The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1644 of the Chapter 1644 of the Prince of Tennis

"Wow, finally played, won!"

"Pierre, the moment you perform!"

"France! Champion! France! The strongest!" The fans of the entire Pans Stadium are boiling. After all, this is the home court of the French team. France's response is naturally better than before any one. .

This French youth team can participate in this invitation to the task of winning the invitation. It is not allowed to have a half failed in front of the parents.

As for their opponent England Youth Team, it is also a team with power, and the Ball of England youth is fast and simple and their Premier League is fitted.

Of course, this game English youth team faced the host French team, fans's cheers should also be a small pressure on them.

! A very fast referee blows the whistles starting in the game, England and France have officially started, and the French team will win.

At this time, the Chinese youth team is still sitting on the court. The host French team is also a major obstacle to the Chinese team to win the road. Of course, we must take a closer look.

"The French team's offensive core is their 10 Pierre!" Juns explained to the Chinese youth team.

"Is he very powerful?" Wang Zhongming, a voice of Wang Zhongming.

On the field, the French team's Pierre took the ball.

"Ah, Pierre!"

"Come on!" Pierre took the ball, the whole look was boiled, and many of them were screaming.

Like Sheisa, Pierre is also handsome, with high popularity in female fans.

Pierre took the ball, immediately showed his gorgeous and elegant spherical wind, no one more than actions, he had four defensive players in the England Youth team, just like drinking water, and relaxed.

"The good traveler!" The other side of the station is a little bites.

"Pierre kicked handsome, he was the title of the artist on the football field in Europe!" Juns continued to explain the Chinese team.

"Well, I can break through the entire English line of defense, and it is really amazing!" The night's live wind is nodded.

On the field, Pierre opened a dragon's performance, directly broke through the Big Board of England youth team.

"Take a shot!" The audience on the stage was nervous.

"Coach, what is your joke, why not let me play!" At this time, the French youth team's rest, a short hair team player is shouting at the coach, and the temper looks quite hot.

"Napoleon, you haven't followed this team with this team, you still don't know their kickwork, today, you are temporarily observed, and the important game will make you play!" French coach I took a backlon and slowly.

"What do you say! Coach, I joined the French team, I didn't plan to cooperate with others at first!" Napoleon's stylish, directly grabbed the coach's collar, "Let me play, I will be able to go into the ball!"

At this time, a surplus came upon.

On the field, Pierre was born in England. The sputum was sent in the area. As a result, the front of the front of Bauko was too nervous. In the face of empty doors, they kicked the ball, England hid a robbery.

"Hey! Coach, have you seen it? Use this useless striker can't enter the ball!" Napoleon released the coach, his hands shoulders, and his face is tailored.

On the table, the Japanese Youth Military people have a little serious after seeing Pierre's performance.

"This Pierre is really amazing, it is like it is just like a three shovel!" Ji Island is looking forward to the three of the three.

"Yeah!" Others of Japanese Youth Force also nodded, even San Shi himself thought that Pierre and his previous style were very similar, belonging to the command at the field.

On the field, the fast counterattack of the England youth team.

Their speed is very fast, and it is not at all in the midfield and the French team. Wrap, directly to the front side of the front, the weakland of the French team is their sidewalk.

Soon England, then the bottom is passed, and then the striker will directly send football into the Games of the French team .. ....

10! Typical English-style goals, fast and simple and effective!

As soon as possible, first, the goal is, which is the England youth. Originally, their strength is weak, plus the French youth team more little enemy, causing the current situation.

"What are you doing, the French team!"

"How is it opened by someone else!" The fans of the French team on the stage issued a dissatisfaction.

The English youth teams are cheered, and the tactics are very successful.

"Hey, look, this is the consequence of not sent a grandfather!" The appearance of the venue of Belon early.

After the French team, after the kick, they still rely on Pierre with a ball with the ball.

Pierre relies entirely in the ability to break through England's big ban. The front, then directly from the front door.

The football deceived the door of England, but the British guard Robertson was blocked directly with the chest, and the French team missed a good opportunity to go.

At a time, the situation in the field seems to be caught in the hard work, and the French fans on the stage have caused huge pressure on the French team.

The main game is like this, sometimes it is motivation, sometimes it is pressure, this double-edged sword looks at how the main team is grasped.

On the other hand, the England Youth Team is still strictly performing the play of the sidewalk. It can be said that the attack is like a tide, and it is dangerous to score the second ball. All the last time Pierre's active back is destroying the head of England. Ball attack.

"This game does not send me to the game, it is deserved!" The French team is not anxious. After he is in the brain, he will sit on the mat, he knows this situation, the coach must send him. Play.

"Napoleon, play!" Sure enough, the Coach of the French team was only sent to Napoleon.

"Oh, I finally arrived!" Napoleon stood up, even the warm body was too lazy, directly came to the stadium side.

On the field, the French team players destroy the football out of the edge, the French team requested to change people!

Napoleon took the 3rd player Brab, France's double-life finally debuted! .

1672 chapter, the second game (second more)

"Oh, this guy is finally played!" Night hard saw Napoleon debut, and his mouth was slightly lifted. ∥ ∥ × × ∥

On the court, Napoleon was disconnected to the world's world, and it was the fast counterattack of the French team.

Napoleon and Pierre were shopped and left the football in Pierier foot.

Although Pierre didn't work with Napoleon, I didn't like Napoleon's character, but he knew that Napoleon's strength, the game arrived at this moment, and he also guarded so much.

Pierre turned to start with the ball in England, and suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

The Pierre has once again passed the exquisite assists, and the football has passed to the Big Big Big. District of Napoleon.

"Look at my Cannon cannon shoot!" Napoleon did not stop the ball at all, raised the right foot, and the direct weight is rolled into the football in front of you.

"Wow, this is a shot, and the dragon cannon of Axus seems to be!" Wu Junren, Wu Junren, surprised.

"Is this?" The audience in the audience also slammed breathing.

Bang, football into a golden light, and a rotating cyclone, directly invested in England's goal.

After the goal, I also pulled the ball in the door, and I sent a sound.

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