The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1635 of the Chapter 1635 of the Prince of Tennis

For night-long wind, no one of the walls of the wall is not too big.

"Night growing? I remember!" Haiernand is deeply printed with this name to him.

The next day, the Chinese youth team came to the third stop of the European pull-ups, Munich, Germany, the city where the giants, is the capital of Bavaria, Germany, can be said to be the third largest city in Germany.

Bayern youth training base.

"Everyone will come over!" Bayern Youth Army coach called the Bayern Youth Army of the Practiced Bayern.

"I introduce you to everyone, this is Carl Heinz Schneider, I believe everyone knows that he will represent our Bayern team next season. Now he will train us with us, everyone welcomes "" The coach pointed to the Schneider behind him.

Snapped! Snapped! Bayern's young army's unclear, and some doubts are clearly a team of guys who will run to the second team to train.

"Right, today China Youth Team is coming to warm up with us, everyone is ready to treat!" Bayern instructor slowly.

"China? They also have football team?"

"Haha, then we all replace it, don't let our guests lose your face, just kick a three more zero!" Bayern's young army haha ​​laughed.


"I advise you that it is best not to look at each other!" Silened, Schneider, has been spoken.

"?" Bayern's young people were obvious, they did not understand why a Asian team would let Schneid so so solemn.

Where did they knew that Schneider came to the Bayern Youth Military Training Square to train, why did the Chinese youth team have documented, and have reported the last hit.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the Chinese youth team arrived at the main course of the Training Square of Bayern Youth Army.

As the largest giants in Germany, the training ground of Bayern's Youth Army is also very luxurious, compared to Yunda Bremen, there is no time, of course, it is also an exclamation of everyone in the Chinese youth team.

After arriving in the training ground, everyone in the Youth of Bayern has begun to warm up, and the Chinese youth teams are not abolished, and they start to run to the court.

After more than ten minutes, the three referees came to the stadium. The two teams of the two teams returned to the seating area. The main referee held a football to the circle.

~ The Chinese Youth Team and the Bayern's Youth Army have officially started, the referee blows the whistle of the game, and the Chinese youth team is teeted.

Opening, the Chinese team also sent a full main force, and the night-long winds allocated football to Wu Junren.

"On, let these Chinese taste the power of the most top football in Europe!" On the opening, the midfielder of Bayern Youth Army quickly rushed up! .

1660 chapter, easy and pleasant (first more)

Wu Junren stopped football. His biggest feature is his big heart. Even if it is possible to be the top youth of Germany, Wu Junren does not panic, pull the football backwards, then push the left foot back, push Give the right side of Ma Mingyu. Miscellaneous

Ma Mingyu does not take the ball at all, and the foot is directly transferred to Yao Xia.

Yao Xianong's characteristics and Hao Haidong, the characteristics of the Chinese Youth Team, like Hao Haidong, and he can ignore the opponent's back to the long-distance attack, and everyone called the Chinese Youth Team as the Chinese team.

There is also a feature that it is to run, the only player in the Chinese team can be close to night.

despair! When Yao Xia took the ball, he immediately started to go to the left side of the Bayern's Half, and he accelerated the limit, it was really like a red cheetah.

"Very good cooperation!" The coach of the Bayern Youth Army was a bit surprised by the opening of the Chinese youth team.

bass! At this time, the night-length wind has been ran to the Bayern's Youth Forbidden. The frontier of the district, Yao Xia looked up and looked at the night, and the football of the feet was passed away.

Snapped! The night long-lasting feet just stopped, and the three defenders of the Bayern's Youth Army came.

At this time, the night's long wind showed his super-disc capabilities, football rolled around the night, and his left foot dialped the football to the right foot, then turned and turned to pull it directly. Three defensive players in front of them.

"What!" The defender of the Bayern's young army was shocked, and they never heard of any Asian players so thaw.

"Don't let him come in!" The goalkeeper of Bayern Youth Force shouted his teammates.

At this time, the night is suddenly banned. There is a sudden stop on the area, from the high speed breakthrough to the stop, the night length is complete.

Then, the whole body of the night is open, and the right foot is suddenly one.

Is a round moon bend knife!

The football high-speed rotated, the door of the Bayern's Youth Army will be good, and he judges the route of the football flight at an instant, and immediately ran a few steps to the right, flying.

Snapped! The door of the Bayern Youth Army took the right hand, but he did not think that the rotation of football was so strong.

If he uses boxing to easily play the football, but he is trying to seize the football with one hand, resulting in the result is not caught at all.

The football is rotated from the door, and it is still a goal.

A slap, football hits the door column. Side, just bounce into the goal of the Bayern Youth Army.

10! In less than 30 seconds, the Chinese youth team came to the arrogant Bayern's Youth Force.

Never underestimate any opponent!

"It is good, the captain!"

"It's great, we are leading!" Yao Xia and others ran to the night long.

After the night is ongoing, the Chinese team has made a celebration action of a bow archery.

Whenever the night grows with a round moon bent knife, he will do this action, which has almost become a habit.

"Actually shoot in that far!"

"They look too old, how can they be so powerful!" The defender of Bayern's Youth Force is full.

"The rotation of the ball is too powerful!" Bayern gate will slowly stand up, and it seems that God has not returned.

"Night long wind!" Schneider, who was being played at this time.

"Yes! Yes!" And the Chinese team seating area, Juns is getting angry and drinking, as if this goal is in his expectation.

The competition continued, and the Bayern Youth Middle Field served.

"We can lose to this Asian team!"

"Oh!" Bayern's young army started to hold the team, obviously, the goal of the Chinese youth team stimulated this group of German .

Bayern's young army began to quickly transfer in midfringing, infiltrating the midfielders of the Chinese youth team.

This Bayern Youth Army is in the German Youth League and the burgers and blessing, and their feature is that the midfield control is relatively strong.

Soon, Bayern's Youth Army broke through the midfield line of the Chinese youth team.

The Chinese youth teams these midfielders are basically the night-length wind, and they are weak, and the defensive ability is actually very general.

Bayern's Youth Force quickly promoted the ban on the Chinese youth team. District frontier, when they want to pass the football to their striker, the Chinese team's clockfield is flashing.

Is Xiao Junguang!

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