The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1669 of the Chapter 1669 of the Prince of Tennis

"Miller, this is your final test!" Carto hands held two football, "the last training is very simple, you just have to grab the three balls I have thrown down, of course, there are other things will be together." Throw down! "

The calike sound is just falling, and the cliff is actually falling several huge rolling stones.

"What!" Miller was shocked, he was strong as a gorilla, but after all, it was a flesh, and if he was rolled, it could only become a pile of meat.

"Don't be afraid, Miller! You only need to use your calm judgment and trained super neural reflection and fearless heart, you can catch football!" Cartoise Carto reminds Miller.

"Yes, the coach!" Miller has no way, since the stone has come, he only has a fight.

In the rolling stone, Miller's super reaction made him directly, and the right hand grabbed the first football.

"First!" Miller seized the moment of the first football, his right face was also broken by gravel.

However, Migler didn't care, he was red and red, it was already killed, facing more rolling stones, Miller jumped, and grabbed the second football in rolling stone pile.

"the second!"

"The last come!" Those who lost the heart of the card, the third football moment, actually threw a bigger rolling stone, and football hooded under a large rolling stone.

"I am evil! I am not afraid!" The steel giant Miller yelled, and the steel-like right falsitors were swayed on the rolling stone.

Huge rolling stone was pushed by Miller's giant, and the loud noise, Miller seized the last third football with the right hand that was already full of blood.

"Very good! Miller, you are now there is no walked door, no one can bombard your handle!" The devil coach coach the mouth called a smile.

"Yes! Coach!" Miller double boxing, self-feeling is not prior than before.

The lens is turned back to the Prans Stadium German team, and the hands of the fight against the Miller arms of the football, and the arm is exposed on the arm. He has exhausted.

The power that will be sufficient to hose is above the football, and the other side of the football is the right foot of the night long, and it is also full.

"The power of this guy is also surprised in the night, and he has never encountered his strength and his own rather than his own, although Miller's hands have more advantages, but it is also enough to explain the problem. .

The two were stalemate at this moment, followed by the night length of the wind, and a moment, the night grew is aggravated. This power is already surpassing ordinary people, even if it is a professional football player muscles The limit that can be affected.

"What!" The steel giant Miller felt a force that could not be resistant to the football.

Under the eyes of the calm eye, the tall Miller is actually flying, and the whole person poured the door of the goal.

"This goal is going!" The Chinese fans on the stage stood all.

At this time, Miller suddenly became bright red, and his left hand continued to grab the ball, and the right arm was directly launched, just like the orangutan rock climbing.

After the slashing sound, Miller actually pulled his body into the gate line with the grip of the door column.

"Good!" The German team defeated everyone couldn't help but call.

The night-long wind is turning the head to the side, and the side seems to be in a motor state, and there is no indication at all.

Just now Miller's body is already over the goal gate. The football he holds almost all has passed through the gate. If there is a line technology, the night-catching wind is already 100%.

However, this football teenager's world does not have a so-called line technology, the criminal, and the main referee .. ....

At this time, when the side of the Board, there is no reaction, and the Chinese fans on the stage are Qi Qi. They thought that this ball was a little bit, in fact, it was already entered, but they didn't see it. .

"The master referee, are you? Just now, the ball is going!" Wang Zhongming, who is close to Miller and Miller, also saw the football has brushed the gate. He ran to the referee and screamed a few times.

The main referee does not understand Chinese, and the face is puzzled.

In fact, this ball does not blame the referee and the side, this kind of ball is too difficult to judge, can only say that Miller's movements are too fast, making the edge of the Board and the Board.

"Zhongming, don't tell him, he can't understand!" The night's wind pulled Wang Zhongming, let him say this, and the referee is more than half.

"Actually blocked the captain's great shot!" At this time, the other players of the Chinese youth team showed an incredible look, they were too far away, and they did not see the football had brushing the gate.

"Miller! Miller! Miller!" Looks at the German fans to start the name of Miller.

"Do good, Miller!" Schneider is also nodding on Miller.

At this time, Miller is still trembling, and the hand wrist is still a burst of stinging. Although the save the saver is wonderful, the hands of Miller is already hurt, but it is only a set of gloves. Yes.

"The strength of the guy is better than me!" Miller stood up, and his eyes looked at the back of the night, he clearly know that this is really lucky, if he reacts slowly, or The referee is closer to some.

The current score is already!

"Ah! It is a pity that the attack just nowhere is only a little going to go!" He Wei, the media area, sent a regret.

At this time, the big screen at the scene started slow motion to go back to the picture of the night long wind and Miller.

"What! It is misjudgment! The audience, the ball has been passing the door!" He Wei stood up, he went out the close-up of the big screen, clearly saw Miller left hand holding The football has already fly over the gate.

This may be an incidence that affects the whole game is a mistake! .

1702 chapter, attacking the fortress (second more)

"Stupid than the referee!"

"Referee! Roll!"

"Do you have your eyes?"

"Wu ~" The Chinese fans on the stage are screaming, and the entire Pans Stadium is full of snoring. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

Even some neutral fans have also begun to be dissatisfied, especially the night's European first fan group members have used all kinds of French to greet the referee and side.

"The ball has just been entered!" At this time, the Chinese youth team and the German youth team did what happened.

All of the Chinese youth teams are of course a dissatisfied look. The German youth teams have once again showed a surprised color. The power of the night long-lasting is undoubtedly the steel giant Miller, and he only used a foot, There is no space for power.

Regardless of the Chinese fans on the spot, the rigons and side, the results cannot be changed, and there is no statement on the football field.

Even this professional referee is sometimes easily misjudgment, and there are also various mistakes in the World Cup.

Once the night-long wind imprint is the World Cup, the German team is playing on England, Rampard, rebounded on the beam, so that the beautiful has been blown away by the referee, and finally leads to the defeat of England. .

Of course, this kind of thing is still, such as the night's life, the world's football history, may be the most famous misjudgment, the Hand of God of Maradona.

On the field, the steel giants Miller did not have any influence of the snoring. The remaining time left in the first half is not much. He is a big feet to open football to the midfield.

At this time, the stained foot of the Schneider returned to the midfield, and the football was removed, and it was turned to the Chinese youth team breakthrough.

"Betting, don't want to enter a ball again!" Everyone of the Chinese youth team was angry because the mistakes just had, suddenly stimulated, the strength of the defensive, but it was.

Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu, the two people were deeply dead, and the Schneider's skill was high, and the left and right sway suddenly opened the defense of the two.

But more Chinese youth teams have flocked up, it is entirely a long-awaited landlift.

"Beautiful defense! German emperor Schneider can not break through the Chinese team's defense!" He Wei learned that the room is getting bigger and big, and it is proud of the tone.

"These guys!" Schneider was mainly found by the Chinese Youth Team, and I couldn't find a good breakthrough approach.

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