The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1637 of the Chapter 1637 of the Prince of Tennis

In addition, the Japanese team's group is not too good, and it is also not good to go to Spain and Uruguay. The two team strength is also good.

Finally, the long wind is also specially paid attention to the German team, their packets are good, and they are divided into Portuguese. Small, Canada, as the relatively weak team in this invitation.

After two days of adaptability training, the World Youth Invitational Finally opened in Pressen Stadium in Paris.

The first is to open the ceremony, and the entire table that can accommodate tens of thousands of viewers is full, and Europeans can see the enthusiasm of football.

The most beginning is the various opening programs hosted by the General Assembly. Finally, in the cheers of 10,000 spectators, the entrance ceremony of each team officially begins.

"I finally started!"

"I have been waiting for a long time!" All the audience on the scene scent, the scene was very shocking, compared to the relatively introverted Asians, Europeans, of course, have more great!

The first arrival is the South American team Argentina, holding the national flag in the forefront. The captain Juan Dians.

It is also an excitement of Argentina, is also excited about Argentina.

"The group of Argentina and Italy and the Asian team in China have been divided into a group. Argentina is one of the Shuangxiong South America. Their football history has born a lot of great stars in history. It is the personal ability to be outstanding!" Dechuan Justice's mouth .

"Their captain Dians is very famous in Argentina, and is known as a wonderful talent that is difficult for ten years! This game, this genius will also directly determine what Argentina can finally achieve!"

It's the European team Belgium in Argentina, and then the windy Canada of North America.

The fourth team is a modern football initiated England, which is also one of the seeds of this invitation, strong strength. .

1662 chapter, the first game (third more)

The fifth appearance team is the Italian youth team in the same group of Chinese youth team, and today's first game of the Chinese team is the Italian youth team. Miscellaneous * insects

"Well, now the Italian youth team, their feature is the defensive counterattack, their goalkeeper Haiernandis is very famous genius goalkeeper in the world!" Dechuan Justice continued to explain.

It is the Chinese youth team in the Italian youth, and the high-rangest flying flying in the most red flag is in front. His height has caused the attention of the audience.

"Now, the Chinese team is in the forefront. It is their forward player flying!" Dechuan Justice picked up the information in front of it.

"Wow, many people!" Wang Zhongming in the Chinese youth team rose big mouth.

The flying flying in the front, is a strong sweating. Obviously he has not seen such a big battle, and some other people in the Chinese youth team are less nervous. After all, playing the ball in front of them. It is the first time.

Only the night's wind, one person, playing yawn, a pair of expressions, a boring appearance ceremony, night long-lasting wind contrary to the nose.

"Audience, please see. The zero player in the Chinese youth team, I believe everyone must be unfamiliar with him!" Dechuan Justice let the broadcast to a close-up of a Chinese team, there is a night long before the TV Closeup picture.

"Yes, he is a night-long player who has a large color of the Japanese domestic student league in Japan in the last two years. He is also a MVP player in the last middle school contest! Have him join the Chinese youth team, I believe that the Chinese team will be here. The second game is amazing! "Dechuan Justice is very high in the evaluation of the long wind.

Although the night length does not transfer nationality to join the Japanese youth team to make Dechuan Justice is some disappointed, Decang is still hoping that the Chinese youth team as Asia can play a wonderful competition, letting the powers of European South America, see the Asian team.

Then, the Japanese team, the night long wind turned to look at it, and the big air wings and polelands for a long time were in the array. It seems that the two have arrived in time.

Now the Japanese youth team has complete lineup, with large air wings and polelang, and if Linyuan three, this Japanese youth team and the Japanese team who lost to Hamburg's second army can be said to be two completely different teams.

"It's coming, next is our team, I believe everyone is very familiar with these faces. Yes, they all consist of high school students showing excellent in the national competition, and also active in German football Source three players, he is also a little famous in Europe! "Dechuan Justice saw the Japanese team appeared, and suddenly was excited.

After the Japanese youth came, the next is Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, the strength of these teams is also a first-class, and if the championship is not unrest.

The last two teams appeared, the biggest winning top of this invitation.

One is a German youth team, the German youth team came, and the German audience that the German audience came directly from the scene. They sang in Germany in the national anthem.

"Come, this invitation is one of the people, German Youth! Their core player is Karl Heinz Schneider, which is a Sanner Tener, and he has become a German Youth Emperor. Strong playing skills and popularity! "De Chuan Jiyi. The explanation of love.

"In addition, the German team also has Zeista, Cartrip, and Magas, etc., can say that it is like a cloud!"

De Chuan is just a voice, and the entire Pross Stadium boils.

Because the host's French team walked into the court, the French fans did even start to start a wave, the scene of the scene arrived at the vertices.

"Audience friends, listen to this cheers. The French team came, this French youth team was led by the two masters of Pierre and Napoleon. They are all very famous players in Europe, this French team is very Powerful! "

At this point, the twelve teams in this invitation are all debut.

The highest scene is naturally the host of the host, followed by the German Youth Team, and then the European South America.

Even in Japan also have a lot of fans away from the heavy ocean to watch the battle, refueling your team.

The worst is the Chinese youth team. There are only a dozen international students on the table to help the Chinese team, and they have been drowning in other countries' deafening.

After the admission ceremony, the organizational president of the invitational Tournament said a lot of nonsense, and then the invitation team finally started.

On the first day of the invitation, four games will be conducted in the Prans Stadium.

The first game is the Chinese youth team fighting the Italian Youth Team, then Germany, Belgium to Uruguay, the final gold period is the host France to England.

France can say that this game in England is today's highlights, and the first China is more like an appetizer for the audience to the audience.

"The first game is the Chinese team to Italy!"

"Italy is really fortunate, and is divided into Asian team. This game should be a big score!" The French fans on the stage began to discuss.

"What is the strength of the Chinese team?" At this time, the Japanese youth team was sitting on the stage. It was originally no game today, but it could go back to rest, but obviously they won the curiosity of the Chinese team. All other teams. .

Just because the night grows in the Chinese youth team!

Soon, after the Italian Youth Team and the Chinese Youth Team replaced the jersey, I walked into the Pans Stadium under the leadership of the three referees.

Today, the Italian team wear is the traditional deep blue home team, and the Chinese team is a white team to choose a passenger.

"Come on! Italy! Win! Italy!" The two team team came, and the Italian fans on the stage shouted.

Due to the closeness of Italy and France, there are many Italian fans on the table, they almost occupy a look, and the entire look is blue ocean.

"China! Bo! China! Muli!" In the top right corner on the stage, more than ten students waved bright red flag, screamed.

Although they have fewer people, the moment is completely covered by the Italian fans, but they are still tirelessly shouting for the team of their motherland.

This is a group of cute Chinese fans, they also love football, eager to shock these European in the European continent.

In addition to the Japanese youth team, the German team and Argentina and France also stayed in the first game of the invitation.

This is also a lot of attention, and the atmosphere at the scene is gradually being warm! .

Chapter 1663, opening the attack (fourth more)

After the players of China and Italy, the Italian Youth Team players watched the night-hearted wind, and the last night grewer gave them a sharp impression on them. ψ

"Today, I will not let you go in my goal!" The genius door looked at the night's wind and heart.

"It is very uncomfortable by these Italian handsome, how is it very uncomfortable!" The night did not hurt.

"Changfeng, you have to pay attention, today they should die at you!" Xiao Junguang after night long whispered.

"Ah, rest assured, this I know!" Night lives nodded.

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