The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1638, Chapter 1638, Chapter 1638 of the Prince of Tennis

The two team members have spread in their own half, the Italian youth team guess the coins and choose the right.

! At this time, the main referee blows the whistle that started the first half!

The Italian midfielder began in midfield, when Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu were two. When the Chinese youth team's midfielder was forced to grab.

The Italian Youth Song suddenly accelerated the rhythm, directly spreading the football to the China youth team.

This long-awaited play is the usual routine of the Italian youth team. Italy youth will not correct too many Chinese youth teams in the midfield. Wrap, they are good at simple and effective fast-pace football.

Snapped! On the court, the Italian Youth Team of the Italian Youth Telee is lightly unloaded, and the high-speed belt will break through the bottom line.

"Don't want to pass!" The Chinese team Middle Field Hao Haowei turned against, his speed made him catch up with Similan.

However, it is followed by Similans to use a beautiful fake action to deceive Hao Haidong and directly.

! The football is high, and it turns out to flourish directly to the Chinese youth team.

"Wow, the Italian youth team is really powerful, is it going to go into the ball so soon?" The audience on the stage exclaimed.

The Chinese Youth Team's High School Fengcha Tagar jumped, his bounce power is very amazing, and the flying football is to go into the goal of the Chinese é year team.

boom! Just in Tall prepare for a moment, a feet turned into a football than him, and it was a big ban on the Chinese youth team.

Is Xiao Junguang!

"What!" In the exclamation of the audience, Xiao Junguo hung in the air, and used the way to hook the golden hook, the Italian Youth Team Tarpened.

"Beautiful! Agua!" The Chinese youth teams are magnificent.

The night long is going back to a crafting, under the interference of the players of the two Italian youth team, unloaded the football of Xiao Junguang with a chest on the air.

Snapped! Following the floor, the night long-lasting feet put the football forward, and then accelerated directly to two defensive players in front of them.

The counterattack of the Chinese youth team, the night-catching midfield quickly took the ball forward, at the same time, the Chinese team's middle courters were Half of the Italian team.

When the night is a ball, it immediately attracted the attention of the Italian team defensive player. The Italian team's defense is known as the world's first, and there is a copper wall iron wall.

Facing the defensive defensive of the Italian youth team of the copper wall of the Italy, the night is not afraid, and a person is high-speed with the ball, and the football is coming back to the front of the night.

The two defense lines of the Italian Youth Team were directly broken by night long winds. This moment football seems to be a good feet.

Is Messi dish!

The night grows with the skills of Messi dish, as in the Italian team!

"Good power!" The audience of France on the stage was stunned. "Does he really asians?"

"Everyone is watching. China's zero action!" Schneider's eyes flashed.

"Seeing that there is no, that is, the Asian people I said, I didn't expect him to be Chinese, but also the opponent of our group!" Argentina's genius Dias finally recognized the night.

The performance of the night is still continuing, he has broken through the big ban on the Italian youth team. In addition, the defender of the Italian Youth Team has no way to block the night's strength.

"The Chinese team actually has such a powerful player!"

"Who is the guy!" The audience of the audience turned up, even more than ten Chinese students couldn't believe their eyes.

The movement of the night long wind is like the Southern American players, which is a gorgeous asian player has never had.

"You are waiting for a big shock!" Take a close shoulders on the desk, as if it is shining on the court.

"Night wind, this guy is progressing!" The day brows.

"Changfeng, move forward!" And the best Pkarang, the best of the night, and excitedly stood up, refueling the night, as if he returned to the time of South Ge.

bass! At this time, the night-long wind has broken through the big ban on the Italian youth team.

The Italian Youth Team Iron-Standing Detection is made by night long wind, and the last two tall Italian team defeated the night long.

These two people have a lot of movements. The original Italian football culture is the defense of iron blood. This defense in their professional league is not rare.

Some movements are even very dangerous to swing the elbows, which is home to Italian players, but Asian players are often difficult to adapt to this defensive strength.

For night long winds, this is a must, face the opposite of the two players, there is a big movement, and the night long body is very tight.

"Roll!" The night grew and suddenly accelerated, and suddenly got rid of two Italian players.

There is no way two Italian , only use the foul action, reach the back of the night long wind.

It's awkward, and the night-long windpow is pulled out of a big hole, but the speed of the night is not weakened.

"Can't live!" Italian defender players looked at the jersey cloth in his hand and a surprise.

"Is it going to go into the game?" Ishi Siki saw that the night length of the wind came to the big ban. The district is near the point of the district, and it suddenly stood up.

"So confident!" The night long wind smashed the Haiernand, the Italian Youth Team, and Haiernandis did not attack. Before the door, it seems to be very confident on his neural response.

"Try your orange!" The night is winding with the ball, facing the last defense line of Italian youth team, flashes a small angle, followed by directly pulling the feet.

The right foot of the right foot!

A rumble of the rumor, a porcelain football is like a shell, and it is straight to the upper right corner of the Italian youth team.

This ball is too close, even if the night grows is not the left foot, but the power of this is still amazing, the speed is like lightning, and even brought a call! .

1664 chapter, copper wall iron wall (fifth more)

"Captain!" Italy team guard immediately turned back to Hilandon Dice in front of the goal. ∧ π π π π ∧ ∧

At this time, the golden light of Helnant Diz is flashing. When he judges the angle and direction of the madness of the night-catching wind, and then the speed of the speed is directly jumped.

After a dull voice, Haiernandi is actually grabbed the night long-term wind radio to the upper right corner of the ball.

"Actually blocked!" On Taiki and Pkarang are stunned, in addition to Ju Lin and Ruo Island, they have never seen someone can hold the shooting of the night long wind, and is in this near distance.

"Good grip and reaction!" Ju Linyuan three pushed the three-leaf hat on the push head, and the eyes were shine.

"It's good, the captain!"

"Pretty!" Italy Youth Team defended everyone.

"A bit strength!" Night's mouth is slightly lifted, from the process of just Helnan Diz, this European genius will also have super dynamic vision.

In addition, he also has the power of Island, and his amazing grip makes him have the ability to swear the heavy fire of the night.

"Counterattack!" Haiernandi seized the football, steadily landing, followed by smashing football to the midfield.

For the Italian Youth Team, the defensive counterattack is the routine of their best, and the timing and route of the Hillan Diz launch a counterattack is just right.

The midfielder of the Italian youth team, took a counterattack of Haiernandi, the Italian team's counterattack.

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