationship before the game, the night cost is not fully accelerated, but in the scene of the fans and players, the speed of the night is really windy.

After the five people in Hamburg, the night-long blink came to the Burgun Board of Army.

At this time, a proud figure of a blond hair was blocked on the road that was advanced in the night.

Is the little emperor Schneider!

"Schneider, stop him!"

"Don't let the Asian man crazy!" The Burger fans outside the field shouted.

"I, the captain!"

"Bead!" The players from South Gee have aware of the night long-term, and fuel.

"Dare to call the emperor in front of me? Try your orange!" Night lived on the Schneider in front of him, the eyes were flashing, the whole body muscles were instantaneous.

Schneider is the kind of player who has just fierce, some extent, and the style of the night is very similar, since this is the case, the night is always a direct biggest breakthrough.

Still tank plate!

On the other hand, Schneider is also expressive, he can feel that the night grows and the momentum of Xiaolang, is a player who is not so good.

When Schneider and night-long contact, the two almost simultaneously put the right foot on football and then at the same time.

After a dullness, let everyone think that the little emperor Schneider, who has just been domineering, is actually bounced by the football under his feet, and the shape is constantly retreating, and it is almost .

The night-long wind is in the bust of the Hamburg. The front, one step is not moved, the right foot is supported, and the left foot is suddenly mentioned.

"Come on, the long wind!" Ju Linyuan, the Burger Second Army, the three pairs of pedestrian, he seems to have already expected that the night-long wind can bounce Schneider, and I have long ready to prepare for the ball.

At this time, the golden light in the eyes of the night is flashing, and drinking lightly

A ball into the soul!

The rumor, the lifting of the left foot is almost a football that is constant in the place.

This ball is incorporated into his own spiritual god, and the desire for the three-sized downgrade, which is a true ball.

bass! At this time, on the court, a golden light is on, a golden dragon looks now that the Hamburg Second Army is banned. District, and it is straight to the ball door of the Hamburg.

"That is!" If Lin Puping suddenly contracted, Schneider couldn't move, and looked at Jinlong from him.

Other people inside and outside the course are all flashed in the hands of the golden light.

boom! The first reaction is still, if Lin Yuan three, his state is simply described in the best, if Lin is exhausted, then suddenly hurts the leader of Golden Dragon.

"Source three guys!" The night grew slightly, he didn't think of such a near distance, and if Lin can responded for the first time.

This can only explain that the progress of the German three this year is turned over.

However, although John hugged the dragon's leader, his body was still with the goal of the Hamburg.


In the end, after the radiance, the body of Johinde has all entered the goal, but he kneels on the ground, and his hands and dead put the football on the goal line.

"The two people are very powerful!" Burger Second Army players and Japanese young teams players look at it, and the burger fans outside the officers have risen their mouths, and there is no response to what happened. ...

"It seems that it is not going!" The night grew straight down the body, and his mouth was slightly forth.

"Changfeng, is this the meeting you gave me?" Ju Lin also climbed up, took the dust and grass on the body, some wolves, and at this time, if the forest only felt that his hands were numb, it was shocked.

"Come again!" At this time, the little emperor Schneider came over, the fire in the eyes burned, he has never been hit by people, and the night is the first.

This makes Schneider angry very angry. He is absolutely an emperor in Hamburg, and majesty is not trampled.

"You come here!" The night is disdainful, I have a friend of Schneider, turning with the eyes and Ruolin, and turn around and leaves the court.

This kind of single-handed meaning is not, or Schneider is provoked, and the night is too lazy to pay attention to him.

The strength of this Hamburger secondary army is still, but the night feeling doesn't feel there is something necessary to warm up.

From the fans of the burger, the night costs already know that Schneider wants to go to Bayern, and the Japanese Youth Team is the last play of the game.

Since this is the case, the night grows is ready to go back to notify Yuns directly rush to the next European pull club, no Schneider's Hamburg Second Army, there is no training value in the night-long eye.

"You!" Schneider was directly ignored by the night, which made him more angry.

"Haha, live it!" Ishiki is a glitch face.

After everyone sent the night, they came back.

The warm-up game has been in the first half, and there is also the first half!

However, the day at this time is already shame. It is hard to figure out that his Schneider is so easy to be so easy to be so easy, so that the proud day will never endure his own small.

"Sanqi!" The day took off his captain's armband and threw it directly to Sanqi.

Japanese! "

"Captain, you!" Ji Island is surprised by people.

"See the coach, I can't play the second half, I am not qualified to represent Japan!" After the end of the day, it was also turned away.

"Ah!" The Japanese young team stayed for a while, and I didn't know what to do at all. .

1657 chapter, Yunda breme (second more)

After the day left, Schneider, full of fire, and obviously saw the strength of the long-winding, this Japanese youth team is hard to mention his interest. - ∮ ∮ ∮ -

Next, the Japanese Youth Team and Hamburg Second Army coach also replaced the substitute lineup in the second half. Because it was a warm-up match, there was no limit to the number of people, and the two teams have replaced a lot of replacement.

The second half of the competition has become dull, after 30 minutes of boring, the Hamburg is winning.

The Japanese young people finally left the Hamburg Second Army Training Square, returned to the collapsed hotel.

The sky is getting dark, the first to return to the hotel's day to Xiaolang accepted a parcel from the other side of the ocean.

On the day, open the parcel, which is a dark brown football, and a letter.

The day opened the letter, it turned out to be sent by Yiliang's old man.

"Little Lang, although it is a bit late, but this is a gift from you to the Japanese youth team. Next, your opponent will be the master of all walks of life, I know that you must have failed to accept your character, but good The striker will never be afraid! Even if it is facing the opponent that cannot be defeated, it is also constantly moving forward. Wherever you fall, you will get up! "

"This is the gift of Jiliang's coach to me!" The day looked at the dark brown football under the feet, recalling today's game, and there is a confidence in the chest.

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