The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1653 of the Chapter 1653 of the Prince of Tennis

"I am in!" Dians hooked up his hands, scratch into punches, and the corners seem to have excited tears.

This game is really too easy to say this Argentine genius.

"See it? China, this is the true strength of our Argentina!" The coach in the Argentine Youth Team in the rest area of ​​the Argentina, can't help but waved the right arm.

This lightning goal showed a powerful attack capacity of Argentina, but he had to say that the most of this ball should still be attributed to Rick.

After the goal, other Argentine young team players are excited to rush to Dians, but Rick is standing in the same place, a face this.

Although he was young, but there was a shackles of shackles, such a classical midfielder player in the football teach.

"Argentina! Champion! Victory belongs to Argentina!" The fans of Argentina on the stage have begun to sing the song of victory.

The players of the Argentine Youth Team have run to Dians, pressing him. Under the body, these guys are like a general excitement, there is no way, they have been too bad by the Chinese youth team and night growth. The emotions that broke out suddenly were really a little horrified.

"I am evil! The responsibility of this ball is in me!" Xiao Junguo was very annoyed.

"Well, now it is said that it is true! The No. 9 of the Argentina Youth Team is really hard to solve, but it will give him it! Next, I can't help it!" Night long wind The corner of the mouth is slightly forsake, the play of Rick, so that the night's wind has to take out a little true.

On the field, the Chinese youth team teamed.

"Argentina now has three core players, the Chinese team is not good!" Uruguay's Victorino muttered.

"Just a ball really saved the Argentine life!" The French team's Pierre is burning in the court.

"Hey! If I let me play, the Chinese team can't open it!" Napoleon, which seems to be disdainful for any opponent.

"The winner of this game is five minutes!" Schneider, the German emperor Schneider said.

"Well, are you sure?" Kartriple on the side shocked.

"Changfeng, what will you do?" It is very familiar with the night-style, Ruolin pushes the three-leaf hat on the pin. He knows that the character of the night's wind will generally break out the most critical moments of the game, a hammer sound .

"Come on, the long wind! I hope to meet you in the final!" The sidelines of the pokes in the side of the pokes, which is more nervous than those who play themselves.

On the field, Wu Junren allocated football to night long wind, after the night's livestock, made a pre-pressure gesture for the body.

Soon, Xiao Junshuo in the backfield directly came to the midfield, and the Chinese youth team was pressed.

Dians, just went out, was still in excitement. After he saw the night floating ball, it was like a hungry tiger to see food.

Nothing is active, and the football is directly transmitted.

Snapped! Xiao Junshuo, inserted from the night length of the body, unloaded the football, and then continued to take the ball to the Argentine halfway.

"Blocking him!" Argentina players also remembered the goal of Xiao Junguang, and when Xiao Junguo took the ball, two defensive players were posted.

"Changfeng!" Xiao Junshi did not hesitate to pass the football back to the night.

Dians wants to interfere with night long wind, and the night long is squeezed directly. Dians is too losing, it is difficult to squeeze into the cylinder where the night growing body is located, want to destroy the night long. The wind is almost impossible.

However, after the night's ball is brought, the Argentine Youth Team has a way in an orderly, and the night is looking up. Rick is organizing the defensive power of the Argentine youth team.

"This guy!" The night's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and this Rick is not just a master, and there is also a set of command and defense.

"This 9th is the real core of the Argentina!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

bass! Night wind strips forward, since the Argentine youth team adopted a turtle defense, the night cost is not mind, he has also experienced this situation.

Night wind high-speed with the ball forward, the Chinese team's middle courters are all rushed to Argentina. District Frontier.

At a time, there is always a small person in front of the night, and the space is very small.

At this time, Rick appeared in front of the night, and he saw the football of the long wind in the time.

This unhappy player suddenly revealed that the night's live wind did not think that the football under the foot was touched by Rick, and some were broken.

However, the right foot of the night is still very flexible, but he uses this football to leave the opportunity to control the scope of control, instantly turn around, right foot backward.

! After the football is immediately rotated on the court, the night long wind is turning around the left side of Rick.

Ice prostitute!

The night is once again sacrificed with the gorgeous ice princes, and once a moment of Rick.

"What is this action!" Tens of thousands of fans on the table stayed.

The football automatically bypassed Rick, and it was automatically returned to the lunch feet, it seems like a night-long's blind, a private field is generally magic.

"That's this ball!" On the day, there was a bright shining in the eyes. In this year's national competition, the night's wind was swaying through the defenders of Etangbang, and then killing Dongbang, there is too deep to this movement .

"Too gorgeous, his action!" The leader of the European Haoqiang team in the table couldn't help but admire, although they didn't want to admit it, but the heart has already identified that night long winds may be the most powerful opponents on the road. .

On the field, Rik, who suddenly revealed, did not return to God, he recently left the night, but he didn't know how the night grew is to do it.

However, Rick didn't hesitate, when the night's wind passed his moment, he lost his backward, and hugged the night with both hands.

Rick Thrie is very clear, even if you use fouls, you will not let the night grow through the Argentine youth team. District, because his killing is too big.

beep! The referee immediately blows the whistle, and the night cost is not forcibly pulling Rick forward, honestly said, big ban. District is full of people, night long wind has not thought about how to break.

Rick this pull, the night is happy, a penalty ball? Just got me!

"This goal is unfortunately! The Rick reaction is really fast!" Take the San Shi.

"I look at this ball, the night's happens is deliberate!" The day is the next day, it seems to know more about the night. .

Chapter 1683, free kick (third more)

On the field, the Chinese youth team received a pre-audit free kick, where the Argentine Youth Team was banned. The front of the front along the right position. ψ

"Yes, go to the left! Ok, that's it!" Argentina's goalkeeper Tony shouted, adjusting a good position.

Since there are not many tall players of the Argentine youth team, there are several defenders, so they seem to be very good, they can only rely on people.

Snapped! The night-long windpiece is placed on the grass in front of the grass, then stepped on the grass skin around, which is already the habitual movement of the night-length punishment.

"Will it use the left foot or the right foot?" Familiar with the long-standing gods of the three-pool, the sputum, the sparking, looking at the night of the night.

After the night's live wind, I took a few steps, and then I went up and swept a goal of the Argentine youth team, and then wishes a breath and adjusts it.

I have to say that the angle of the Argentina's wall is still nice, almost blocked all the shots of the night. It looks that only the night is only the right foot of the moon, let the football around the wall from their head.

! The referee whistle, indicating that the night cost is started to free, once, the viewers on the table are breathed, and this ball is extremely important to the two teams.

The position of this free kick is actually very good, not far is not close, just good, this is a good opportunity for the Chinese youth team.

bass! At this time, the night was very windy, he stepped on a small broken step, the two legs were in the same way.

Then, the night length is stopped in front of the football, the right foot is straight, the left foot is inward, and the whole body is turned on instantly.

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