The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1632 of the Chapter 1632 of the Prince of Tennis

"Is this the horizontal of the world football?" The day suddenly lifted the right foot, and he was squatting on football.

A slam, football didn't imagine farther, but flying a distance from a distance.

"Oh?" The day immediately discovered that this football was different, and the football came back, and his hands were carefully added. The day finally found that this football is not ordinary football, the outer skin and the material are very hard, and the weight is several times the weight is ordinary football. .

"It turns out!" The day, finally understood the good intentions of Jiliang's old man.

"Well! I use it to re-exercise my body, start from scratch, I have to practice my new tiger!" The day puts down the football to the hands and starts to practice.

Next day.

Today, the Chinese Youth Team will compete with the Hamburg, but Juns and Chinese coaches have received their intelligence from night wind, so they directly took the bus to the next European train team.

The Yunda is the home of the home.

"Wow, this court is really spectacular!" Take a bus, Wang Zhongming will live in a huge venue in front of him.

"It's amazing!" Other Chinese youth team players are also amazing.

"Hey, there are a lot of cute girls there!" Goalkeeper Wang Dalei saw that his sister eyes lit up.

When everyone turned, there were many girls who were in front of the court, and they were inquiry into the stadium.

"Ah!" At this time, this group of German sisters screamed.

"What's going on?" The Chinese young people were stunned.

"I have went, I thought the German should be very serious, I didn't expect it to have a fanatical fan!" Night long-faced mouth slightly.

"Haha, which country is the same!" Yusun, who is around the night, then pointed to the special channel of the court, "You see, people who caught screams!"

"Zeista! Zhe Si Tag!" German sisters began to shout.

A blonde's blue eye is slowly moving towards everyone of the Chinese youth. His length is handsome, it looks like a European and American star, and the gas field is full.

"This guy is more handsome than three years, no wonder there so many female fans!" The night's long-awaited looks at the slowly coming.

"He is feet Franz Sheisa, is the core of the biamatin youth, is also the captain of the bless Youth team. At the same time, he is also the main player of the German youth team!" Juns explained the people of the Chinese youth team. .

"Today's game is not good, they are the second team of German Youth League, second only to the Hamburg Youth!" Juns glanced at the Chinese youth teams to continue.

"Welcome everyone to come to Bremen, my name is Dresla, is the coach of Bremen!" Accompanied by Sheisa. There is also bless coach.

"What is he saying!" Everyone in the Chinese youth teams clearly can't understand German in addition to the night.

"Haha, Durley hasn't seen you for a long time!" Juns gave Dram, a hug, and the two appeared to be old, the relationship is good.

"Hello, please take care!" Zie Si Tago. Going right hand, hitting a happiness with the Japanese and standing on the front night.

"Hello, this time you have to be in your hand, don't take us too much!" The night grewered the right hand of Sheisa and said the most pure German.


Suddenly, a new bus arrived in front of Bremen's alley.

"Oh, it seems that you have other guests today! It is not enough for us!" The night grew and looked at the bus, and he sat.

"Oh, I am sorry! You are the first game, 10 o'clock, please first go to the stadium next to it!" The coach of the bless Youth team smiled.

"Let's go!" Although Juns is still somewhat uncomfortable, there is no difficulty old friend, and people who have received the Chinese youth team from special channels, I entered the trainee of bremen.

At this time, I just came down on a group of people who had a dark blue team, and this group of players had a common feature, which is high.

"It turned out to be an Italian youth team!" Night lives don't have to see the team, you know that this group must be it.

Because it is the world's first world, there is no suspense in the world's first world.

"Well, I am really a little handsome!" When the night grew in the training ground, while sweeping the group of squash squid in his team, he and Xiao Junguang and Wu Junren were some, there were not many other words. .

"It seems that the Chinese team's value is still to support me, the color of the Chinese youth team!" The night's heart is shamelessly as the value of the Chinese youth team.

Waiting for the training ground of the Bremen Youth Team, the Chinese youth teams are also sighing Qi Qi, which is indeed more professional than China.

Stadium is not only large, but also professional facilities, more importantly, it seems to be new, and it is often replaced.

"This is the most professional football. How do you feel?" Junz smiled and asked.

"Ma Ma Tiger, first hot body!" Night wind is very casual.

"This Tuhaxy child!" Juns heard the night's style, almost didn't fall on the grass, and the night's night grew is too high.

"I see that only Europe's most luxurious team can accommodate this big god!" Juns couldn't help but spit.

Chapter 1658, next Maway (third more)

Every time the Chinese youth team warm up half an hour after the training ground, the time is almost ten o'clock. V mixed "Zhi" insect V

Soon, the main force of Bremen Youth Team and the Chinese Youth Team came to the main course, and the three referees were also in place.

The first official warm-up match of the Chinese Youth Team Europe was started, and the bless Youth team was circled.

! The main referee blows the whistle started in the game, and Magas, the Bremen Youth Team, directly allocated the football to the soul core player of the Bremen Youth Team, Zeida.

She Sita will start to break through the Chinese youth team, and the speed is very fast.

At this time, the Chinese Youth Team Wu Junren first rushed up, the Chinese youth team did not understand this not Lei Youth Team, but Xie Si Tower is undoubtedly their core character, as long as she holds Sheisa. The strength of the Nihamy Youth Team will be greatly reduced.

"Look at me!" Wu Junren floodedly in the midfield, ready to slip the football under the feet of Sheisa.

At this time, Ze Shi Tag left the football to the next, and the right foot was retracted, and it actually clipped the football, then the smart jumped, and easily escaped Wu Junren's shovel.

"What!" The Chinese youth teams were shocked.

"What is the skill!" Ma Mingyu, which is close to the two, is stunned.

"Great!" Night live wind is also praised, just a very difficult movement, it is very good to do it.

The night-length wind that can do this in the Chinese team is estimated to have Wang Zhongming, which is also very high in the flexibility of the leg.

boom! After the air jacket flashed Wu Junren, Sheisa passed the football to the foot of Magas in the air.

"Beautiful, Zhe Shi Tower!"

"I love you, thank the Tagata!" The female fan of Sheisa on the stage screamed.

Magas is also the main striker of the German youth team, fast speed, strong power, typical center player.

Snapped! Magas stopped Ze Sita's pass, he was already a big ban on the Chinese youth team.

At this time, the Chinese youth team defensive core Xiao Junguang was ahead of Magas. In the face of Xiao Junguang, which was rushing, Magas did not hesitate, he directly chose the foot in the big ban. District remote shoot, seem completely Didn't put the Chinese youth team in your eyes.

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