The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1650 of the Chapter 1650 of the Prince of Tennis

On the venue, the time left in the first half is not much. After the Argentine Youth Team quickly kick, he didn't wait for them to send football to the frontcourt. The main referee blew the end of the end of the first half.

In the first half, the Chinese Youth Team leads the Argentine Youth Team, and the two teams in the first half have entered the five goals, compared to the previous game, this game is very good for the French fans who are neutralized to the scene. .

The two teams need to tip to Mai Mang, playing it. Love four shots, so they also look forward to the second half of the game.

Half a break in a seating, a seating area of ​​the Argentine youth team.

"How to get it, are you not set up with an Asian team." Argentina's young teams returned to the rest area, which is to usher in the roaring of the coach.

The coach of the Argentine Youth Team is very angry. In his career in his career for more than ten years, he has never pressed so miserable by the Asian team.

"The Chinese team's zero is too powerful."

"I don't want to listen to any explanation! You are all the most talented players in Argentina, you have to confidence in yourself, don't overduely rely on Driedias and Pascal, have you heard it?" Argentina coach continued to roar.

"Yes!" Argentina's young teams took their heads and appeared to be exhausted.

"Not their fault!" At this time, Dias opened.

"Dians, you!" Argentina's young teams and coaches were shocked.

"It's my fault. If I can enter more balls, the game is not the case. I wore the captain's armband, the passive situation on the field is on me!" Dians took the initiative to take the initiative .

"No! My coach should be responsible. I didn't pay enough attention to the Chinese team before the game. I didn't think that the Asian team can be so powerful!" Argentina coach pushed the glasses on the rigid, "That zero The player's night is cold, he will definitely become a super star! "

"Ah, I was becoming the genius of the ten years of Argentina!" Dians' eyes flicked, "and in my opinion, the night's gangster is a genius in the world!"

"Dians!" Argentine Youth Team is a big shock, it is very proud of arrogance, Dians, which is higher than top, can say that this is surprised.

"But I will never let the victory gave him, and Argentina not only has me Dias, and Caspe, there is also everyone. Our overall strength is stronger than the Chinese team, as long as the unity can defeat China!" The Dias is unprecedented unprecedented.

"To! Dias said yes!" Caspe is a nod, then put the right hand.

The Argentine Youth Team will overlap the hand together, then tall, the crisis, the Argentine youth team is not chaotic, but because of the unprecedented strong enemy and closely united together.

Chinese Youth League Area.

After the Chinese youth teams were in the next game, everyone of Juns and coaches were Qi Qi.

"Hard work, everyone is playing very well in the first half, the second half should continue!" Juns glanced at all.

"Yes, the coach!" The Chinese youth teams should drink, all the people are high.

"A Xiao, your leg can also support it?" The night long turned head and asked Xiao Junguang, Xiao Junguang did not have a complete development, and the anti-speed emergency gun, the body of Xiao Junguang is actually a lot.

And the first half of Xiao Junguang is very fierce, just opened, he is almost an enemy, a person who defenss the gold combination of the Argentina youth team, which makes the night-catching a little worried about Xiao Junguang legs will work.

"No problem! Changfeng, I have not all exhausted!" Xiao Junguo habitually finished the hair on his head and tied it with a rubber band.

"This is good!" The night's style nodded, Xiao Junguang was a very important ring in the system built in the night long style. If there is no Xiao Junguo, China's after-line defense will vulnerability.

In particular, now the door will not grow up, Xiao Junguang is self-evident to the importance of the Chinese team.

Among the two groups, the Chinese youth team actually rely mainly on the ability of the two people and Xiao Junguang in playing, and the Chinese team other players also need to grow time and space.

Especially Wu Junren and Wang Zhongming two people, their potential is also very big, and it is not necessary to appear on the top of the world in the future.

"Night! Dians in the second half of the Argentine you will break out, I have seen many games, he is the kind of genius player who will burst in adversity, more wind!" The sound reminds the night grows, "" The second half cannot only rely on Xiao Yi people to defend him! "

"Ah, I know!" Night-lasting style nodded, the second half of the Argentine youth team can be foreseen.

However, the night's wind does not have the idea of ​​the dead, although in the current situation, the death is not a good choice.

But the attack is the soul of the Chinese youth team, or in the dictionary of the night.

Offense is the best defense! .

1679 chapter, Argentina genius (fourth more)

! Ten minutes later, the main referee blew the whistle that started the second half. ± miscellaneous

The Argentine Youth Team is serialized, and the remaining 30 minutes will determine the third team of the invitation to enter the finals.

On the field, Pascale allocated football to Dias, Dians began to bring the ball forward.

Sure enough, the speed and rhythm of Dias were faster than the first half, which made Wu Junren's midfielder's midfielders were some uncomfortable, and they quickly broke through the speed.

At this time, Dians is like a Ferrari who open the horse, freedom runs in the Chinese youth team.

Pascale is tightly followed by Dias, ready to support Dias, at the same time, the expression of other frontal players in the Argentine Youth team is different from the first half, they gradually put into investment In the game.

In the first half, they still have some embarrassments, because the strength of the Chinese team has greatly exceeded their expectations, and now everyone of the Argentine youth has put themselves a relatively low position.

In this way, the Attack of the Argentine youth team has a lot of efforts.

The Chinese youth team is very fast, and Dians will have a big ban. The frontier of the district.

At this time, Xiao Jungua was ahead of Dias, and the Chinese youth team had only the ability of Xiao Junguang and night long-lasting wind to block Dias disc breakthrough.

"Hey, this kind of feeling of confrontation has been out of time!" Dians' eyes flicked, his shoulders began to swing in front of Xiao Junguo.

"This guy feels completely different from the first half!" Xiao Junguang was surprised in Dias' s flexibility.

Snapped! At this time, Dians left the football forward, football actually passed from Xiao Junguang. The legs were passed, followed by Dians, there was no complete turning moment, from him Such as blue white lightning passes.

The people have split people, Dians has discovered a weak point of Xiao Junguang, that is, turn slow!

He used this weakness to take this weakness, and the defensive hag of this Chinese team has passed directly.

"We are!" China Youth Team is banned. The last Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai in the district rushed up. This time two people learned the lesson of the first half, and rushed to Dias before.

Li Weifeng's shooting angle in front of Dias, Sun Jihai, prevent Dians from breakthrough or dividing football to the sidewalk.

boom! At this time, when two people haven't waited, Dians directly chose the right foot vigorously.

The football is flying at high speed, straight straight to the upper end of the goal.

"I want to go into the ball!" This game has a belly of Wang Dalei, jumped high, and then the right hand is like a football that is flying like a shell.

"Save it!" Li Yufeng turned back, yelling, Wang Dalei did make a world-class saving.

! The football in the Tale of Wang Dalei did not go directly, but the heavy play on the beam of the goal, and then quickly rebounded.

"Not good!" Xiao Junguo is desperately rebellious, and you want to attach Dians not to give Dias shooting opportunities.

At this time, Dians used his prempty turn over, and suddenly he took rid of Xiao Junguang's stickers, and he fell over, he greet the football again high.

A bombard, Dians bodied entirely in the air, then gliding a beautiful empty emptie, football is a missile, generally plundering the Chinese youth team.

The Dalei, the True, which fell, he quickly climbed up and wanted to take the football again to shoot the door frame, but the ball of this ball is too fast, Wang Dalei took a empty.

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