The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1633 of the Chapter 1633 of the Prince of Tennis

Next moment, Magas surprised the mouth, he used all the best shots, and was actually reflected by Xiao Junguang single foot.

It is not a reaction to the speed of race.

Night-hard wind has reminded Xiao Junguang to try to expose his strongest killing skills in the warm-up match, so Xiao Jun is only playing with Juli to play Magas's shooting, kicking towards the midfielder of the stadium .

! The midfielder, the night-long wind grabbed the football with the left foot, and unloaded the football with the left foot.

Chinese youth team counterattack!

"Well?" The coach of the bless Youth team couldn't stand. He turned to see the ,,, , The Chinese team actually has such powerful players.

On the field, after the night is on the ball, the football is passed to Ma Mingyu.

Ma Mingyu's biggest feature is his left foot plate and long shot. His discharge capacity is a number of two in the Chinese youth team.

In the face of the fierce players of the bileme young team, Ma Mingyu did not hurry, flashed an angle to send football forward, football rolled down to the foot of the night.

The two are equivalent to a long-distance hit wall, and when the night is always holding the ball again, he has come to his best position in the Chinese youth team, the front position.

At this time, the two major strikers of the Chinese youth teams, flying and Wang Zhongming are already a big ban on the bless Youth team.

The flying flying is particularly eye-catching. The reason is only one. He is too high, and the height of one meter is high in European youth players.

"Oh, the Chinese team play is also good!" The Outside the Italian Youth Team has concluded warm-up training, sitting in the watch to watch the two teams.

On the court, the defenders of the three bless Youth team were blocked by the night, and the night Changfeng was already a big ban. District frontier, very dangerous position.

"This ball is broken!" The three defensive players were twisted to night long-lasting wind, and another player also prepared to make up in two people.

The Bremen Youth Team is worthy of German team, and its sphere is still very solid.

In the face of the two men's twins, the night long-lasting feet stepping on the ball, stepping the football directly, and then jumping on his feet.

! The night-long's wind moves light and fast, and suddenly he has hid the slider of two players of the bileme youth.

"The ball is mine!" He is directly jumped directly after the two people, and is ready to break the football in front of the air.

"You are still far!" Night long wind suddenly tilted in the air, deliberately looking for and defensive players.

This is uncommon in the Asian team, and the general Asian team will meet the European South American team, it will choose to dodge, because the quality of physical fitness is very losing, but it hits.

However, the night's long wind is actually taken as a defensive player in the bless Youth team, and it turns in the air.

A dull sound, let all the players of the Bremen Youth Team are surprised to be unfavorable, and actually hit the defensive players of the Bremen youth team in the moment.

The bless Youth team defensive players have fallen on the ground, while the night is still in the air, and the football is in time to the sidewalk.

At this time, a fire red figure was blusted on the side, which is Hao Haidong.

Hao Haidong's character is fast, when the night is found to find him, his speed is a bit surprised.

Snapped! Hao Haidong took the air of the night, and then directly took the ball to the Bremen Youth Team.

"Don't let him pass!" The coach of the bless Youth team shouted.

Big ban. District, flying in the vicinity of the point, attracting a lot of attention, no way, there is no way, flying is really too high.

bass! Just when Hao Haidong took the ball to the bottom line, he directly underway, the football flew up and flew to the bans of the bless Youth team. District.

This biography is not very high, because football is too high.

However, for flying, this ball is just right. After he jumped high, the defenders of the bileme young team jumped only to his shoulders.

! Flying ahead is a simply destroyed head to attack the door, football responds!

10! I just opened the Chinese youth team gave the bremen youth team. .

1659 chapter, birds are not birds (fourth more)

"Ah, I was going to go to the other side!" The female fans of Sheistripe on the stage apparently did not think that the Asian team had broken the door of the Bremen Youth Team. ""

"This Chinese team is not simple!" The field of Italian players in the field is also flashing in the eyes.

"Yeah, if this goal is to do it, I will not let him go into the game!" Italian door will also say confidence in her core player Haiern Diz.

On the field, the bileme young team players started to attack, but they are home, they certainly do not want to lose to an Asian team in front of the father and old folks.

However, the reality is cruel, and the baren Youth Middle Field can fight against each other with the Chinese youth team, but once the half of the Chinese youth team, Xiao Junguang is like a large gate, blocking the bless Youth. All the offensive of the team.

Whether it is a long shot or a breakthrough, Xiao Junguang is accompanied by a bileeous youth team.

And the Chinese youth team attacked, the night-long wind boiled the Chinese youth team, the offensive rhythm was very fast.

Although the night's wind is not directly involved in the attack, his breakthroughs and passing the ball attracted a lot of defensive attention, and won the opportunity to fly and Wang Zhongming won a lot of vacancies.

Especially the flying heads, the bless Youth team does not have a good solution.

After half a half, Wang Zhongming and Fei Xiang also entered one, three to zero!

In the first half, the Chinese Youth Team burst the bless Youth team, the bileme young team payded for them to watch the Asian team.

"Old man, where did you find these young people!" The coach of the bless Youth team looked at Yutun, and it was a bit angry.

In front of the game, he did not put the Chinese youth team in his heart, so when Juns called him to ask him, he did not hesitate to agree.

I have already admitted to the invitation of the Italian youth team today, which is the meaning of the Chinese team as a warm-up.

As a result, the upper half of the warm-up, giving the blessing youth teams were shocked.

"Go good!" Juns and returned everyone hit by one.

"Old, already led three goals, almost let the replacement players will active!" The night long turned to Juns.

"Well!" Juns nodded.

The Chinese Youth Team This night, the main players such as Xiao Junshu, etc., and a large number of substitute players were changed to the field.

Originally, the purpose of the European pull-up competition was not winning, but instead of examining the main and substitute players.

"What!" The never of the young people saw the night-hearted waiter to change the clothes, and when they did the troops, they were very angry.

"It was actually seen by the Asian team!"

"Breast is too" Magas, I can't say anything, the first half he was smashed by Xiao Junguang, is a gray face, is preparing to go to the next half, did not expect Xiao Junguang to be directly replaced.

"I will let them pay the price!" Zie Shi Tower stood up and threw the towel in his hand on the ground.

In the second half, the Chinese Youth Team will give up a lot of war.

There is no night's long wind and Xiao Junguang, and the Chinese youth team attack and defense has a big problem.

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