The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1652 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince


Regardless of this competition, he is in the current performance of the night, he has been able to sensationalize the entire domestic football.

"Well, I have to let the boss and his manager contact, or wait until the end of the invitation, maybe our club has no chance!" There is still many European professional club scouts, rush, ready to get The background called the boss of the club.

After getting the ball, the night is cold and cold, I'm going to fall on the ground, and provocatively made an air-to-air action, as if said, your strength is not at all.

"You!" Dians was not very popular, and the Argentine Youth Team defeated the face of the face, facing the BUG-like body and strength of the night long wind, the Argentine young team defeated everyone could not find too Good solution.

"No, you can't go on this again!" The coach of the Argentine Youth Team stood up. He swept away the back of the courtyard, he had won't wait, he wanted to play his second card.

"Rick, you!" Argentina Youth Team instructor referred to a young teenager outside the accompterally, he looked very young, it was 145 years old, and other players than the Argentine youth team were small.

"Okay, coach!" Rick stopped the action, nodded, did not have any expression, this Rick gave people a feeling of being unhappy, it seems that the unfavorable situation of the Argentine Youth Team is the same as him. . .

1681 chapter, amazing pass (first more)

On the field, the Chinese youth teams are all in the night, all of them are enerious, and the Chinese youth squadron is large!

On the other hand, the Argentine Youth Team is not unspeakable, replacing the midfielder Pasca. "∞"

"Is it again?" Chinese coach Juns took place to change people in Argentina, but he did not impress this nine player.

In front of the game, Jenas collected a lot of information recording of the Argentina youth. He could determine that there was no player called Rivi and never played.

"Hey! Originally planning the final circle and then Pi Rick play, there is no way!" Argentina Youth Team trainer sat back the coach, and he hoped the hope of the game in this secret weapon in his hidden.

On the court, Dias and Pascale saw Rick on the game, first stunned, then nodded in Rick, three people seemed to have a good look.

"In exchange for a mid-field player?" The night grew, noted the Rick just played, he was very common, there was no muscle, the length of the body is also general, a black small flat, it looks very common.

The momentum is not too strong, and it is unhappy, which makes people think that he is not to play, but take a walk in his backyard.

! The master referee once again sailed the whistle of the competition, and the Argentine Youth Team was teeted.

This time Pascale did not dial the football to Dians, but brought to Rick just played.

Dias is a half-race that is quickly rushed to the Chinese youth team with a stateless state.

"Mather, we are!" Wu Junren called Ma Mingyu, and the two were directly uploaded to Rick just took the ball.

When the player just got up, I have not adapted to the rhythm of the game, so this is the easiest way to mistake.

And when Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu have just come to Rick, Rick's head does not lift, and it is directly passing.

! The football flew up, swept directly from Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu, and then accurately fell to the feet of Dias at the front field.

"This guy!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, and he immediately felt different from this pass he immediately.

Obviously, it is very unhappy, lazy and scattered, but it seems that it seems to pass the passing of such quality inadvertently.

"Have a good, Rick!" Diascared left foot unloaded the football falling in the air, then continued to forward.

After the Rick is on, the effect is immediate, Dians does not have to break through the midfield line of the Chinese team, and he is completely transformed from a midfielder's role to an offensive forward.

"Blocking him!" At this time, the Chinese Youth Team Yao Xia and Hao Hai East had retraired, and the left one is holding Dians.

"Let's come back!" At this time, Dians came back behind, but very calm shouts.

Dians's eyes flash, left foot pull the ball, followed by the foot, follow the football back.

bass! A blue white figure instantly appeared in Dias, and stopped the football rolling back, it is Rick!

When Dians returned football, he immediately passed from Xiao Junguang's side, directly into the big ban on the Chinese youth team.

Xiao Junguang also has no way to follow Dians, he must maintain a position and direct the line of the Chinese youth team.

Big ban. The tall Li Weifeng is rushing up, and I posted Dians.

bass! At this time, Rick pushed the ball, this time he stuffed the football at a forty-five degree to the feet of Pascale in the front field.

Pascale does not stop, sending football to the football, and the Rick shadow flashed again, caught the football, and the two did a very tacit hit wall.

The Chinese team's player has become a puppet, and the ball is passing, but it is easy and effective.

"This Argentina is not average!" Justice Lin Yuan's three looks, he also saw Rick and a general player completely different.

His rhythm is completely different from the rhythm of the Argentine youth, lazy and disadvantaged in their rhythm, but he can always pull the China Youth Defense, and live the entire Zero Zero Argentine Youth Team.

"This guy is a classic midfielder!" Night long-faced brow, the gold combination of Dians and Pascar is in trouble, now the Argentine youth came up with such a player, the Chinese youth team defense More uncomfortable .. ....

Sure enough, when Xiao Jun is preparing to break the football under the foot of the foot, Rick passed.

Rick is not in front of you, even if you have physical strength, sometimes passing is the most sharp weapon.

Rick is undoubtedly a master of pass, and he passed through the two legs of Xiao Junshu, and rubbed the criminals to the front of Dias.

Dians doesn't have to do any adjustments at all, and the left foot touchs the football, then a get rid of acceleration.

Li Yufeng turned to turn, and I was too late by Dias.

Single knife!

Dians received a single-handed chance, only one of the goalkeeper Wang Dalei was left in front of him.

"What!" Xiao Junguang was surprised by everyone, and they did not think that this time the Tik's passing time and strength were so perfect.

"Ah, Dians!" The fans of Argentina on the stage stood up.

"Blocking him!" The Chinese team's fans mentioned his eyes.

"Whether!" Sun Jihai lost his own defender, from Dians, it is directly to slip.

In this position slider is very dangerous, especially back to the slider, as long as Dias fall, it must be a little bit, and the other Sun Jihai may also be punished by the red card.

bass! At this time, Dians left the football on a football, and the football was squeezed, Dians also jumped with it.

"What!" Sun Jihai was shocked, and his slippery was actually escaled in Dians who had a long-eyed eye after his mind.

"I want to go into the ball!" At this time, Wang Dalei couldn't help but he chose to attack, and it was an instant that Dians dropped, a fish jumped to football, and I want to confiscate football.

boom! However, Wang Dale lost, because Dians landed, once again using the same movement moment, I used it in the basketball court to have a play action, and suddenly flashed Wang Dalei's gambling play ball.

pass! Dians has lost the last person of the Chinese youth team, and then easily sent football into the empty door.

44! When the second half, the two teams were actually flat! .

Chapter 1682, classical midfielder (second more)

"Enter!" Going instantly, the fans in Argentina in the table were in a crazy. ≒ ≒ ≒

Dians after the goal is also excited, he rushed to the corner of the corner, then slanting a few meters away on the grass.

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