The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1667 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

As long as you can quickly pass, it is no longer the midfield, the German team's attack, China is difficult to effectively block.

"It is beautiful!" China Youth Team is banned. In the district, the German striker Magas jumped high, rushed to the air, ready to direct the door.

On the other hand, the Chinese team's high-defense Li Weifeng also rushed out, and the two were directly in the air.

Magas's strength dominant, Li Yufeng location dominates, and the two is a strong enemy.

The football is pressed, flying to the big ban. District left side.

"Good!" At this time, the German emperor Schneider, full of blonde, rushing to football, and Sun Jihai wants to stop Schneider and was forced to sly.

bass! In the first moment, Schneider was brought to the ball door in the Chinese youth team. The district is high, and his head is the football that is rolling in the air.

"Schneider! Go go!" The German fans were excited to stand up.

"Not good!" The night's eyebrows were browned, and he quickly faster, but the speed of others passed. At this time, the night's wind just returned to the big ban. Online, it could not interfere with Schneider's shooting. .

1699 chapter, flashing ball (fourth more)

At this time, Schneider turned his body in the air, and the whole person hung in the air and the move was very chic. - ∩ -

"To put the golden hook!" He Wei excited.

"Dalei, blocked his shoot!" Xiao Jun shouted in Wang Dalei.

Wang Dalei is also a full-time attention to the Act of German Emperor Schneider, and everyone thinks Schneider wants to shoot.

At the moment of Schneider hooked football, he actually didn't shoot, but a steady turning between football.

"What!" Wang Dalei and all the fans on the stage were surprised.

"Flash shooting!" And at a moment of Schneider, he rushed to the right foot.

The slamming, football into a golden flash, directly through the right corner of the goal, Wang Dalei did not respond.

Such a fast action, he was deceived by Schneider, and he did not respond at all. This ball even if Lin Yuan three wants to save.

Because of the character of Schneider, it is generally not in this so-called small trick, but the German emperor will start playing with IQ, that power is the upgrade.

! After the Chinese team goes, the German youth team hits the German emperor Schneider in a turn.

In the shooter list, Schneider once again taken the first in seven goals and night winds, the shooting of the night long and Xiao Junguang, was counted in the night length of the night, so the two now It is the first in parallel.

"Enter! We are flat!"

"Too beautiful, Schneider!"

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!" The German fans who have depressed a long time on the standstick, they waved their hands in Germany's banner, and they kept yelling, typical European fans.

"Ah, the German team goes into the game! The two teams will return to the same running line in the twenty-two minutes!" He also revealed that he did not expect the German team so fast. Try the score.

"Dry beautiful! Schneider!" Karuz and other German young team players rushed over.

The German emperor Schneider is also raising the right arm, and the eyes are also restored.

"Very good, Schneider! You can enter again! Enter a ball!" At this time, the steel door god Miller also slammed his hands and the spirit.

"It is evil! It was cheated by him!" Former Wang Dalei, the Chinese youth team, Dalei patted his double. Leg, "Why don't you move!"

"Dalei, give me the ball!" The night floating in the midfield.

"Yes, the captain!" Wang Dalei picked up the football in the ball, kicking it to the midfield, and was directly grabbed by the night, and then pressed in the circle in the field.

The Chinese team sent a mid-line ball, and the night cost directly brought the football to Wu Junren.

In this game, the Chinese team can defense to now, the night grows is very satisfied, Wang Dalei is also superior.

Otherwise, the ball before, Schneider has already advanced the ball!

On the field, Wu Junren took the ball, started to pass on the midfield, and looking for the vulnerability of the German midfielder defense line.

After a few times, the German team defensive formation was very good, and their body was obvious in the competition, and the Chinese team lost the ball.

Snapped! Finally, Wu Junren found a chance to pass football to the front of the front waist position.

Wu Junren did not thank the Taga as a gorgeous foot and movement, and there was no lunch and Xiao Junguang's power, but Wu Junren made a few mistakes. Whether it is calm in the court, this is the night long style put him The most important reason in midfield and yourself.

Of course, it is also a player such as the Chinese team, and the night cost is not a way to find a real gold combination partner to cooperate.

On the field, when the night is a stop, the German team of Sheisa and Caruts immediately folded up.

This time, the night-catching wind did not use the glory of the dawn goddess. The Shuguang goddess is a trick, and the night grows will generally use too many times in a game.

If you use too many times, it is easy to be worn by the opponent, especially the IQ of Zishi Tower.

Dangdang, night long wind full body tight, directly with the body to hit Zie Shi Tower and Cartrons, just like the tanks are generally crushed to the German Youth Team.

Is a tank ball!

Every time, each time, the tank disc is really like a high-tonar tank, even a strong German team player can't stop.

"Awesome! Night-catching players fully occupy the wind!" He Wei is very excited, he has never seen that as asian players can occupy such a big advantage on European players.

"When you block him!" At this time, the German Youth Team has been banned. Haldo and Mago, who have just been fouled in the district, and the two yellow cards have been brought by two people. The movement is large, and a pair of landing is directly put down.

"It's really giving you a face!" The cold light in the eyes flashed, and the whole body was pulled up, the first move is really angry, and the night-long wind direction is to hate this so-called iron defense.

These two Germans are completely rushing towards the night-long windgles and the body, which is completely contrary to the spirit of sports on the football.

This time, the night's live wind did not pay, and it was directly forced to force the ball, and both Haldo and Mago were directly hit by the night, and then he was on the grass.

"This guy is what is eating!" Haldo and Mago were immediately red, and it was still painful, just like a piece of steel.

At this time, the night long has been killed into the Big Big to the German youth team. In the area, the last two defenders in Germany rushed up, they would like to block the angle of the long wind gates.

In front of the German youth team, the steel door god Miller is already the accuracy of playing the ball at any time. He studies the game of the night's wind. It is very good to have a long-lasting capacity. It is likely to suddenly shoot.

And after the night's wind and Xiao Junguo, the Dragon Soul will be broken, Miller has also converges a lot, and the heart is more important to the night grow.

Miller knows that maybe someone else can't go to the ball, but the night grows can wear any goalkeeper's goal, including himself.

"Goal, long wind!"

"Before! China War!" The fans in China were standing on the stage, and their hands were gripped in their hands. This ball is critical to the first half of the Chinese team.

At this time, the night length wind hovered the left leg.

"Don't let him shoot!" The German Youth League area roared against his players.

Two defensive players immediately took directly to the night long wind and slippery, double slippery! .

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