The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1664, Chapter 1664, Chapter 1664

"Okay, Dalei, you quickly changed the new glove! If you can't persist, I will tell me immediately!" Night long shot took the shoulders of Wang Dalei, "You do it!"

"Yes! Captain!" Wang Dalei is very happy, and the night is exaggerated in front of the whole team. This is the first time.

It is very strict and poorly poorly stunned by Wang Dalei, Wang Dalei is not raised by night.

Of course, the night is not interested in being difficult Wang Dalei, but he is too much to make Wang Dalei grows rapidly, and the world's strong team has a powerful door.

There is Miller in Germany, Japan has Ruolin and Ruoyujinjian, Italy also has Haiernandi, and the Chinese team also need your own god.

Night lives feel that Wang Dalei has this potential, so it is very strict to Wang Dalei's training.

On the field, the German Youth Team won a corner.

Schneider took advantage of Wang Dalei bag, and convened all German players to the frontcourt.

"Captain, why have you returned to the midfield?" Zie Si Tower can't help but ask.

"Zeida, haven't you discovered yet?" Schneider looks cold.


"Your movement habits are all seen by night, otherwise he will not be able to pre- and probably, you have seen your movement!" Schneider has already seen the habit of all players of the German team. .

"How can he know this?" Xie Shi Tagita, recalling two balls before, he did a feeling of being seen.

"Well, now you know, don't give them a chance to break the ball, the midfield is still to give you, just pass the ball to my feet, I can go! Have you understood?" Schnend swept? " A German youth team.

"Yes!" The German youth team should drink, but the flash shooting of Schneider not only lets the German team slowly, but also let the German players come back.

On the field, She Si Tower was on the scene, he was responsible for this corner.

At this time, the Chinese youth team is banned. The district is crowded with people. All the Chinese youth teams have basically returned to the big ban. District, the German team also has a lot of high guards in the ban.

Of course, the most conspicuous or Schneider is standing next to Schneider. It has proved that Xiao Junguo has to hold Schneider is a bit difficult, and the night is only personally going.

! At this time, the referee made the whistle, and She Si Tag immediately left the football from the corner, a high ball that spinged to the ball.

This ball is very good, and the football is very strong. When the top of the front Chinese team defensive defender, football immediately falls to the point of the point.

At this time, the big flying first jumped, his bouncing is also good, plus height jumped, almost enough to go to football, and hold football.

At this time, flying felt a huge force behind him, he immediately lost balance in the air.

It is the German emperor Schneider, he jumped behind the flying, and he flew it with his body, so that the flying lost his balance in the air, and he himself was first, from top to bottom, heavy top in football on.

.. ....... ...

! However, it is far more than Schneider. After the night's wind is in Schneider, he jumps up after Schneider.

Then the nightly windy bumper makes him have a turning action in the air, still in the top of Schneider at the same time.

One to the top, the top of the area, one to the top of the goal, two power conters on football.

"Ah! The two fidels are right!" He Wei is very nervous.

From the air position, Schneider occupied absolute advantage, but Schneider could not make the football in the top of one minute.

Because the power of the night-catching wind is too big, Schneider feels that he is like a thick steel plate in a thick steel plate, and the silk is not moving.

"I said, it is best not to compete with me!" Night long-lasting corner slightly, powerful lagging ability allows the night long wind to force, the air waist and abdomen, the night, the moment is instant force.

The short balance of the air is broken. The German emperor Schneider pushed the power of the football to lose the balance, almost straight to the ground, but fortunately Schneider finally reacted, and forcibly stabilized with power The figure is not completely falling, just .

bass! On the other hand, the night-long wind is light, and the football has flied directly to the midfielder.

"What is the power!" The fans in Germany were watching.

"I don't want to be with your metamorphosis!" Schneider is not easy to stabilize, watching the football flying to the midfielder behind the midfield is also a long-awaiting. .

Chapter 1696, two yellow cards (first more)

"The guy's strength can actually turn over the captain, it is really powerful! But don't want to go to the game, my strength does not lose you!" I have been strictly handing the steel giant Miller of the German young team gate. Evergings with the night growing up. § § § §

"Defense, the captain!" Ma Mingyu took the football of the night-catching football, and the ball was returned to the Chinese team.

"This game is fierce, although the two are not getting the ball, but the intensity of the game is much higher than our previous and Japanese youth team!" On the stage, France's core Pierre, He Now I understand why France will lose so miserable.

The landscape of the world youth football has quietly changed, which means that the future world football pattern will continue to change.

"Give me the ball!" At this time, the long wind rushed back to the midfield. Ma Mingyu pushed the football to Wu Junren, Wu Junren transitioned the football to the night long.

Night winds returned to the most familiar midfield position, this game, the night length decided to return to the midfield from the front waist.

The German young team is different from Italy, and their midfield is very strong, and the night long must go back to the midfield, restricting Zeista while playing, organizing the effective attack of the Chinese youth team.

There is a famous saying on the football field, and the middle field is the world, which is this truth.

In the first half, it has been conducted for fifteen minutes. The two teams are basically driving, and who can get the first goal next, undoubtedly master priority.

Snapped! After the night, the ball is played, and the right hand moves forward, indicating that the Chinese team frontal players are all pressed.

"The warmth is over, the next is true!" The night grew and god, the muscles of the whole body were mobilized by him.

Kartriple and Sheisa have already known that after the night's habits have been mastered their habits, they have decided to play with the opposite pattern of usual playing habits. The two rushed to night, and choosing the night of breakthrough. Long wind pinch.

At this time, the night-length wind faces the two major German core midfielders, the shoulders are extremely fast, and the nocturnal wind is divided into five residues.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

The dawn goddess is not good in the game in the night, and there is no one who can block the dawn goddess, unless the night growers.

This time, it is no exception, She Shi Tower and Cartriple see that the night growers rush to five different directions, doing the residual shadow of different movements, and suddenly it is stupid.

Although Zie Shi is quickly reacted, I will catch a shim, but the fire is penetrated by him, it is fake!

Car Luz is a steady, a ghost expression.

bass! When the remaining four reshuges were integrated, the night-long wind suddenly lost two German super midrange players.

"Okay, pass!"

"Too strong!" The Chinese fans on the stage boiled.

"What is it!" German fans are in a sluggish.

"It's too beautiful, I was the first time I saw the legendary long-standing skills in the legend!" He Yizheng in the media area couldn't help it.

He looked at the competition video of the night, but the game recorded in the game was not visible, and the first time, he saw the stunts of the dawn goddess in the scene.

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