The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1666 of the Chapter 1666 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

The hands are unfolded in an instant, and the steel giant is full of jealousy. He actually does the hands you want to grab two faucets.

"This guy!" The cold light in the eyes of the night, he had to admit that the steel giant Miller moves domineering and leakage, the bull ratio.

If successful, it will be a shocked world to save.

When Miller just came into contact with two Jinlong, the two Jinlong suddenly became a dragon, and the sound wave waved, the steel giant was overturned in the air, turned into steel waste.

At this time, the two gold dragons were a moment into two lights into the goal of the German youth team. ,

!! Two loud noise, the spheres in the German Youth Team Gate have two big caves, and the billboard behind it also has more round pothole.

And the golden ball, after the light is exhausted, there is only one dry skin skin left.

"Ball it?" Miller in front of the door looked back at the goal, and the two big caves representing the football like a German goal.

! The whistle of the referee sounded, and schematically screamed.

10! Night wind and Xiao Junshuo's cooperative shooting are finally helping the Chinese youth team opened the gate of victory, leading a strong German youth team.

At this point, the entire Pross Stadium is silent, and the needle falls.

On the table, the audience is a unbelievable expression. The interlocation door of the media area is also speechless. Just now the goal even the high-speed camera cannot capture.

"Great! Goal!" The first reaction is still the Chinese youth team, they also jumped to the night long wind and Xiao Junguang.

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner to create a combination of the dragon soul, you have received 100,000 redemption points!" Suddenly sounded in the long-lasting system, the sound of the night, made the night.

Just a shot with Xiao Junguang, just a bright light in the wind, this shot shot ten times, there may be eight times will not succeed.

But it was successful, and the effect was very good, it was actually a combination of combined technical dragon soul, this is an accident.

"Dragon Soul? This name is good!" Night wind raised the left arm and Xiao Jun's raised right arm hanging together! .

Chapter 1698, the whole game boiling (third more)


"We go to go!" At this time, the Chinese fans on the stage finally came back, and suddenly, it was like a red bomb exploded, and the entire Presta stadium turned into a red ocean. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ =

Chinese fan shouts the outer number of nights and Xiao Junguang, crazy waving the banner in the hands.

It can be seen that this group of Chinese fans enjoy the glory of national teams that have never had, which makes the ecstasy of their enthusiasm to explode in their hearts of the football.

"It's too amazing! China Dragon God and the Chinese War of China's War, China's Double God Sparkling Stadium!" At this time, He Wei in the media area is also excited roaring.

Far in distant China, because it is a broadcast of CCTV, the fans from all over the motherland are boiling before the TV.

This moment is singing in China, China! victory! China! go ahead!

On the other side, the German fans are still stunned, and they are still immersed in the shock of the ball.

"How did they burn the ball in two holes, clearly there is only one football, is this not violating physics?" The core Victorino of Uruguay on the stage is also surprised.

"Source III, can you rush this kind of ball?" Siki's consciousness turned to ask if Lin Yuan three.

If Lin Yuan shook his head, "It should not work, this ball is too big, even if it can be thrown, it will be taken into the door!"

"Ah, you can't even source the source!" Ishikasaki exit sweat on the forehead.

"Well, but I think this shot, the long wind and China should not intentionally, the success rate is not high!" Ju Lin has seen the dragon soul gun is not the night's wind and Xiao Junguo intentionally.

If you can kick out this shot, the teams in other countries don't play, and I will have award the champion to the Chinese team.

On the court, the German young teams were still worried, even Schneider was not saying that the Dragon Soul, who didn't think that he did not kick such a powerful shot.

"Be evil!" Before the German Youth Team Gate, the steel giant Miller was still numb. He had a kind of intuitiveness that he was able to fill this, but in the end he failed.

"It is actually taken into Miller's goal without weaknesses. Where is the two guys come from?" The private coach on the stage was burning to the slowly standing Miller.

Miller's private coach's name is called Carto, which is a legendary door before the German team.

Miller can become a steel door of no dead angle, and the arm is too powerful, and it is fully trained in Tato Hell.

Tato specially collected a thousand small stones, and then launched these small stones with a dedicated machine, so that Miller did not carry gloves or caught these speed shots.

Under such training, the steel giant reborn from the hell, and became the steel door of no dead angle.

So, whether, however, how the Chinese youth team bombard, it is not possible to get the ball.

In the eye, Miller is already no dead end, I want to be bustling. It is impossible to shoot his goal in the area.

But the night-catching and Xiao Junguang is working together, and it is a frontal broken wall.

Miller is too big, if there is a wall in front, Miller is the opportunity to fade this ball. If there is a wall, the night is not choosing this uncontrollable angle.

So on the football field, what can happen, there is no so-called absolutely no dead angle, especially here is the world of football, and the change is more exaggerated.

In addition, the German team's coach didn't stand, he stood up, it was shouting at the German youth team, and it seems to be in the arrangement of tactics.

The German Youth Team has also returned to God from the shock. After all, it is a professional player of the European Professional League, and they still adjust their mentality quickly.

Since I was already entered a ball, I chased it back.

The German chariot stands for so many years in the world of football, and its steel-like ancestral nurses is also unable to work.

On the field, the German Youth Team was circled.

Xseta Tita began to change the kick, from gorgeous and simple, and the night is still on the midfield.

Xie Shi Tower did not have too much ball, and directly select the engineer who passed the football to Cartrons.

Kartriple and Zeista two German gold midfield finally started to cooperate, two people pass a ball, soon quickly advanced the football to the frontcourt.

At this time, the German emperor Schneider chest is also a belly, he forcibly hit Xiao Junguang, and killed the Chinese team's big ban.

Snapped! At this time, Zie Shi received the passage of Cartriple at the position of the front waist.

In the face of Hao Haidong that flies up, Zie Si Tower clamps the football, and then the heights of the air, and it will become gorgeous.

"Soai, Zhe Si Tower!"

"It's too beautiful!" The female fan group of Sheistripe on the stage was blown up. They were to see people, not to look at the ball.

"I am evil!" Hao Haidong looked up.

Zeista directly passed the football into the big ban on the Chinese youth team in the air. Halves over, this movement of Sheisa is directly broken or shot.

But Xie Tita is now taking the night's long-term chasing, so the football is quickly quickly in the air.

Have to say, the German team has entered the state from this offense. In fact, their mid-site players and the average strength of the team players are greatly stronger than the Chinese team.

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