The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1674, Chapter 1674, Chapter 1674

"What!" The German fans on the stage have a mouth and can't believe their eyes.

The night-catching wind is not finished, completely suppressed Schneider, and he is also retired after the rebound rebound.

The football in the two people is actually rotated in the place, just like the wind, usually, it seems like there are four or five football.

"Blocking! Schneider blocks the shooting of the night-long player, but the danger of the German team has not been lifted, the night long player has an opportunity to shoot!" He Wei's mouth is getting faster and faster.

When the night length is instantly started, the right foot is in front, the left foot is once again.

"Can't let him shoot again!" The German team coach is crazy outside, and he can't hate the shooting of the night long wind.

bass! At this time, Kartrs rushed up after the night, and the German emperor Schneider was also supported by both hands. He directly climbed to rush to the night long wind, a pair of gentleness in front of the night length.

! At this time, the football also rotated on the foot of the feet and kept, and the night length sweeped the Schneider and Miller in front of him, and the mouth is not easy to make sense.

! Night long winds suddenly swung the left foot, so that everyone did not expect that the night cost did not choose the shot, but the left foot bow gently jumped a non-stop football.

At this time, the football is in the high-speed rotation, and the night length of the left foot, the football fly immediately, and it is the curve of the arc to deviate to the German Youth Team Gate.

"Ah, it is shot!" He Wei is also surprised to call, he originally thought that the night length will have a strong shortage, because the ball is really too close, with the strength of the night, even if there is The blocking of German and Miller is also very likely to force goals.

"Miller!" Schneider shouted.

"Reassured, this kind of ball is invalid to me!" At this time, the German young team of the steel giant is like a gorilla to see the fragrance. The banana, the flexible left high speed moved.

In the peak state, Miller's nerve reflection is superman, even if Lin Yuan is still very powerful, even if the night's ball is very embarrassing, it is not a powerful shooting of Miller. Can be grasped in one hand.

"My ball is not a shot!" The mouth of the mouth is long.

bass! At this time, the football of the rotary flying to the lower left corner of the goal suddenly fell on the grass before the goal.

At this time, Miller suddenly landed suddenly, but it was still lightning. Go to the right hand to catch football.

! At this time, let the audience stunned, and the football that was to be seized by Miller before the door, actually like a spirituality, automatically returned.

! Miller has grided his eyes, and he fell on the ball before he had.

At this time, the red figure that has been ignored before the German team has been flashing out, and the left foot is rolled back, and the football is simply destroyed in the ball door of the German youth team.

Is Wang Zhongming!

He has been waiting for this opportunity to go to the goal, and the night is a chance to create an almost empty door, and Wang Zhongming is a laughter.

32! The Chinese team has once again achieved leading advantages, and the night's live wind has also harvested a wonderful assists.

"Enter!" Wang Zhongming after tomorrow, Wang Zhongming, very excited to run to the night, and smiling at night, holding Wang Zhongming on the back, then carrying him to the corner.

Wang Zhongming held his hands and clasp into a punch, and in such a key game, I went into the ball in such a key game.

"Mrs is wonderful! The audience friends, the goals just now are too exciting, and the night-long player is agarized with the defense line of the German chariot, and finally in the big ban. District, the high-top technology will send football to teammates. Under the feet! Perfect cooperation! "After He Wei worked again, he went back to the gods and started to blow away.

"Haha, go go!"

"We are leading, Laozi is touched to cry!" China's fans on the stage were boiled, followed by the iron fans of the night long wind.

After witnessed the night's wonderful performance, these fans have become dead.

"It's great, the captain, loyalty!" At this time, everyone of the Chinese youth teams also rushed to the corner. Everyone was full of smiles.

All fans who love Chinese football are immersed in unprecedented joy.

"What is the ball that is just that the ball is that the night is doing?" The day on the stage wrinkled to Xiaolang.

"I want to use the long wind to use football to rotate, then he will return the football after the face of the stronger anti-direction, this kind of ball is not able to kick the demand for the ball. Go out! "If Lin Yuan, the three hands hold down the chin, and slowly say his opinion.

"He is still progressing, this is the most terrible thing!" The shine of the three shines on the side of the squad, he can feel the night cost of the current, when he kicked the ball in Musashi, the night cost encountered It is completely different.

This progressive speed makes the football prince's talents are incredible.

1708 chapter, keep confrontation (third more)

"It seems that we can't lose!" At the heart of Argentina, the heart of Argentina laughed. + + worm

From this German and China's game, the Chinese Youth Team is obviously reserved when the Argentine Youth Team is played, and the at least no life is not fully engaged.

"This is a crisis in the first time!" French Pierre looked at the score on the slogboard and slowly said.

"Ox!" At this time, Schneider bite his teeth, and the angry fire is boiling to the limit. The Schneider is actually unbearable.

To a certain extent, Schneider and night long winds are very similar, but if Schned continues to use this hard-moving mode, he cannot take advantage of it.

Until now, Schneider's right leg is still a bit numb, just as a big feet, the feet of the night.

The competition continued, the midfielder German team served.

After the Chinese team is once again, the momentum of the German youth team has been significantly affected. Only Schneider is instead of being excited.

"Give me the ball!" Schneider returned to the midfringing ball, and Cartriple made the football to Schneider.

"We are!" Schneider looked at the right hand, indicating that the German youth team was pressed, this game, Schneider has been caught in the quagmire of the night-catching personal confrontation.

Now Schneider has decided to crush the Chinese team's defense with the collective advantage of the German chariot. In order to win, the German small emperor also can't lose their own personal.

The Prescation Stadium is midfielding, the German team quickly entered the ball.

Schneider pushed the football to Zeisa, and She Si Tower was passed to Car Ruz, and the German team was very smooth, and precise.

This is true of German football style. They are like a strict machine, and they do not hesitate to implement Schneider's command dispatch.

"Alley, keep on the right!"

"Mather, don't let Zie Si Tower easily break through.!"

"Haidong, don't rank!" At this time, the night is also returning to his own half, directs the line of defense of the Chinese youth team.

When the night, the wind is now, the talents of the command, this can not be redeemed, but he experienced the world before the basketball team.

Although in the world of football, the gods in the past, the gods have been gray, and they cannot be used on the football field.

However, there are also those feelings of his consciousness, including the night's wind, and because the night long-term muscular memory is still in the world of tennis, using zero cutting ball.

In the world of the black child basketball, the most popular wind is to organize the defender. He is very good in the field of play. In those competitions, the night growers will be inspired with the next command.

Now that the night grows, it has also begun to show his commands on the football court. The Chinese youth team did not panic in front of the German powerful offensive under his command.

Of course, the German young team will still have an advantage, and the night grows has to let the Chinese youth team will continue to retreat.

The German Youth Team will quickly advance the front of the Chinese youth team. The frontier of the district, but they will come here, because the Chinese youth team is banned. The area is already full of people, if you want to break through, It is easy to surround.

Everyone in the front field of the German youth began to ban in the Chinese youth team. Before the district, the football is delivered, looking for opportunities.

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