The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1663 of the Chapter 1663 of the Prince of Tennis

"It's blocked! The shot of the Chinese youth team failed!" He Yao is full of incredible eyes.

"This Nima! It is a gorilla with the arms. He is a gorilla?" The night's wind turned around and landed, and it was a speechless.

Miller is called a steel giant, and its beast-like power and response speed makes him have the potential to become the world's first.

"It's a magical goalkeeper!" Wang Zhongming recently, he clearly looked at Miller's movements, he has been convinced by Miller's door.

"What a pity!"

"Ah, I don't enter!" I sent a pity to the Chinese fans on the stage.

"Although I haven't going to go, but this game, the German young team seems to be completely insightful, and is fully suppressed by the Chinese youth team!" The core Pierre in France on the stage muttered.

"Yes, the German emperor didn't show it!" Napoleon's hands were behind the brain, "I still regard him as the strongest opponent in Europe!"

boom! On the field, Miller who did not have an occasion of Miller hugged football and once again opened it again.

The football flew over half a field and flew down the feet of the midfield.

At an instant of Ji Si Tag, a lightning figure flashed and removed the football directly.

"What!" Zie Shi is shocked.

"Is it broken again?" He Wei is also a spirituality, and has returned God from the shock of just now.

"No, it's not a break! It is the German team of Sniede to retreat to the midfield!" He Wei was surprised.

"Schneider, what do you do!" Zeista was shocked, he thought it was broken by night.

"Carl!" At this time, the coach of the German team is also standing. Schneider is still a very professional literacy, will not change the position, this time he chooses to return, take the ball, very Obviously is anxious.

"Schneider, have you already can't help it?" The night's long-term look at Schneider quickly turned to the Chinese youth team.

In the first half, I didn't get the ball in the Chinese team, and the German Schneider did not encounter a few times, and finally I couldn't help but return to the middle field.

"I, Schneider!"

"Rely on you!" The fans in Germany waved the national banner in the hand, they didn't care whether Schneider disrupted the deployment of the coach, they just want to see the goal.

At this time, the frontal players such as Night Changshi and Wang Zhongming were also in the half of the German Youth team, the Chinese team midfielder Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu rushed to Schneider.

bass! Schneider is the speed, and the movement of a continuous left and right movements, there is two people.

"It's fast, it is a German emperor!" He Wei couldn't help.

"What is this guy? This kind of oppression and the captain seem to be!" Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu looked back to see the back of the Schneider wind.

The combination of technology and speed is perfect, and some extent, Schneider's ball and night length are very close.

Only Schneider is stronger, and the night grows can be free to transform your style.

Of course, Schneider is also a full-energy player, forward, midfield, and even defending him can be competent.

Among them, the strongest striker, Schneider is born for the striker, he does not stop with the ball, soon come to the Chinese youth team. District frontier, there is waiting for him. Chinese Dragon God.

Xiao Junguang!

After Schneider saw Xiao Junguang, it was still the speed of not minus, straight line with the ball, without any fancy movement, Schneider actually wanted to break through Xiao Junguang from the front.

"I can't look down on me!" Xiao Junguang also flashed a hint of anger, he rushed forward, use his chest to hit Schneider, I want to let Schneider lose balance, lose the control of football at the foot.

boom! After a dull voice, the person hit by Xiao Junguang!

Although Schneider took a little loss in the body of the night's body, it was still crushed Xiao Junguang, and China's dragon god was hit by it.

"What!" Goalkeeper Wang Dalei was very shocked. In addition to the night's wind, he has not seen anyone who can force Xiao Junguang.

"Don't let him shoot!" Wang Dalei shouted, Li Yufeng and Sun Jihai have rushed to Schneider.

At this time, the German emperor Schneider suddenly stopped, and the right foot was fiercely mentioned.

"Flash shooting!" Schneider anger.

Bang, the football is turned into a flash, directly from Li Yufeng and Sun Jihai.

Dangdang, Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai were bounced by this flash football, and the flash flying to Wang Dalei handle.

"Good power!" Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai have grown his eyes. They did not expect this flash to shoot the power so much, and they couldn't resist it.

"Da Ri!" Xiao Jun shouted back.

"This ball is given to me!" Wang Dalei rushed out of the goal, then flying.

Schneider was shot very positive, although the speed was very fast, but Wang Dalei is still flying, both hands rushed to the football in the air.

! However, although Wang Dalei fought football, the golden flashing football was still rotating in his glove.

Among the time, Mars splash! .

Chapter 1695, don't compete with me (fifth more)

"You can evil, you give me the down!" Wang Dalei is exposed on the forehead. He made the strength of the milk, and the football will press the football. Σ insect σ

The rotating football even grinding Wang Dalei's gloves, and his palm was rubbed by Mo.

The sound, even so, Wang Dalei still did not successfully put this golden football. Under the body, the football changed the direction, rotating up, and finally turned on the door column, popping up the bottom line.

"Good danger!" The Chinese fans on the stage were long, and the Chinese goal was in the death of Wang Dalei, escaped.

"The guy actually blocked Schneider's flash shot!" Karuzz was a little surprised to look at Wang Dalei in front of the Chinese youth team, except if Lin Yuan three, this is still his second to see someone can block Nido is so close to the flash shoot.

"Save it, China Gate will play good luck this time!" He Wei is also a lot, followed by he is worried about the land on the ground, did not stand up, Wang Dale, "Dalei seems to be hurt," I hope he is fine! "

"This is just a greeting, the next ball will definitely enter!" Schneider pointed to the Chinese youth team. It turned out that Schneider, which was just now, did not send it.

German emperor Schneider is not only a wind and night grow, but the arrogant personality is also the same.

"Dalei, you are fine?" Xiao Junguo rushed to the front of the door, observing Wang Dalei, followed by everyone in China.

"I am fine!" Wang Dalei looked up at this time, his face is a little white, and the thick goalkeeper gloves are actually shocked by the shot.

"Team Doctor!" The night-long wind gave Junas a gesture, let him call the team's doctor, Wang Dalei's hands needed emergency packages.

"Dalei, can you still insist?" The night's long-term gods asked Mr. Wang Dalei.

"No problem!" Wang Dalei stood up while receiving the team of medicine, his face gradually slowed down.

"Team doctor, how are he?" The night is still a little worried about saying a doctor.

"There is no big problem, not hurt the bones, just skin injury!" The team doctor said to the night length.

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