The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1645 of the Chapter 1645 of the Prince of Tennis

11! Napoleon is less than a minute, and the French team has burst into a score.

"This guy is really powerful!" Pierre glanced at Napoleon.


"Shooting is beautiful!" The French fans in the audience boiled, this is the attack of the French team they expected.

"This guy is full of temper, but the ball is really good!" The French youth teams are also in good luck. How did they don't worry, and they go to the ball in Napoleon.

"The shot just is so powerful, and it seems to have a strong rotation!" At the time, he was admired.

"Yes, his shot is very good, goalkeepers can only use body to play balls, just use hands, the hand will be injured!" Ju Lin frowned on the side.

The first half of the competition has come soon, the two teams have become a flat hand, and the second half will start quickly.

Since Napoleon's play, French Shuangxiong's power broke out, Napoleon was then received by Pierre's second biography, directly shouting, pluming.

twenty one! The French team leads, the French fans are completely boiling, the French team's banner is full of standing, and the entire venue has become a blue ocean.

"In the end, it is a super-class player. Napoleon guys said that they would not cooperate, but they work very well with Pierre. This guy is hot, and the character has a lot of defects, but the key moment is still very good!" The French team coach nodded slightly, and he gambled this game.

The next game, completely became a French Double-Hong Kong show, Pierre sent the third assists, Napoleon also scored his third ball and completed the hat trick.

On the first day of the invitation, three players completed the hat trick, and it can be seen that the best shooters in this invitation will be very intense.

31! The French team finally defeated strong England in the end of the two balls, England did not work hard, but after winning, they didn't have a way to solve this point of Napoleon, so the second half has been defeated.

The first day of this invitation is over, the first day the most dazzling unconscious four winning team's MVP player, Germany's Schneider, Uruguay's Victorino, Napoleon in France, and finally China's night long style.

"Yes, it is really big enough to be a world!" Night's mouth is slightly, he is laughing.

Countless genius, strong opponents, this is the football world expectant in the night!

After the first game, when the score after the game was uploaded to the international football website, the domestic media was shocked.

This unknown Chinese youth team actually won the European strong Italy, which made all domestic media reporters have an incredible feeling.

The next large number of newspapers and magazines emerged, and the media reporters were specially rushed to France to report the game of the Chinese team.

The next day, the World Youth Invitation Competition Second Competition Day.

The German Youth Team will play again, back to the back, the German team is still happy to win the Portuguese. Past.

Among them, Germany's emperor Schneider is another three balls, completing the hat drama, and Schneider in the shooter list is already more than six goals.

The strong German Youth Team is also regarded by many media as the biggest winning popularity of this invitation, and its odds in the underground gambling are even more than the French team, high.

The German Youth Team has won the two battles, the first one has entered the final circle, which is the top four.

Next is the second game Uruguay war, the enemy Spain, Victorino has entered the only goal of the whole game.

Uruguay has also entered the final circle with a winning battle in Wins Spain.

In the third game, the Japanese Youth Force finally played, another Asian team shocked the world.

The Japanese youth team is complete, if Lin Yuan three-handed door solids, the game, the big empty wings and the Yaro starlang plus Sansi and the day, the luxurious frontcourt lineup broke the powerful England!

! The big empty wing, Japan, and the Yaro Parlary entered one, the Japanese Youth Team won England, broke the second largest cold door of this invitation.

The entire French media will boil, and they regard the Japanese youth team as the biggest obstacle to the French team.

The last game of the second game, Another opponent of the Chinese team group competition was finally appeared, and their opponents were the Italian that was defeated China yesterday.

The Italian Youth Team Haiern Diz did not play. He seems to be slightly injured in the fierce competition yesterday. In this situation, Argentina rampant Italy five goals.

! The Italian youth team ended their invitation with a shameful score.

This game Argentina genius Dians showed amazing ability, not only one person grown into two goals, but also three assists, all of Argentina's goals were related to him.

It can be said that the team of Argentina is completely built around this Argentina genius Dias, Dians is also unpredictable, this game is excellent.

"Let's go, go back and practice! And Argentina this game, we must win!" The Night Leader took the Chinese youth team on the stage to leave the Pross Stadium.

Argentina's great victory means that their net win ball is more than the Chinese team, that is, the last game, if the Chinese team and Argentina are flat, then Argentina will eliminate the Chinese team with the advantages of net win.

Therefore, with Argentina's competition, the Chinese youth team wants to go out, can only win, can't be defeated! .

1673 chapter, Battle Argentina (third more)

The third day of the World Youth Invitational Competition Day. ? Miscellaneous?

Today, the game is open, and the Chinese youth team fights the Argentine youth team.

The Prans Stadium, the Argentine Youth Team and the Chinese Youth Team players are arranged in two ways.

The number of viewers in today is also a lot, most of which are fans of the French team, of course they are going to watch the next Japanese youth team fighting the French youth team.

On the stage, the fans of Argentina at least thousand people, occupying a look at the court, the Chinese team's refueling audience is much more than the previous game, except for more than a dozen students, there are still a lot of work in France. Adult Chinese came to the scene to refuel the Chinese youth team.

The atmosphere at the scene is also quite warm, the third promotion to the final circle will also be born after this game.

At this time, the three referees led the players of the two teams into the main course of the Presnd Stadium, and the night greetings guess the coins, the Chinese team got the ball.

"Hey, Chinese boy, this game, we will win!" The appearance of Dias specially attacked the night.

Night-catching attention is highly concentrated in the game, and it is completely ignored Dians' provocation.

In addition, the German Youth Force and Uruguayan Youth Team that have been entered the finals are also watching the game. As for the Japanese youth team and the French youth team to appear, it is also a warm-up game while watching this critical game.

The circle of the stadium, Wu Junren allocated football to night long wind, night long midfielder taking the ball.

"Come on, the Chinese team, let us see how strong you are!" The night grew, and the Middle Field players of the Argentine Youth team immediately.

The first speed flying to the Night Wind is the Pascale of the Argentina youth team, and he is also the core player of the Argentine youth team, and the gold partner of the Argentine youth team.

At this time, Pascale flying to the night wind is not polite, and it is directly sluggling to the night long wind.

bass! In the first moment, the football of the night, and then the whole body followed the sky, and the smart escorted the Pascar slider.

"This ball is mine"! "At this time, a blue white figure is around the night, and it passes.

It is Dians, he seems to see the intention of the night's long wind, take the football of the night grows in the air.

"What!" The Chinese youth teams are shocked, they have never seen someone can grab the world's long-winding football.

"Ah, Pascar!" With the football of the grab, Dians lightly landed, it is preparing the moment to take the ball.

The noise of the night disappeared!

"Well?" Dians is locked in the position of the night, suddenly the night is disappeared.

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