The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1670 of the Chapter 1670 of the Prince of Tennis

If it is forced to break through, with the current situation, the main referee must be penalized for fouls.

Because of the professional referee generally balance the situation on the field, he will find a way to make up, and the rule of the German team is very likely to rise.

Schneider, who has been playing in the European Professional League, knows this.

"Captain!" At this time, Xie Si Tag saw Schneider could not break through, and suddenly inserted with Schneider.

Schneider attracted a lot of defensive power of the Chinese youth team, and the left foot was pushed, and the football was passed away to Zeisa.

"Good!" After Xie Shi Tower took the ball, it broke through the Chinese team's defense, there was no defensive power at all in front of him.

She Sita has rushed to the Chinese youth team. The frontier of the district, immediately swinging the right leg, choosing the direct door.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!" At this time, China Dragon God Xiao Jun suddenly became a role in front of Sheisa, and then almost simultaneously made an exact same action, two people completely mirror.

"Anti-speed cannon!" Xiao Junguang drunk.

In the first moment, the Chinese youth team had a big banquet, a golden light shines, Xiao Junguang once again sacrificed his stunt, reactionary!

"What!" Zhe Sima and Schneider were stunned.

The golden light of football is in an instant, and a golden dragon rushes to the German Youth Team.

"This shot is useless to me!" The German Youth Team Iron Iron Miller is dead to the golden dragon. Although the Jinlong speed is fast, but after all, it is full of time, Miller has enough time to do it. ready.

The Dragon Soul of Night and Xiao Junguang also made Miller have some experience, he has confident that this ball.

boom! When Jinlong suddenly fell in front of the German young team, flying towards the upper left corner of the ball, Miller has long ready to jump.

A slap, Miller's dead hands hugged the leader.

"Actually blocked my reactionary speed gun?" Xiao Junguang was a bit.

"Miller!" The fans in Germany are about to cheer.

"Even the anti-speed of the Chinese dragon god is unable to bombard the German steel fortress?" He is full of disappointment.

"How can this be this!" The Chinese youth teams on the field have grown their eyes.

"End!" However, at this time, a red lightning figure suddenly appeared before the German goal.

Miller also removed the rotational power of the anti-speed random in the power of the arm, and the strong shot of the night, and the hands of Miller had some injured, and there was no way to remove the anti-speed toner.

And this gave a great opportunity to live in the night. He shredded from all the defenders around the German team, and everyone did not respond.

Because the speed of the night is really too fast, even the camera is not coming and captured.

The picture from the night long-lasting filament has appeared on the big screen.

"It's a night long player!" He Wei suddenly excited.

A slam, night long wind flying fish, and the height of the jump is enough to make anyone's mouth barcenta O-form.

Miller looked up and jumped than he had a high body, and it was already can't say.

And the night-long wind is under the top of the football in the hands of Miller.

At this time, the night is like a king, Jun is in the world!

Even if the steel giant is only lost in the air, the body can't fall into the door, just like the majesty of the night, the emperor, the courtship, the surrender of the night.

Dangdang, Miller fell over the ball in the German Youth Team, at this time, Miller's super-strength can't hold football.

The football slipped from him, in the ball door of the German team, jumping

twenty one! Another time Xiao Junguang and the night-length wind combile bombarded the steel fortress of the steel giant handle!

This ball has nothing to say, there is no possibility of miscrosis.

"Enter! Enter! Enhance!" At this time, the media area is unlimited, as an explanation, he originally pressed the excitement in his own heart, but he couldn't help but start rushing through the microphone. .


"Haha, you have nothing to say!" More excited is the Chinese fans on the stage! .

1703 chapter, temporary lead (third more)

The entire Prans stadium became a red ocean, and this red ocean is more surging. ∥ ∥ × × ∥

Just now, the Chinese fans have been crazy after the goal of the goal, and they are crazy, screaming, venting the joy in their hearts.

"team leader!"

"Dry, long wind!" At this time, the Chinese youth court rushed to the night.

At this time, the night length of the ground, coldly swept the steel giant Miller, and immediately rushed to the corner of the corner.

After running around the corner clock in the corner, the night cost is back to the Chinese fans, and use the high hands to point to the back of the jersey, and make a classic Raul style celebration.

At this point, the fans who wear nights in the night, the fans of the jerseys were also back, and the whole corner of the stands were a zero jersey, and the scenes look very spectacular.

"God of War! God! God!" Head on the stage, the Chinese fans waved the red towel in his hand, and shouted.

The whole court echoed to the night's responses, this scene was loyal to the camera of the camera to a TV screen from the thousand households in the Oriental motherland.

Many older generations of Chinese fans have flowed excited tears, and the name of the Chinese war god revived the Shenzhou mainland.

At this moment, the night's wind has quietly started his zero legend.

Zero is equal to the night length, the night length is equal to zero, in the future football, the zero jersey is destined to be a sacred number.

"It was actually broken twice for two consecutive times. Where did the Chinese come come out?" Taking the platform of Miller's coach cartoise, he died, and he died stared at the night-hearted wind and other people who were celebrating on the court. .

In the eye, Miller is already the most perfect goalkeeper in the world, no one can break the goal of his handle.

But there is nothing wrong with the football field.


The zero numbers behind the night-long wind jumps mean unlimited possibilities!

"The original night, the guy is not working with us, there is no effort.!" On the stage, the Italian door god Hilnande muttered.

After seeing the strength of the steel giant Miller, Haiernandi has never called himself to be the first Europe.

"The landscape of the world football is changed!" The French team sighed in the heart of Pierre.

"Captain, or I have been domineering as before!" On Tai Siki touched his nose, his face smiled.

"Ah, Changfeng is more serious than playing in South Ge!" The pole lady is always locking the night.

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