The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1673 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

To change this extremely unfavorable situation, the night grows only again!

On the field, the Chinese youth team teamed.

At this time, the Chinese youth team seating area coach Juns had already sat up, he stood up, and his face was anxiously glanced at the players on the tension.

Juns hesitated, he is hesitant to play the card! .

1706 chapter, all-round soldiers (first more)

"Give me the ball!" At this time, after the night is in the middle of the football, Wu Junren slowly said. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ =

Snapped! Wu Junren did not hesitate, put the left foot and brought the football directly to the night.

The gesture goal makes the night long wind have to change the tactics arranged in the previous half, and now the Chinese youth team is not the state of mobilizing other players, but go to the ball.

On the football field, many times the morale is more important.

On the court, after the night's wind, the left foot forwarded, directly selected the midfield line of the German Youth Team.

"It's coming, the long wind wants to take the tube!" I really understand that the night of the night is sitting straight, in South Geye Night, when the team needs him, He will stand up without hesitation.

"Is that guy wants to be a manpower?" At this time, Schneider, who was in the Chinese youth team, looked back at the back of the zero-like mobile, his feet, the beginning of the consciousness, Schneider desperately Go back back.

Because he has a kind of premonition, this ball will open a personal offensive mode, so far, the German team still does not find a good way to solve the night's wind.

"Let's stop!" At this time, the midfielder of the German Youth Team almost rushed to the night length, and the night long wind formed a heaven.

This kind of scene has experienced numerous times, but now there is a group of talented youth who played in the European Professional League, not in the Southern Dynasty.

At this time, the night-catching wind will generally choose to pass, but this time, he did not.

At this time, the night length image is suddenly changing the wind, and the frequency of the swing of the two legs is started. The two legs are like a wind like a wind. At the same time, there are two feet in the night. Dial, and it is a continuous single foot change.

"What!" The German Youth Square is stupid. No matter how it is forced to grab the football of the night, the football under the long-term football is reassemble, but it is easily broken by the night's growth.

"It's too powerful! The night-long player broke through the midfield line of the German chariot!" He Wei, the media area, is also excited.

The technique of night long winds is unique, not only the gorgeous players in the South American players, but also the fast, more Asian players.

He is like integrating a lot of style and creates a new technology.

"Yes, night! That's this, you are the most talented player, you will will create a new type of player in the future football, body and technology have met the perfect warrior!" China Youth League District Inside, Juns also returned to the coach.

I haven't come to the finals yet, I don't have to have, Juns still doesn't want to hide the card in their hands.

"You let me open, let me go to him!" Just when the night grewer broke through the front of the German youth team, German engineer Cartrons rushed up.

At this time, the speed of the speed of the speed has entered a state of a person, and the night costs don't know if it is so long. The technology of his Messi dish is just rising from the advanced. Master.

This makes the night-catching wind with a faster frequency, more delicate technology, and football has become part of the night-catching body, an extension.

"This is mine!" At this time, Cartrons rushed to the night, and directly split it.

"Football should be free!" And the night's long wind suddenly traveled in high-speed, and he donated.

"Danger!" There is Chinese fans on the table, if the night is always informing, he will be embraced by the back to Car Luz.

bass! At this time, the night long-lasting foot pulled the ball, and the body is like a gyro, which is generally turned 180 degrees.

In the first moment, the night grows and Karuz, and the movements are light and elegant, and there is a kind of charm that can not say.

"What do you feel?" A foot shovel is in the original place, there is such a moment, he feels that God is playing with him with a spatical jersey!

"Miller! That little child is coming!" Look at the private coach trainer of Taiji and shouting in Miller.

"I know!" The German Youth Team has a big steel giant, open the arms, and the two wrists have hit the closed needle. There is a temporary return to the peak.

At this time, the night long wind has been coming to the German Youth Team. The front along the front of the district, and three German defenders rushed out.

"Before! China War!" All Chinese fans on the stage gathered to the night-catching wind, far in the motherland's mainland countless audience, the audience is also nervous to hold the fist .. ....

bass! The night's live wind has chosen a breakthrough, and it seems that it seems to have an initiative to enter the circle of three players.

"Don't let him shoot!" The German team coach is still roaring.

"Ah, surrounded, the night long player will choose a shot or pass it?" He Wei said the sound.

The night long-term wind left is a ball, and then turn around and back to the defenders in front of it.

Then, when the German defender on the right side of the night, the night length turned on the left side of the football to the left side, and the night is getting rid of two defensive players.

When the German guards on the left side are about to roll the ball, when the border is destroyed, the night long-term wind turns forward forward, and then the football will call again.

Then the right foot pull ball is turned around, which is done in just a short instant.

"What!" The three defenders such as the German team came back, and the night-lived winds left the back shadow of the zero jersey that was blown by the wind blowing.

"Wonderful experience, Scorpio! I have never seen such a gorgeous footsteps in the European League!" He Wei in the media area was shocked.

"No matter how many times, this footsteps are all unsubueled!" Look at the football prince Sange

The ice princes from the night Changzhi, let him cherry in the brain, and the night's greatest goal is killed in the night.

"I must signed him, I have to bring him into the most top professional league in Europe!" There are still many clubs on the stage, and they are excited, they all discovered a future alone. The Emperor Superstar.

At night, the long wind has dropped the German team owner, only the German steel fortress Miller was left in front of him.

"Going! Captain!" The Chinese youth teams shouted.

The steel giant Miller looks solemnly, he is dead to stare at the night, and the half will not leave the goal!

The ball door is his home, no matter how strong night is long, Miller will not make a good night's wind in his own home! .

1707 chapter, progressive speed (second more)

"Don't attack, it's really confident!" The night's cold sweeping glance with Miller in front of the door, then suddenly on the right foot of the football, swing behind the left foot. ± miscellaneous

"Take a shot!" He Wei roared.

"Schneider, looted him!" At this time, the night long heard the yell of Cartrons's big voice, followed by the night long wind energy felt a sharp wind swept behind the back.

It is the German emperor Schneider, he does not stop chasing, and finally catching a night with a night in front of the door, and the moment when the night is soaked, it is desperate to rush to the front of the night, and the night grow Make almost the same action.

"It is a Schneider player. He seems to have long expected to go to the front of Germany. He actually retrans to his own goal!" He Yizhen is full of surprises.

"One goal into the soul!" Night live wind, no matter who, he lifted the left leg of the back, the muscles were completely launched. At the same time, the night long wind body is like a tiger, and the whole person will focus on the left leg. On, then lightning.

"Flash shooting!" And at this time, Schneider opposite the night-catching wind is not hesitant to swing the right leg, and the strongest killing shot is displayed.

This is two consensus until the top of the strong ball, all of the entire Pans Stadium will give a look at the two big king.

"Ah!" Just in this moment, the first rebound was reversed, the German emperor Schneider, his strength is very strong, but the power of the night is the top of the world, Schneider has not reached This kind of realm, so he was directly flying to the air, and he fell before the German team.

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