The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1636 of the Chapter 1636 of the Prince of Tennis

Xiao Junguo judged the intention of the Bayern Youth Army, and then a perfect advanced quantity slippered the passage of the Bayern Youth Army. ...

"The long wind, the ball is coming!" Xiao Junguo broke the ball, nor to stick the ball, directly sighing, opening football to the front field.

In the pass, Xiao Junshu is more general, and this ball is too high.

However, for the night-long wind that has a backbundering, everything is very easy. He jumped high, and under the interference of the Bayern's young army, Wang Zhongming will be given to the frontcourt.

Wang Zhongming lost his football, followed by turning to the big ban on Bayern's Youth Army. In the area, the movements were very fast, the defenders of the Bayern Youth Army did not respond.

"I want to go into the ball!" At this time, the Bayern's Youth Forbidden. The only three defendings in the district were surrounded.

Wang Zhongming's mouth flashed a smile, with the foot and paired the football back.

bass! At this time, a red, like a lightning figure, followed up, and the night is long.

There is a big ban in the cold. In the district, the goalkeeper of the Bayern's Youth Army is not good.

The night-long wind welcomes the soccer ball, raising the right leg again, and the attention of all people of Bayern Youth Force is firmly attracted by the night.

! I didn't think of everyone is that the night is vacant, actually is a posture of the shot, and then push the football forward.

The football rolls up, then a tall figure suddenly jumped, and the flying football is relaxed into the empty door.


20! On the fifth minute, the Chinese youth team is already the youth army of the leading luxury Bayern!

"It's great, so soon, I will enter two goals!" The Chinese Youth Team Gate took the double punches.

"Top beautiful!" The night's long-winding will fly.

"Oh, or the captain has been better!" Flying a smirk.

And flying is a friend's Wang Zhongming, I have to be excited than my own goal, directly jumping on the back of the flying, two people happy to celebrate the celebration of the plane on the court.

"And the Japanese youth team completely different power level, organizational, pass, shoot, defense, this Chinese youth team is not bad, even stronger than the European team!" Schneider's eyes looked at the court. Chinese team everyone. .

1661 chapter, opening of the invitation (second more)

"My goal is to lead the German team to win in the invitation, now I seem to have the biggest opponent not a European team, but this mysterious Chinese team!" Schneider's eyes flicked. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

On the court, the next game Bayern's young army launched a counterattack, but every time they were blocked by Xiao Junguang, and they came back.

In the first half, it is the opportunity to grasp the success of the night, and I have entered a goal.

Three-to-zero, Bayern Youth Army ended the first half with a shameful score.

I don't know why, Schneider is going to debut in the second half, but he still did not appear.

The second half of the Chinese youth team is connected to two goals, and the score is scheder.

The Chinese Youth Team did not have a team of reporters, because they did not pay attention, if the domestic media knew this score, it is estimated that Bayern's Youth Force kicks.

After this game, the Chinese youth team has actually caused a lot of European team scouts.

Originally Juns also arranged several contestings and European clubs youth team, and finally canceled.

Before the competition, it is not advisable to expose the information of too many teams.

The Chinese youth team finally leased a hidden training base in Germany, and then spent a week of training time.

Until the World Youth Invitation, the Chinese Youth Team was held by the plane to fly to this invitation.

French romantic capital Paris, Chard David International Airport.

Today, there are many media and fans around the airport, they are still waiting for this strong team that will participate in the Youth Invitational.

The first arrival of the German Youth Team of Schneider, who took the plane, just got out of the player channel, immediately caused the scene of the scene.

Snapped!!! The flash flash flashes, and the camera is also coming.

"They are coming!"

"Take a photo!"

"Wow, the German youth team is worthy of the same seed team like the host France, you see, walking in the strongest side is the football small emperor Schneider! He is the commanders, and the engineer Cartrons! "Many media reporters crazy forward.

"Ask the Schneider player, what is your goal in this conference?" A short journalist was very hard to squeeze in front of Schneider, stretched out.

"Of course, it is a champion!" Schneider is cold and touched.

At this time, the second arrival of the Italian Youth Party arrived at the airport.

"Hey! The Italian team has arrived!"

"Yeah! We went there!" The highest average value of the Italian youth team appeared, and immediately triggered more flash and taking pictures.

"Oh, the guys in Italy are coming!" Zeista saw that everyone of the Italian youth is coming.

"Hey, Zhe Si Tower, I heard that you are born by the Italian youth team, Kartriple laughs.

"Hey! This time I will let them pay the price!" Zeista snorted.

"Haiernandi? This time I have to look at you and the source of three ratios, who are stronger!" Schneider turned to see the Italian Youth Team's player gate will Hilandon.

Next, other teams have also arrived at the international airport, of which the Asian teams are completely ignored, in the eyes of European reporters, these Asian teams come to participate in the number.

The name of the United States is the common development of the world football!

In this regard, the night long wind that hates the media is of course happy.

The Chinese youth team took a plane to transfer the hotel in this invitation to the collapse, and then the adaptive exercises on the court.

At the same time, other teams also provide training courses in the invitational game, their own practice, most teams are closed practice, that is, the media has no way to interview.

The Chinese youth team is completely open, and the result is not a media reporter to interview the Chinese youth team.

Even the domestic media is not concerned about this temporary Chinese youth team, foreign media will not care.

Before the game, all the Chinese youth team received the schedule of this World Youth Invitational Competition in Juns.

In this invitation, the General Assembly invited 12 teams around the world, including two teams in Asia, China and Japan.

The competition system is the twelve teams into four groups of group competitions. Every group is the first to enter the finals. The finals are four teams, which is the top four knockout.

This competition is a little wonderful, mainly the team of this competition is not much, but in addition to the Asian team, the team is basically the country where the world is ranked.

When the night length sweeps an eye, the Chinese team was divided into the group of death. The opponent has Argentina and Italy, and the two teams are not promising.

One is a high Europe, one is one of South America, no team is good to deal with.

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