The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1672 of the Chapter 1672 of the Prince of Tennis

In the first half, the unhappy engineer Cartrons is like a person, and it began to seriously.

"Ah, the German team Kartriple breaks the ball. He finally found his state?" He Yuxi was surprised, he was quite understanding Car Luz.

In the Hamburg Youth Team, Schneider and Ruolin San one attacked, but the link between this is the Kartriple of this nickname.

Karuz kicker is a little lazy, and many times I like to save the ball, but once Karuz is serious, it can explode very amazing power.

Hamburg Youth Military Can dominate the entire European Youth Levan last year, Cartrons is also a very important ring. He attacked and defensive balances, all techniques are first-class, such players are not very common on the international competition.

bass! After breaking the ball, Kartrons took the ball quickly.

"I want to go!" China's young team midfield Ma Mingyu rushed to Car Ruz, and it was directly flooded.

Kartrons is a smart and rush ball and then the right foot, and suddenly it flashes Ma Mingyu, breaking through the midfield line.

"Beautiful people! It seems that Carriz is really resurrected!"

! Just in the moment of Kartrons over Ma Mingyu, a red lightning rushed to Car Ruz, this time is a night.

Kartriple suddenly broke out, so that the night's wind had to open his defenders, Zeida, to defend Carriz.

"Oh, it is good!" Cartrig came to see the night long rushing, directly put the football, and followed the German defender player behind him, and the football directly opened the football to the front field.

Snapped! At this point, Schneider, who is in front, jumps in the air, stops the football falling in the air with the chest.

"Wonderful cooperation! Do you want to wake up in the second half?" He Wei is a little worried about the suspension of the ball, and he does not stop to the Chinese youth team. The German emperor Schneider.

Next to Schneider and two strikes in Magas and Georgia have to kill the big ban. In the district, it attracts the attention of other players of the Chinese team.

At this point, the Chinese youth team is banned. Before the district, the defensive drag Xiao Junguang is still resolutely rushed to Schneider, because Schneider's worst power, Xiao Junguo does not want Schneider to break through the ban. The opportunity to shoot! .

1705 chapter, German, black son (fifth more)

In the previous contest, Xiao Junguang was eaten by Schneider. This time, China Dragon God is full of strength. The whole body is tight, ready to have a hard time in the German emperor. * ■ ■ insects *

At this time, no one thought that Schneider actually passed the ball, his left foot back to the left side, while the right side of Xiao Junguang did not have the ball.

"What!" Xiao Junguo turned back.

! Turning football is taken by a white lightning, and a breath is killed into the big ban on the Chinese youth team.

It is the gesture that has just played. This forward player is really no sense, leading to the Chinese youth team guards at all not noticed him.

"When is this guy here?" China Youth Team has been banned. There is no way in the district, Li Yufeng and Sun Jihai rushed out.

Gee should look at the body is not as strong as other German team players. Two tall Chinese team guards look completely lock the route of the spaghetti and pass.

"The German team of the German team took the ball, can he break through the defense of Chinese players?" He Wei is also nervous.

If the gerice will pass the ball, the football returns to the big ban. In the district, the Schneider is under the foot, Wang Dalei is not likely to stop the shooting of Schneider from this close, this ball is also very dangerous to the Chinese team.

"Don't let him pass!" Xiao Junguang shouted with Li Yufeng and Sun Jihai, and at the same time, he also told it back to Chanel.

In addition, the front of the Chinese youth team Wang Dalei is also engraving his hands, and it is all on Schneider, and everyone will definitely find a way to pass.

Let the players on the audience and the players in the scene are stunned, and the gerice suddenly disappeared in front of Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai.

That's right! Really disappeared, even the camera does not capture the action!

"What happened?" Li Yifeng and Sun Jihai looked back, the back of the jersey, the back of the jersey, was already behind them, just that they only felt that the wind was brushing from her own, did not make any reaction.

"What!" He Wei, the media area, is also surprised, "How did he do it? The German team of the German team has created a single-handed ball!"

He Wei said, facing the Chinese youth team, the gesture directly left footed push the lower left corner, and pay attention to Wang Dalei, who has just made a react, and the football has rolled into the goal.

twenty two! I just opened ahead, the German team was like a team, and the mysterious player just sent to the game, I went into a mess, and even the German team players were somewhat.

"What happened to the breakthrough?" It was surprised in the eyes of the pole.

"I didn't see it, I have never seen such a player!" Ju Lin face on the side is surprised, he is playing more than a year in Germany, but never heard of Germany. Players.

"The guy is just like a transparent man!" The French core Pierre on the stage was so summoned.

"Go go!"

"We are equal!" After watching the fans in Germany were also worked, they looked at the score on the scoreboard turned into the fans of Germany!

Lightning-like breakball, lightning-like breakthrough, lightning goals!

This is the traditional lightning battle of the German chariot, typical German goal!

After the goal, the 19th players returns a very low, and the Schneider next to him hooked up his hands and him, but in the eyes of others, the goal is like the emperor of Germany, not this existence. Poor gems.

"What is it just now?" Wang Dalei, who was goalkeeper in front of the Chinese youth team, was still in the state of the hair, and Li Weifeng and Sun Jihai were even a husband and two monk.

A moment, a moment, really like a transparent person, which makes the Chinese team's defense can't work.

"Kao! How is the guy like a black child!" Night lived on the gesture, the brain has emerged in the brain that has encountered in the basketball world in the basketball world.

The same body is short, the same existence is poor.

"Why is there a player in the world of football, or a German!" Night winds are somewhat speechless.

And the black child has played a long time, the night length of the basketball, very clearly, knowing what the gems used.

The legendary MISDIRECTION, will guide the opponents, the audience, and even photographers guided to their teammates or the football under the foot, deliberately let others pay attention to themselves.

Night wind never thought that someone can do this on the football court, which also confirmed the sentence, on the football field, nothing is impossible.

"I don't know what extent!" Night long wind and god, because the German team has the relationship between Schneider's 'super big light bulb', so it is unfavorable to use MISDIRECTION.

And from the slow lens back, Gestor also has a football technology that Kenzhe also does not have.

The striker skills of the ball, breakthrough, shot, etc. are not inferior to the other striker in the country, which means that even if MISDIRECTION, Geor can make the Chinese team's latter defense line pain.

..... ...

Now he uses MISDIRECTION, just like cheating.

Of course, the night is more concerned, not only this, if MISDIRECTION, it means that the gerice is very clear how to take advantage of the attention, that is, the gems is likely to reverse MISDIRECTION, if so, it is even more bad. solved.

In addition, the German team is now equipped with the score, and the morale is greatly enriched, Cartrons also woke up, and Schneider also returned to the location near the midfield.

At once, the midfield of the German youth team occupied an absolute advantage, and the night's wind is still able to defend someone. Otherwise it is Zie Si Tower, or Schneider.

If you start, if they start passing, there is no way.

Unless other midfielders in the Chinese team can play a super-level, the Chinese team's midfield is likely to compete with the German Qing å.

At this time, when the night's live wind is a little, it will work in Nange, and Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu are also good, but they and the world's top middle field young players, such as Sheisa and Cartrons, etc. Big gap.

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