The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1668 of the Chapter 1668 of Wangzhao of Tennis

Chapter 1700, Tamler (Fifth)

bass! At this time, the night's wind suddenly provoked the football in front of the football, and then the body was also jumped, and a moment of lightly spreading two German defenders from the air. ≮ ≮ ≒ ≒ ≒ ≮ ≮

"Pretty!" He Wei can't hurt.

"It's still in such a place where it is close to the gates!" The French core Pierre in the plane is also a good gorgeous man in the night.

At the moment, when the night's wind stabilized, he only had the last person in front of the German team, and the steel door god Miller.

At this time, the night-length wind distance is about two meters, and the general door will not hesitate to choose from this moment, especially if the island is the attack-type door.

I have not waited for the night, and I rushed up, and the steel giant Miller was dead. Before the door, he was unfolded by his hands. He is really a mature gorilla. Grin.

Miller's body was got high, and the long-term hardship is bigger than the night, and it is unable to become a steel giant.

Although Miller did not fly the height, if two people stood together, flying would look like Miller, which is the difference in momentum.

"So confregny?" Night wind looked at Miller's eyes and surprised. He wanted to wait for Miller to attack, directly shot, and send football to the German Youth Team with a spoon.

But now Miller has to choose a dead door, the night is not polite, and directly take a big step.

In the first instant, the night length and Miller are unlimited, and the two people have hard tempered.

It is clear that Miller is extremely unfavorable because he wants to defend a large area of ​​the body, and the night length has a near-range angle.

At this time, the night's long wind suddenly poot, his right foot is awkward, it seems to continue to bring the ball, actually directly shooting.

! When the night length of the right foot is pointed to the football, the football is shifted in a flash of Miller. The small door between the legs.

"Intelligence!" When he saw the pole, Pkarang couldn't help but praise.

Night wind did not choose to the left or right, but the choice of the small door that suddenly smashed the front end of Miller, the general goalkeeper was absolutely reacted.

puff! But let the Chinese fans on the stage are the steel giant Miller actually has a delicate side. He is facing the ultra-fast nerve reflection that is facing the small stones, let Miller fall directly into the heart, the legs are in the middle, while Press your hands!

In the first moment, Miller sat on the football, let the night long wind surprised the shot to block under themselves!

Very thrilling, but also very exciting!

The steel giant once again makes the night-catching shot of the imagination!

"Yes, this is this! Miller, you are there without weakness and dead ends!" On the stage, Miller private coach tartarmot nodded.

"This is not entered!" Wang Zhongming and Fei Xiang on the side were surprised to rise.

"How did the react of this guy are practicing?" The night is very windy. He originally thought that the ball was actually swayed by Miller, this is no longer thinking.

"This is a double-handed man. The legs are suddenly got up by the legs of the football, and then it is in the big ban. There is a football in the middle of the field.

"Not good!" The night's wind turned around, the football had instantly fall below the feet of the midfield.

Miller's foot method is quite good, although it is not as good as Lin Yuan three, at least a top gone's foot!

On the field, when She Si Tag turned, prepared to pass to the front field Cartriple, a red figure kill from the backfinder, directly predicted the passage of Sheisa, and the football was broken.

Is China Dragon God Xiao Junguang!

"Break beautiful, Xiao Junguang players in time, stop the German youth team from very threatening a counterattack!" He Wei is getting more nervous.

In the first half, there is not much time. After the rhythm of the two teams go to the Chinese team, he suddenly improved two grades. The attack and defense conversion was very fast, and his mouth was tapped to be as a slap in the same way.

"Breast!" Zie Si Tag was broken by Xiao Jungua, very angry and chased, this competition has a lot of mistakes, directly leading to the second half of the German team, which emphasizes the midfield He is very embarrassed to control.

"Aoren!" After the break, Xiao Junguo did not have too much ball, directly transferred football to the feet of the middle court Wu Junren.

Wu Junren looked up at the night lengthy wind where he returned to the front position and then passed the football.

The night long-lasting feet stood the pass of Wu Junren, and after all of which were allocated to the right, they were directly to the sidewalk.

· ·

! On the right side of the road, Hao Haidong is very fast. After he received the ball of the night, he began to run all the way.

"Don't let him pass the bottom!" The coach of the German youth team shouted, just that Hao Haidong's lower end of the bottom of the German Youth Team.

And this time, Hao Haidong did not break through. He told Hao Haidong in the front night before the game, and Germany's defenders were high, but they turned slowly. If there is a chance, let him break through.

This time, Hao Haidong suddenly chose to break through the German team. In the area, it was clear that the German defender did not have a fortification to Hao Haidong, because he had no performance in addition to a swearing ball, too looked.


When they came back, Hao Haidong was already a big ban. The location of the district ball point.

At this time, Hao Haidong stopped the football very calm, and then the football was followed by the foot.

"Haidong, not bad!" Night-lasting style nodded, he can feel that Hao Haidong is very sensational, "Maybe I should let Haidong go to play forward!"

bass! A lightning figure flashed from Haohai, stopped football, and swing instantly.

Not a night, it is Wang Zhongming!

Wang Zhongming raised the ball, and the football rotated to fly to the lower left corner of the goal.

Miller in front of the German Youth Team was immediately reacted. He stepped on a step, then directly traveled together, and the left hand lightning grabbed the air flying football.

At this moment, there is another red figure flashing out. This time is really a speed of wind, brought the wind, blowing Miller's brunette to dance, just like Jin Dao Wang Xunxia .

It's a night!

Wang Zhongming's ball is not shooting, but a pass!

At this time, the distance from the night-length wind and the steel giant Miller may only be just zero!

Night wind is in a high speed run, and then the left foot suddenly slammed, followed by it.

Vigorously shoot! And it is a strong shot of almost zero distance from the ball!

The night length of the wind suddenly squatted on football, and at this time, Miller's hands also died in the other side of the football! .

Chapter 1701, misjudgment (first more)

"Direct dialogue between Chinese War and Iron and Steel Giants, is this ball?" He Wei in the media area stood up. "Miscellaneous - Zhi - insect"

"Blocking him, Miller!" At this time, the German emperor Schneider's big sound is also a full field.

"Miller, what are you waiting for! Take out your hard work!" The coach Coach Coach in Miller on the stage is also excited.

"Coach!" At this time, Miller seems to hear the call of the Carto, and the scene of life is full of life.

A few months ago, Miller's private coach trainer was trained after Miller grabbed a thousand small stones, and Miller came to a cliff.

Miller stood under more than ten meters high cliffs, Taco standing on the cliffs of the cliff.

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