The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1651 of the Chapter 1651 of Tennis Prince

Football is placed in the net!

33! In less than 30 seconds, Dians staged the long-distance rushing of the night-catching in the end of the first half.

Argentina's genius is blooming in the Prans Stadium!



"Haha, the strongest or Dians!" At the desk, the fans in Argentina were in the ecstasy, and the fan of South America naturally was ignorant, they danced in the blue white towels and flags of the hand, just like a wind. same.

"Dians is also very powerful, he and the two people have two people!" The core Pierre of France on the stage sighed.

"The defense is really the weakness of the Chinese team!" Schneider's eyes were flashing, and he seems to catch something.

"Ah, I was equal! It's a pity, I just got the football!" Ishikaki said.

"This Diaz is no wonder that it is a genius that Argentina's ten years, in the disc technology and dexterity, he does not lose to the long wind!" Ju Linyuan marted himself.

On the field, Dians after going forward, waving the arm, this goal is very important to the Argentine youth team, is a ball of stabilizing the military.

At this time, the Argentine Youth Fields players and the replacement players have reflected the wins the hope of the hope, claiming that the Soccer Kingdom of South America is arrogant, and they do not allow them to be defeated on a mysterious Asian team.

"Da Ri, give me the ball!" The night is shouting in the midfront, he doesn't want to let the Argentine youth have retrieved all the status.

"Yes, the captain!" This time Wang Dalei is not too annoyed, this ball he has tried his best, but it is faster than Dias.

bass! On the field, Wang Dalei picked up the football in the door, and a big feet opened to the midfield. The night grew in the middle of the midfield, directly grabbed the football, the movement was very chic and stretched, letting the watch on the stage often watch the basketball game. The audience is both eyes.

Snapped! The night-long wind single hand puts the football on the middle line, and then it will be sent to Ma Mingyu next to it.

The Chinese team offensive!

The Argentine Youth Team rapidly turned to the midfield, they didn't want the Chinese youth team to break through the defense line of the midfield.

For a time, the number of people in the Middle Field Argentina has dominated, and there are two players to force the football at Ma Mingyu.

Ma Mingyu did not have too much ball, he went back the football to Wu Junren behind him.

Wu Junren slammed the football directly, and the football flew down in the air. At this time, the night's wind has reached the position of the front waist, which is the shadow strike in the night. position.

Flying and Wang Zhongming's strikers quickly forward, two wings were flying, and the Chinese team launched their most familiar to the most effective offensive routine.

All the defensive power of the Argentine youth team is concentrated in the middle, that is, the place where the night grows breaks through.

Even Dians and Pascale are all the way to go back to their own half, everyone gathers to the brunette zero jersey! .

1680 chapter, force Dias (fifth more)

At this time, the night is shining, and he stresses the football under the foot. ? Miscellaneous?

The pass between this sudden passed is expected by all the Argentine youth team defensive players. The football wiped the grass paste the Argentine Youth Team finally defense, accurately came to Wang Zhongming's feet.

From the perspective of viewers on the table, the passage of the night, just like Wang Zhongming broke through the Argentine youth team.

"Good pass!" The sigh of the fans on the stage.

"Have good, captain!" Wang Zhongming, who stopped football, felt very comfortable, the angle and strength of the night, and the power of other Argentina's defensive players were all loud. Attract, so he can easily enhance the big ban on the Argentine youth team.

"You can't let him shoot!" The coach of the Argentine Youth team shouted Tony.

"Shoot, Zhongming!" The Chinese youth team is very excited, especially flying very excited.

"Well! This is mine!" Wang Zhongming looked at Tony in front of the Argentine youth team, then locked the far corner of the ball, and the right foot suddenly put it back, it is necessary to force the moment.

A slash, Pascale, which came back, slipped from Wang Zhongming, and is the right foot, just right and Wang Zhongming at the same time.

Wang Zhongming lost his balance by this sudden power rebound, turned over in the air, and the football also placed his body and gradually split from his control.

"Can be evil! The captain is not easy to create, can't be wasted in my hand!" Wang Zhongming didn't care about the danger of injury, forcibly reversing the body, although he could not shoot, but still forced in the air, with the football Kipping front of the Argentine youth team.

This ball is no power in the air, and the football is flying forward. If it is like this, 100% will be confiscated by Goalkeeper Tony.

Night long winds certainly will not let such things happen, he uses speed and body forcibly squeezing the defensive players in front of the Argentina youth team, then two steps and step, directly jump.

In the air night long, the body flip the body, just like the eagle spreading wings.

"My God! He jumps high!" There is a fan on the stage, and the noisy Prans stadium suddenly came down.

"It's coming, the long wind is hooks the shot!" Yaro stalks, he saw that the night's wind turned into the body and knew that the night grew is going to use his best to fly the golden hook to send football into the door of each other. .

"I can't let you go!" At this time, Dians rushed to the night long, it was also a high jumper almost at the same time, and the body turned in the air. His action was not very windy. Big, but the position of the jump is better than the night, closer to football.

A dull giant sound almost resounded throughout the quiet Prans stadium, Dians and night long winds actually in the middle of the football, two people on the air.

The competition of strength!

"Ah!" The Chinese youth teams were shocked. They didn't expect Dias to return to the speed of being so fast, and they can jump so high.

"Great, Dians!"

"Blocking him!" At the stage, Argentina was desperately shouting.

"And I am more powerful than the power?" The body flicked in the air, and then the waist of the mouth was shining, and the waist and abdomen suddenly received it. It immediately stretched it. It was like a bending arrow.

"You are still far away!" Night shielded lightly, the strength of the waist abdomen is turned onto the right leg, then it is transmitted to football.

"What!" Dians suddenly felt that there was a hard to resist the football, so that he lost balance in the air.

"Betting!" Dians lost the balanced moment, forcible swinging the body, using the last silk, want to change the direction of football flights with another foot.

And when he raised another foot raised, football is already in the goal of the Argentina youth team.

It's not aware that football has passed by him, and the antennas of the Argentine Youth Team is also a ghost expression, and stupid standing in place.

43! Night winds played the third goal of this game in front of the powerful Argentine youth team, completed the hat trick.

On the goal list, the night length is temporarily raised to the second place, second only to the six goals of the German emperor Schneider.

Snapped! After the goal, the night-catching winds fell over the grass, and Dians lost balanced Dias was before falling in front of the door, which fell is not light, and the wary of Dias is the mouth.

· ·

He is forcibly and the night's strength is itself a kind of death, and in the end he is still forcing to swing your body, you want to change a foot to prevent the night of the night.

In the night, the long wind is also a little admiration dare to fight, but he and the strength of the lively wind is too big, this kind of death is courageous, but very stupid.

"Haha, big three yuan! It is a Chinese war god, it is a cow!" That Chinese in Chinese play in China, China's Chinese students have put the night-length wind as their own idol.

"This is developed, we witnessed a rising of Chinese superstars!" China's media reporter friends are excited, this time, this is indeed a big news.

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